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Member Since 09 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Nov 21 2014 02:21 PM

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In Topic: Naruto 663

11 February 2014 - 06:43 AM

I know we're already getting ready for the next chapter, but I finally got around to reading the offical translation of the chapter and can confirm that Sakura includes herself in Naruto's dreams in some way according to it. The text is as follows:


Your previously ridiculous dreams... No longer seem silly...


I won't... Won't let you die!


You're not going to die, no matter what!!


Not when we're so close!!!


In Topic: Naruto 663

05 February 2014 - 08:07 PM


Madara is on his way to the same location and he knows firsthand what happened to Sasuke. It's not out of the realm of possibility Madara to gloat about stabbing him...


Anyway, it was just a thought that came to me that I thought I would share. I can't see Sakura leaving Naruto's side to go see Sasuke because she's literally the only thing keeping him alive. At the same time, I have to wonder what her reaction would be like if Madara told her that he stabbed Sasuke too.

It's really not that complicated, she'd feel conflicted and be forced with a choice. Cue internal conflict, and she chooses to save Naruto first. Naruto levels up, tells Sakura to go find Sasuke, and fights Madara. At least that's my takeaway.

In Topic: Naruto 663

05 February 2014 - 07:41 PM

I suppose I'll have to do a special video on this one now.


I like where this is going, and have been hoping for something like this to happen for some time now. I'm still angry with the road it took to get to this point, but I will say that the climax of this arc is being handled extremely well. I'm really glad that Sakura's getting a role at this point in the story.


Now, for the big moment. It's CPR, yes. Nothing really that special about it on the surface, but there does appear to be a slight bit of subtext in the verbage.It is hard to say because it is a translation though. I'd love to see the RAW, and will also update on what the official translation is once it hits next Monday.


Reguardless, the only thing that came to mind for me when I saw it was The Matrix Reloaded. Nice moment that is open to interpretation and keeps the readers on edge for next week. I liked it! (For once, lol)

In Topic: 628

23 April 2013 - 03:16 PM

What's with all the sour faces? I totally understand the frustration, but come on guys, did you really expect Sakura to go out swinging in her return appearance? The only time you get that is from a dramatic rescue, and that's not needed at the moment. I actually agree with those that are saying her appearance is foreshadowing, because her concern is immediately echoed by the Kyuubi. Naruto's going to burn out at this rate because he's taking on a load that's clearly beyond his limits.

What does that mean for Sakura? I don't know just yet, but I don't buy that it's 100% throwaway fan service. Besides, keep in mind that it's Sakura, THE MEDIC, that is saying he's pushing himself too hard. That's significant folks. To me that says Sakura will have to intervene to buy Naruto time later on. We'll just have to wait and see though.

In Topic: Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3™

05 March 2013 - 07:45 AM

So I picked this up for 360 at midnight, and I can confirm that the DLC is included in the box, at least for Xbox360 (didn't get to check my friends' PS3 boxes). If you hit up a GameStop, you should be able to get the Goku DLC. You can get a 1 week trial of Neon Alley for free to get the rest of the characters. Anyways, I've only played around a bit with the story mode and a tiny bit of the multiplayer. Seems like more of the same, but refined. Beautiful as always, really looking forward to playing this more w/ friends tomorrow. Will give more thoughts then and compare the performance on both platforms. What is everyone playing the game on?