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In Topic: Naruto Gaiden

23 April 2015 - 06:55 PM

is a while since I've come here but after this chapter I could not help myself.my opinion is that they will make sarada the focal point for drama of this manga just like they make sasuke in shippuden,i don't believe the sarada is karin's child I believe they did this to add suspense and mystery to the plot.in any case i really dont give a kitten anymore but I must admit that it's fun to watch other fandoms tremble

In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

11 March 2015 - 05:08 PM


True the only reason why I'm ww considering even giving Part 3 at least chapter 1 a chance is to see where things have gone since the ending of the manga. You know I remember talking with trang about how the chunin exams would be for the next generation considering the amount of technology advancement shown at the end. I can't remember exactly what I used to describe the changes, but it was something on the lines of how The Hunger Games play out minus the killing other children part. 

god luck with that I can not read such trash for me it is too disgusting :sick:  :down:

In Topic: Sakura Hiden

11 March 2015 - 05:02 PM

I'm pretty sure it's gonna be about how Sasuke and Sakura get together. The 'unknown feelings' is probably to try and lure people in like they did with that "Who is Naruto holding hands with??//?!1!" poster they showed while marketing The Last.

Kishimoto said it himself that he didn't know how to write SasuSaku and considering these novels aren't written by Kishimoto, then obviously he had to have someone else write SasuSaku for him. Pretty sad when you don't know how to write your own pairings. I think that further pushes the point that NH/SS was never meant to happen.


Besides, it'll probably contain another horrible murder of NaruSaku. Naruto confessing, getting turned down and then Naruto getting over Sakura. In The Last, Naruto didn't show any feelings towards Sakura, so it's possible he 'got over it' before the movie.

Ugh. It's sickening. It really is. That Naruto had to get over Sakura at all. The REAL Naruto would have never gotten over Sakura no matter what. Fuggin' studio pierrot knew this and that's why they had to come up with that weaker than wet tissue reason of why Naruto "never loved Sakura" in the first place. :down: I hope studio pierrot goes bankrupt and disappears from the face of the earth.


Anything Naruto related these days are not to be trusted when they try to drawn any pairing fans in. The only ones who give a crap are the NHtards and SStards. I don't think these marketers understand that we've been lied to and hurt enough and we're fuggin' done with them. They need to just drop Naruto and let it rot away like they made it to.

I am of the same opinion as you,it's gonna be about how Sasuke and Sakura get together from the point of view of Sakura or something like that,remember people kishimoto dinant explained that in the end of the manga and SS fans created a real nightmare about it so he gave them this.I am not interested at all in these books. :down: :down: :sick:

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

01 March 2015 - 04:52 PM

That's a lot of years of remaining depressed over the ending lol


I think it will take a long time to really move past Naruto, but it will happen (for hopefully everyone) eventually. Either that or the pain will be dulled with time. This is why I think it's a bad idea to still invest so much in complaining about it. It only reminds you of what didnt happen, what you wanted to happen, and makes it that much harder to ignore. At the very least everyone should do themselves a favor and not read the mini series. The whole thing is just a huge slap in the face, basically.

the best post that I read this week :yes: :thumb:

In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

01 March 2015 - 04:45 PM

I can't believe that some of u are gonna read part 3 and actually look forward to see character like sarada.



I have the same opinion after all kishimoto did to us................