Core samples have been taken from the ground and studied the various different layers of rock/dirt and have showed this repetitive cycle as well (burnt crust and ice layers as well.) The 3 Ice Age movie is about this cycle, (the animals have to survive the constant melting down of the glaciers moving south, adapting to a warmer climate/new land, and the shift of glaciers going back north.)
It you ask me Al Gore and some of the other environmentalist have been making a big profit off of this, I'm not saying we're not contributing to it but i believe God made the earth to take care of itself. I do believe we need some emissions law to keep acid rain from forming and decrease the chance of people getting cancer but Russia, China, and India sure don't seem to care were actual reports of acid rain have occurred.
My whole point of this is because of the newest bill our dear president is trying to pass and if it does all the small refineries and chemical plants will shut down because of having to pay a carbon taxes that would cost over a $100 million dollars. The bill has already made it through the house and is currently in the senate please try to convince others to not support the bill and keep America from going into a depression and all of the smaller towns/cities would be mere ghosts towns/cities.