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Tendo Ryuken

Member Since 28 Jun 2012
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In Topic: How Kishimoto could have made Sakura popular

04 May 2015 - 09:07 AM

Kishi himself said that he was bothered by Sakura's unpopularity in an interview and tried to fix this by drawing her "beautifully" (LOL), so that means he expected her to be popular somehow and then though wrongly that she wasn't popular not because he screwed up her development and consistency but because he didn't draw her beautiful enough :zaru:


this has been always my last resort of defense ever since kishi said that TBH. thank you for reminding me


about being stalker. this is kinda off topic so i put this in a spoiler


ops goldenarms answered already. i was too slow lol

In Topic: How Kishimoto could have made Sakura popular

03 May 2015 - 01:37 PM

hmm. mind telling me which flashback?


as i said i was a bit ranting on my previous post. its not like i believe that girl(momo) said, or rather i dont want to believe it. its just frustating for me to unable to deny it, seeing how much kishi tought of naruto sasuke and kakashi/obito compared to sakura.


about the creative part. well currently theres no way to calculate creativity so i will not argue about that. the only thing i can say as a reminder is, manga industry in japan is a tough world and kishi survived there for 15 years and still counting

In Topic: How Kishimoto could have made Sakura popular

03 May 2015 - 07:03 AM



v. stalkedstalk·ingstalks
2. To follow or observe (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession, admiration or derangement.

Now, are you going to say this doesn't fit Hinata ?

only once. when naruto set off for training with jiraiya. the very last chapter of part 1.


back on sakura. ive been trying to convince peoples that kishi truly liked and cared of sakura, but ironically i cant even convince myself. just recently i remembered a conversation i had with someone on an online game a few years ago. if i recall correctly it was early part the war arc. lets say her name was momo. our conversation was like:


momo said to kill the naruto sasuke yaoi possibility and to fuel their rivalry yahagi suggested a girl as their team mate and possible love interest for both of them. but instead of using the design he already had (said design later given to hinata), kishi created a new female character (sakura) for this role because he is selfish and will never let the rival (sasuke) near hinata. the other thing momo said was kishi decided to make sakura the heroine because he was fully awared of his inability to write a good female character and he expected sakura to be naturally likable without alot of effort. and something like kishi wrote sakura's story to fit the plot while for some other it was the plot to fit their story.


i was just laughed of how riddicolous momo's idea was. and i only argued a little because i didnt take them seriously. but she said something that give me a chill to remember 'after the series ended you will realize i was right all along'. i cant help but thinking momo might be right. lets say i had been waiting for sakura's yin seal for along time. but the seal's timing dissapointed me big time. 3 years required to store the chakra. the war lasted for 2-3 days. but the seal completed just right after sasuke's arrival WTH was that? why did kishi bothered us with alot of wasted pages of tobito and rin's kitten while said pages would be much better for scene where sakura motivated to complete the seal for the incoming war? why did he named chapter 4 Hatake Kakashi not Haruno Sakura? for future tobito and rin idiotic drama?.


IF kishi cared of sakura. his creativity could handle the rest of the job. but she even slipped his mind... nuff said


PS im sorry if my post is a bit ranting. im getting emotional back then

In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

13 March 2015 - 08:48 PM


On Sakura’s Love Letter scene - Kobayashi laughingly brings up the unusual scene where Sakura gets a love letter [during the war]. Kishimoto explains that the reason for that was to give the anime team a lead for a [filler] story, because if they just kept doing the war arc at the pace they were going at then they would catch up with the manga. Kobayashi says this ‘Love letter incident’ is an unbelievable occurrence, and Kishimoto admits that he didn’t know what to write, he just had to put something. Kobayashi finds this hilarious and asks ‘so your answer was a love letter, then?’


This bolded part Catches my eyes and i got 2 questions. i was going to put them on spoiler just to be save, but i got in trouble with the new forum stuffs lol


1. i might be wrong, or there was mistranslate, or whatever but this statement sounds like kishi intended for SP to make any filler based on the love letter scene. so, did SP really make any filler based on this?


2. just ignore this question if i was wrong on Q1. i just checked naruto wiki and i found this scene published around may 2011 on the manga. surprisingly there are at least 2 famous NS(not SS lol) filler after this, they are the nadeshiko village and mecha naruto, not to mention road to sakura and road to ninja. many NS fans (well actually every NS fans ive met) believed SP was behind the NH ending. can anyone here explain those SP's fillers vs kishis's 'lead' then?


i may overlooked/missread/or anything (even biased lol) so feel free to correct me if i was wrong



Why did Yaegi leave?


do you mean Yahagi? if i recall correctly kosuke yahagi promoted to chief editor on WSJ

In Topic: NS Project: REVISION

20 January 2015 - 01:23 AM


thanks for your understanding. as everyone knows im not really an ns fan myself. but ive been interested on nh and ns difference in opinions for years (im neutral on ss and sk. and i hate sh) think this project vs kishi's ending can be a good way to see the difference. just curiousity and nothing else