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#1 YukiNozomi212


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Posted 05 April 2015 - 04:08 AM


Hey guys, how's it goin'?

Okay, well I'm working on a research project for school (which I need to turn in this week--hello, procrastination) with my chosen topic of 'The Immersion and Fear of Fiction' and I need to survey or gather all your opinions on it to complete it.

(a really quick lil' summarized intro)
Fiction has been one of the most blissfully tempting forms of escape from reality, dilemmas of any form, and even from oneself. They're already incredibly hard to resist when they're provided in small quantities or accessibility; imagine just how much of an imbalance is caused between living through daily realities/lives and the irresistible immersion of the world of fiction/escapism now-a-days. And it's all due to one simple factor: mass distribution.
Technology and it's many glorious facets such as the internet, social media, the entertainment industries, etc. is the causing source (if not, the only or major source) of mass distribution. With fiction/fantasy/psychological forms of escape being so easily accessed (not to mention how they're pretty much served on a silver platter no matter which way you turn these days) the temptation to give in is so immense, it literally is irresistibly immersive, rising a fear of its power in many for the huge imbalance it has caused in our lives.

Many people can't distinguish what is real or not anymore, or have been too immersed in their better version of reality it's become its own truth. Other problems that this unavoidable life style has caused is the neglect of responsibilities, tasks, and the growing leniency towards our physical health and dealing with real-time situations.

"Fiction" here can be defined within the range of novels, TV shows, movies, music, video games, etc. Anything that helps you detach yourself from real-time present situations and the grounded and/or physical aspects of reality.

Those are a fast few of my 2 cents on this issue as a warm up on what i'm looking forward to hearing from you guys.

My questions are:
- What do you think the access of fiction is for us these days?
- Do you think they're easily accessed, so much to the point it threatens a healthy balance that's required in daily life styles?
- Do you believe fiction is healthy for us, or is needed? If so, do you believe it should be limited?
- How do you think technology's role is in terms of fiction in modern time?
- List your version of "fiction" or "an alternate version of reality" as your escapism and how it's helped or impacted you. How would you deal without it? And how much of it would you think would lean towards bad or good for you?

PLEASE PUH-LEEZ share your thoughts in this! I promise you'll be featured in my project haha! giving credit where credit is due, of course xD
I hope this little post at least gave you something worth thinking about wink emoticon


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#2 catsi563



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Posted 05 April 2015 - 08:28 AM

what do you think the access of fiction is for us these days.


technology as made it far easier to access fiction and non fiction via various media outlets--youtube, FF,net tumblr etc.


does it threaten a healthy balance.


No, a t least no more then television threated to unbalance book learning or radio threatened letter writing. it can however become like anything a danger if its overused or overindulged in.


is fiction healthy


Yes absolutely healthy, like all things indulged in moderation fiction provides an escape and allows us to stretch out imagination. this has been proven ins multiple studies to improve learning capacity and innovation. and should absolutely not be limited.


how has technology informed fiction


Primarily technology ahs had 2 effects on fiction. first it has allowed its spread via social media and the internet as well as more efficient publishing means. this insures fiction reaches a wider audience thus spreading new stories and creating better ones.


Technology has inspired new fictions, via its evolution. 

Godzilla-inspired by the atomic age

Matrix-inspired by computers and vr

Terminator--inspired by articial intelligence


technology shifts the paradigm of fiction almost as certainly as it shifts the paradigm of society


what ficitons have inspired me 


Almost too many to mention but comics, Tolkien, RE howards Conan, D&D, super hero RPGS, Naruto and this fandom isnpried my writing via NaruSaku.. WH40k, Star wars, star trek. and many many more. I think superheroes would be my main escape and if I didn't have them Id have to shift to fantasy sword and sorcery.


as to how ti could be bad? well If I got too engrossed to the point where I forgot my family and real world then it would be a problem. Escapism should never be a crutch.

My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

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#3 tricksie


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Posted 06 April 2015 - 05:38 AM




My questions are:
- What do you think the access of fiction is for us these days?
- Do you think they're easily accessed, so much to the point it threatens a healthy balance that's required in daily life styles?
- Do you believe fiction is healthy for us, or is needed? If so, do you believe it should be limited?
- How do you think technology's role is in terms of fiction in modern time?
- List your version of "fiction" or "an alternate version of reality" as your escapism and how it's helped or impacted you. How would you deal without it? And how much of it would you think would lean towards bad or good for you?

