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#887240 Do Narusaku fans feel a smidgen of vindication with Kishi's revalation ab...

Posted by NarutoIzDaMan on 15 November 2015 - 02:16 AM

Sup ya'll hope everyone is doing well, I haven't been on these forums (or naruto forums) ever since Naruto ended last year and haven't followed the anime or any of the latest developments of the series (ie; the last; boruto) that followed. I was more than a little amused :lulz:  about the latest revelation that Kishi's wife of all people and the female staff at SP were ticked off at Narusaku (the only pairing which had any REAL development) not being end game. 


If you go look at my old posts here and on naruto forums you will understand my feelings on the Narusaku pairing and why I always felt like most here that it was the most likely pairing to become canon. Of course as we all know; all the development and progress went down the toilet for reasons that are starting to become more and more clear - outside pressure and lack of conviction/honor by the author Kishimoto.


However now that we do know for a fact that Kishi's own wife and the female staff at SP supported Narusaku all along; validating everything we saw and felt during the story of Uzumaki Sasuke - uh- I mean Naruto...the story was about Naruto (at least it was supposed to be :roll:) do you guys feel just a teeny weeny bit of vindication? Thoughts 



#687158 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by NarutoIzDaMan on 05 December 2014 - 03:29 PM

Not surprised in the least about what Kishi said cuz it's what I've suspected since the beginning of part 2 and now he's outright CONFIRMED it - He's a F'n  TROLL!!! 


If you look back at part 2 and leave out all the pairing/shipping hints there are still a number of plot holes, retcons, and head scratching moments that make you wonder - what's this guy doing to his his own story. All I can say is that Kishi's credibility took a MASSIVE hit if this is true. How are fans EVER supposed to invest, believe, or trust that he will deliver the goods when it comes to future projects.


If your goal is to do nothing but mislead people who are invested in your story then your reputation will forever be that of a TROLL.

#666918 Kishimoto on why Sakura is with Sasuke, and other horrible ideas.

Posted by NarutoIzDaMan on 20 November 2014 - 07:58 PM

All I have to say is WOOOOW :wot:  I always wondered what Kishi's TRUE mindset was and after reading this gives me all the insight that I need - the man is psychologically Fed up. He seems to have absolutely NO concept of just how messed up it is for a woman to continue to stay "attached" to a man who has abused her physically/emotionally. Then again, maybe he's just playing dumb and is trying to make any excuse he can to justify the BS ending to his manga and further promote the Naruhina movie so that he can milk even more dollars out his once great franchise (quality wise of course). 


Think about it, even after all these years DBZ is still one of the most beloved series of all time and the reason is because people CONNECTED to the characters on a personal level. Kishi on the other hand trashed all that and instead basically made all his "main characters" unlikable, unrelatable, pitiful, and ultimately unrecognizable. All I know is that I'm done with this series for good and on to better things.

#591920 Chapter 693

Posted by NarutoIzDaMan on 29 September 2014 - 07:07 PM


well... the fact that she loves him (as she said) stills remains...


True but the context of the whole chapter has completely changed now.


We all pretty much thought that Sakura was still invested in pursuing a romantic relationship with Sasuke when now it's obvious that is not the case at all. Sasuke thought otherwise (thinking of Sakura's 12 year old self) but Kakashi corrected him in saying that all she wants is to help save him, nothing more.


Everything makes sense now when you go back to the chapter when Kakashi first observed how Sakura's feelings for Sasuke have changed.

#591742 Chapter 693

Posted by NarutoIzDaMan on 29 September 2014 - 05:25 PM

I think it's pretty obvious by now that Kishi did all this for nothing more than "shock/drama" value, despite being written so poorly. Remember how people (including myself) reacted to Kakashi magically gaining both sharingan eyes and being able to use PS despite not have the EMS. It's really no different here, Kishi can easily remedy a situation with a single chapter. That's how poor of a writer he is but by now it's more than expected. This trend has been going on ever since early part 2 and hasn't really changed much up till now.


