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#991165 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 08 June 2024 - 10:24 PM

i'm gonna be 32 in august

#990810 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 02 December 2023 - 10:53 PM


Well, it didn't stop me with the One Piece live-action series. Shockingly, I didn't care for the franchise back in the day, even during the 4Kids era, but watching it now, it is really good.

at least the studio that did the one piece live action learned from their mistakes with cowboy bebop shocking i know plus they got oda involved and if he didn't like what they were doing it was a no go. granted it seems they did alot of condinsing of the east blue arc 

#990687 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 17 October 2023 - 11:05 PM

Question, what was wrong with Sakura falling in love with Naruto? What was wrong with her changing her feelings? 

you know i asked that same question and never get an answer


Nothing. People just wanted her out of the way because they assumed Hinata "deserved" Naruto.

pretty much.

though i use that to my advantage when making hinata evil. there in her mind only she is worthy of naruto's love is insane about it. think if juvia went full evil on any woman in the series

#990120 Is Naruto the Last the worst movie?

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 13 July 2023 - 01:52 PM

Question... did Kate Higgins phone it in?

i'd like to think everyone phoned it in given the story was dumb even by naruto standars 

#990068 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 07 July 2023 - 05:14 PM


I agree Chatte didn't deserve to go through any of that on twitter, and I practically see what goes on over there on a daily at least once which... it's ridiculous to see what kind of nonsense goes down there. 



The fact that they continue to do  the things that they did is just infuriating, but it's something that doesn't really surprise me anymore these days. 


it's not just with Narusaku fans either,  I feel like EreHisu (my AoT pairing)  gets treated the same way by EreMika fans and I was like.... this is turning into Naruto all over again.


Not anyone here of course, but EreMika fans I feel have the same entitled immature takes that NH/SS fans have been giving NS fans over the years. They feel so threatened over Attack on Titan No Requiem which is a harmless fan project by people who weren't happy with the ending and wanted a satasfactory ending with Eren's Character conclusion in the same vein as Naruto's character conclusion. 


So when I saw the kind of backlash Chatte was getting with her Kaika Saisei project the only thing running through my mind was.... you guys (NH/SS & EMs < - Ending Defenders) can't seem to let other people have fun in their own safe space. 

sounds like it's not one of us things from like the 50s sci-fi movies

#990050 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 06 July 2023 - 01:53 PM



It was really fun to have you, Vanitas, Steve, and BlueStar be apart of it! 

hopefully next time blue is in a better mood 

#989915 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 22 June 2023 - 06:19 PM

can anyone see this happening in naruto and sakura giving this speech 

#989842 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 14 June 2023 - 11:12 PM

Plus there's the concern Riku had for how Ansem/Xehanort had used him in the course of the first game, and Riku being blinded by the guilt on his conscience for letting himself be used dud to his jealousy.

plus the whole thing that he looked like ansem form his duel with roxas from 358/2 days. but at least riku was watching over sora as nanime tried to fix him from chain of  memories

#989328 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 29 April 2023 - 10:50 PM

Same with Bakugo.  He's been nothing but a complete bastard towards Deku since they were kids and now he's trying to make amends for it by apologizing to him for everything that he's done and genuinely trying to look out for him, even when he told All Might that he knows that won't be enough to atone for his abuse. 

Worse, they(and by extension, Kishimoto) excuse his actions by simply shifting the blame over to external forces and pretend that he had no agency in his decisions whatsoever.    Sasuke betrayed Konoha?  Oh, it's not his fault, it's Orochimaru's.   Sasuke wants to destroy the Leaf Village?  Oh, Obito put that idea in his head, so it's not his fault.  Sasuke killing a Hokage? Uhhh...?(MOVING ON!) Sasuke being insane and trying to kill his former friends at any given turn?  Oh well, Uchihas are genetically dispositioned to lose their sanity because their capacity for love is too great for them to mentally process. :twitch:   

That's what i like about my hero the characters know they screwed up and are trying to make up for it and they know it won't be easy

i blame kishimoto mostly for the sasuke getting off easy since he broke the rules over and over just to save sasuke 

#989185 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 09 April 2023 - 06:36 PM

I doubt karin was trying to rape sasuke in that omake, moke like flirt.

Also most of the sakura bath scene don't have her sexulised, the 101st filler episode of naruto arguably might be taking it too far.

As for hinata you just have to look at the road to sakura Chinese outfit they gave for sexulised fanservice they gave her.

which is weird if that episode was to tie into the movie they got hinata wrong given how road to ninja hinata is in the movie

#989168 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 03 April 2023 - 10:56 PM


Hinata was pretty much just a minor character with regular animation during Part 1. Hinata and Neji's fight was nothing special.
Pierrot started to use her much more on the  fillers missions after Sasuke left around 2006
At this point was clear Pierrot wanted to use Hinata as a fanservice character and a possible pairing to Naruto since SS at the time was too strong.
The most ridiculous Filler was the one when she  was dancing naked on a lake and Naruto watching her.


funny i feel that filler arc is what most hinata fans go to for her which is creepy 

#988947 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 25 February 2023 - 11:44 PM

Well, I know I gave it a downvote.


The funny thing is many thinking Hinata is the best wife in Naruto.

it's just a report of the legacy games with two characters it's not even worth it i'll stick with the legacy collection i already have

pretty sure most of her fans aren't married or have been with a girl

#988349 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 10 January 2023 - 11:13 PM

This series honestly just isnt worth the time and effort anymore. Especially when we got so many other great shounen series that have come out since Naruto ended.

i just follow it to see how much worse it gets in boruto. 


Whats funny is early conception. Sasuke was suppose to have died during the fight with Haku but kishi was begged not to go through with it because Sasuke was popular. So much could have gone differently and and for the better if there was no bend to the trend here. That is just one example of it

cause we know after this sasuke had the most bs plot armor, you could make a game out of how many times he should have died in 

#988324 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 06 January 2023 - 10:31 PM

I could see a running gag where people joke about her being the real hokage despite Naruto officially holding the mantle.

same though it'd be true since what has naruto really done in his time as hokage

#988288 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by VanitasDS76491 on 02 January 2023 - 10:36 PM

They will probably ignore it. But if anything they are making Hinata the Scary mom type right now anyway so they are incorporating original Kushina either way. If it's gonna happen I want it done right, this is true. But overall I find it preferable to side character's side stories.

fair enough but that is a worry i have if minato gets his own story and they ruin kushina for hinata