PLEASE PUH-LEEZ share your thoughts in this! I promise you'll be featured in my project haha! giving credit where credit is due, of course xD
I hope this little post at least gave you something worth thinking about wink emoticon



- What do you think the access of fiction is for us these days?

I think we have ample access to fiction, through Amazon, e-books. libraries, and bookstores


- Do you think they're easily accessed, so much to the point it threatens a healthy balance that's required in daily life styles?

Hmmmm, I think yes, it can overwhelm daily life. Yet, there is so much new content, it's not like a 24- or 48-  or even 72 -hour cycle counts anymore. I think it can update much more frequently, like every eight hours. And that changes the balance of your life if you're checking every 8 hours.


- Do you believe fiction is healthy for us, or is needed? If so, do you believe it should be limited?

I think fiction is healthy and needed. It helps people open their minds. 


- How do you think technology's role is in terms of fiction in modern time?

Um, I don't know exactly. All I can vouch for is Naruto, and the technology there keeps in pace with modern times. I think the part 2 was pre-modern, but part 3 is modern.


- List your version of "fiction" or "an alternate version of reality" as your escapism and how it's helped or impacted you. How would you deal without it? And how much of it would you think would lean towards bad or good for you?

Um, I think my version of fiction would include fanfiction. It's impacted me because it's caused me to write a different ending. And though it's neither good nor bad, it does impace my enjoyment of the series.


#4 harry4e


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Posted 06 April 2015 - 11:49 AM

- What do you think the access of fiction is for us these days?


Fiction is easier to access than ever, ever since Amazon was launched it's become easier than ever for us to read books, I think most people don't remember that Amazon started as a online bookstore. even sites like Fanfiction.net has given us options to read pieces of work from aspiring writers that you might never get to read if it was the old printed books only.

- Do you think they're easily accessed, so much to the point it threatens a healthy balance that's required in daily life styles?


Not at all, In fact I beleive that this easy access is a neccessity for the medium to still be relevent in the current climate, everyone is always busy nowadays, they don't have time to go to the library and rent a book, or even go to a bookstore and spend hours browsing the bookshelves reading back covers to find something they might like, with such things as online reviews and one click purchase it makes buying easier and when you have five minutes to spare you can start reading on your e-book device or mobile phone, and with services like audible you can listen to the fiction when you are travelling.


- Do you believe fiction is healthy for us, or is needed? If so, do you believe it should be limited?


Everything has a limit that a person should not pass, where it could become unhealthy, but for the vast majority I believe fiction is a very healthy for us, it works our mind, gets you thinking about scenarios, charactors development etc, your mind needs exercise just as much as anything else in your body and a piece of fiction is perfect in most cases, specially for a young developing mind. Fiction makes you think I believe,


Though ofcourse there is the other end with TV shows which is still fiction, where it could have a negative impact if over-consumed, but fiction as a whole is good for the mind I beleive.


- How do you think technology's role is in terms of fiction in modern time?


It is a neccessity, we already carry multiple items with us, a phone, a tablet/laptop, a book is one extra item that for most of us is too much, so when you can read a book on your tablet/phone, it's one less thing to carry and gives you access to a massive library to read. Also services like Audible, means that journeys to work where you are driving or standing on the train, you can still consume fiction, instead of listening to the same old songs on the radio. If the method of fiction distribution does not adjust to the times we live in, it will become a dying breed.


- List your version of "fiction" or "an alternate version of reality" as your escapism and how it's helped or impacted you. How would you deal without it? And how much of it would you think would lean towards bad or good for you?


I think for me it would have to be fanfiction that has the most impact, it allows me to read versions of a piece of fiction, from someones elses perspective, and think for myself if a charactor did one thing slightly different in the original material what could happen, it expands the universe more I believe. This is specially enjoyable when the original source is flawed quite a bit.


I think it makes me think more about the potential scenario's and about other points of views of people, the world is not as black and white I think, because I have read fiction from people from different cultures and different backgrounds and ages, I grew up in pretty closed community, and fiction has given me a way of reading other peoples views on life, and I beleive I'm allot more accepting of cultural and social differences than those who have grown up only knowing the same group of people with the same views.


#5 catsi563



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Posted 11 April 2015 - 05:56 PM



just curious how this is going

My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

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the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

Catsis Fan Fiction

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: open discussionfiction, society, internet, mass media, entertainment, psychology, fear, immersion, research

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