I still feel that we're in store for something big in terms of Sakura starting to come to terms with her feelings for both Sasuke and Naruto within the next 6-8 chapters or maybe even sooner than that. Hagaromo still sticking around gives me the feeling that he will use flashbacks a la last chapter (Sakura was able to see a part of Sasuke's conversation with Hagaromo) to help "open" Sakura's heart and eyes to who she truly loves.


Kishi is not as dense as we think he is, he is fully aware that most people question Sakura's feelings for Sasuke and there's a reason why he finally waited/stalled to address it till now - the manga is coming to an end. Lame execuse, no doubt but in this case it certainly is plausible. I'm just gonna kick back the rest of the way and enjoy the fight between Naruto & Sasuke and see how Kishi chooses to resolve this pairing mess he created so needlessly.

#589103 Chapter 693

Posted by NarutoIzDaMan on 26 September 2014 - 02:40 PM

I just wanted to drop by one last time and offer some words of encouragement  but before that yes,  Sakura’s character regressed several steps back and there is no way to defend it but this was done purposefully (albiet poorly executed) by Kishi to milk this stupid “pairing game” that he’s been playing for almost 15 years now to the bitter end like most expected.

Remember, Kishi is the king of TROLLING and it seems like a lot of people keep getting suckered in no matter how obvious or  transparent he is. How many times in this series has Kishi made a character look so bad only to redeem them sometime later? Longtime Naruto fans (myself included) will  remember just how pathetic Naruto looked for about 4-5 years chasing after Sasuke, wondering if he would ever be redeemed in terms of regaining his sense of self  confidence,  pride, and honor (all of which he showcased during the war).

The same can be said about Sakura (during the Kage Summit Arc), many people questioned if it were ever possible to redeem her after all the stunts she pulled during that time but she eventually did turn it around during the war (saving Naruto’s life, kicking butt, etc). I guess my point is that within the next 6-8 chapters, something will most SURELY happen to redeem Sakura’s character once again cuz that’s always been the pattern with Kishimoto.  This story is ultimately about (in Kishi’s words) “ a boy named Naruto” and it will most surely end on a POSITIVE note.  

TRUST me, Kishi cannot milk this “game” much further (2 months tops before the movie comes out) without there being some sort of resolution. Although he is a poor writer, Kishi has proven that he is a master at flipping the script on a dime and will ultimately “ammend” any wrong doings that he has done with his main characters some way some how and the same applies with Sakura. I don’t know how he will do it but my best guess is that Kishi will make Sakura finally come to realize her true feelings for Naruto  and sort them out during the genjutsu she’s currently in and/or with the help of Hagaromo (ex. Flashbacks).  We’ll just have to wait and see but I’m betting on things turning out for the positive. :happy:

#562017 WHAT IF Kishimoto decides for SS to be the end game??

Posted by NarutoIzDaMan on 12 August 2014 - 08:09 PM

I haven't been on these forums in a LONG time but I feel like I needed to make a post :sweat:


IF Kishi decided to make SS canon then he would basically be sending the message that it's OKAY to be in an abusive relationship PERIOD. There is nothing Kishi can do at this point to make SS a viable pairing without making Sakura's character look even worse than she has in the past.


Simply put, the only way Sakura's character is finally going to be "complete" is if she finally gets over whatever "hold/power" Sasuke has over her. It doesn't matter who she ends up with (or not) in the end, it just CANNOT be with Sasuke. Sakura's character will forever be tainted if she ended up with someone who tried to KILL her and oh by the way - Sasuke would end up looking like an even bigger doucebag than he already is if he actually agreed to give it a go with Sakura while knowing fully well that Naruto is in love with her.


Either way you slice it SS has absolutely NO positives going for it which is why I deemed it being dead as far back as 484 (Sasuke's murder attempt). The following chapters after that have only proven just how toxic this so called "potential" pairing is. I rest my case ladies and gentlemen..... :pimp:


For the record - NaruSaku is still the most logical and rational pairing outcome in the story