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#984466 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 09 June 2021 - 04:29 PM

Hello all!

It's been more than a few years, close to half a decade I guess since I left the fandom, not wanting to think of this series. I was cleaning up my emails and saw so many notifications from discussions on this forum. Old memories called me back here to see how things have been. 

Hope everyone is safe and doing well! 

#959386 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 31 December 2017 - 02:58 AM

Well even disregarding that.How did Madara acivate Susanoo without any eyes when Susanoo is a MS specific ability? So let's face it Kishimoto doesn't know how to defeat Madara because "he doesn't know what he is doing". He's forgetting the "rules" of his own universe

Everytime we see Kishi break continuity by forgetting his own writing, I'm reminded of this:

Sanderson's first law:

An author's ability to solve conflict with magic is DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL to how well the reader understands said magic.

If characters (especially viewpoint characters) solve a problem by use of magic, the reader should be made to understand how that magic works. Otherwise, the magic can constitute a deus ex machina.

Ideally, the magic is explained to the reader before it is used to resolve a conflict. Much like a sword or a large sum of money, magic is a useful tool. Understanding the tools available to a character helps the reader understand the character's actions. It avoids questions like, "Where did he get that?" or "How did he do that?"

"Mysterious magic" (or "soft magic"), which has no clearly defined rules, should, in genre fantasy, not solve problems, although it may create them. Soft magic in genre fantasy is usually used to create a sense of awe and wonder, and the workings of it aren't known to the reader and most characters. Brandon has said that J.R.R. Tolkien and George R.R Martin's use of magic is a good example of a soft magic system.

"Hard magic" on the other hand has rules explicitly described by the author, meaning that the reader can understand the magic so that solving problems with it doesn't seem to "mystically make everything better". Instead, it's the characters' wit and experience that solves the problems. This makes magic a tool which can be used to solve problems and enhance the story. L.E. Modesitt Jr. and Melanie Rawn, according to Brandon, write in this way.

The middle ground is a situation where the reader knows some of the limits and possibilities of the magic but doesn't understand its workings. Brandon has cited the magic in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series as a great example.

Sanderson's second law:
Limitations > Power

The limitations of a magic system are more interesting than its capabilities. What the magic can't do is more interesting than what it can.

Great limitations on magic systems will do many things, they will for example create struggle. It'll make characters work for their goals and if the magic system is limited it’ll make the writer and the character have to be more clever. Sanderson offers his own Allomantic Steel and Iron as examples of this: They allow you telekinesis with a few limitations, the characters can only push or pull directly away or toward themselves and the objects must be made of metal. This forces characters to work harder and encourages better writing.

An excellent magic system will also create tension, as the outcome is not obvious and makes the whole scene appear more dramatic. For example: Superman fighting an enemy is not very tense. But Superman fighting an enemy with Kryptonite is a lot more tense.

It can also create depth in the characters and the system alike. For example: A character whose power is flight. But impose a limitation where she can only fly when she is happy. Her mood and ability to fly are both now directly tied into the plot.

Limitations on what the magic can do can be simple - can't use when too tired, can only be used in the sunlight- but more complex ones are more interesting. Sanderson gives us an example "Will and the Word". A nearly limitless magic with nigh infinite power. You can make just about anything but cannot unmake or destroy. This limitation shapes the magic as a whole and tells the reader something of the magic's very nature.


Weaknesses and costs


Weaknesses and costs alike make a magic system more interesting. Weaknesses are generally harder to keep sensible and the kryptonite example has become a staple of easy storytelling. Brandon encourages writers to make up more interesting weaknesses than "Lose powers if x". Costs on the other hand are a great way of limiting a character and the use of the magic. In the Wheel of Time series the cost is that the users of the magic will slowly go insane, in The Stormlight Archive it's the stormlight and in Mistborn it's the metals.


Sanderson's third law:



Expand on what you have already, before you add something new.

"A brilliant magic system for a book is less often one with a thousand different powers and abilities -- and is more often a magic system with relatively few powers that the author has considered in depth."




It is important to consider the effects that a magic will have on a world. If for example your magic can create food out of thin air, what will that cause, what will happen? How will it affect trade, politics, warfare, education and social norms? Asking these questions and working out what effects your magic system would have will add depth to your world.



Another important point is to interconnect. Try to make the powers a character has seem like a coherent whole rather than separate abilities. In Mistborn, for example, magics were designed to be what thieves would want and then the powers named accordingly. Tying your powers together thematically is an important part of worldbuilding and expands the world, rather than adding to it.



Streamlining is also important in any magic system. Combining pre-existing magics and powers is often better than adding new ones. A different culture reacting to a magic entirely differently than what has been shown so far, is often better than a culture with its own unrelated magic system. For example: a simple heat-generating magic may be used by different cultures in very different ways. A warlike culture might use it for assault or for forging weapons, a peaceful one for heating and preparing food, for merchants for making products, nomads for powering transportation and so on.

Remember, however, not to streamline too far as that will make the single culture or character seem too packed and might decrease their plausibility.


If Kishi had known of these tips given by Brandon Sanderson, I think the story as a whole would have been better.


#959240 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 29 December 2017 - 03:07 PM

Drew these guys. Your thoughts?  :sweat:  :sweat:





Not NS related but still wanted to share :D

#958710 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 21 December 2017 - 04:52 PM



Been busy with work for the past few weeks, came back right before for Christmas and this is the best present I can get. Happy holidays! Merry Christmas and a happy New year!


And did anyone see the Boru Sara kiss debacle? Does Kishi wanna spit in the face of every NS fan?

#955726 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 22 November 2017 - 02:34 PM

Now I know why everything is messed up.


Them dudes were too weak to blow trees with the Hizzzokage Snoop!

#955605 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 21 November 2017 - 02:05 PM

It's tiresome to deal with pseudo-intellectuals who claim to be fact checkers yet do not present a shred of evidence for anything they claim. 

You're wrong because your comprehension skills are kitten. I'm right because I have a degree in writing and was taught by XYZ, so I know better than you.

The whole holier than thou attitude has been irking me for a while!

#954318 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 09 November 2017 - 12:54 AM

Well, to be fair and to give the guy credit...he did fight his brother Sasuke while being mostly blind while being extremely sick to the point that he should have been dead, but through sheer will power stayed alive long enough.

Sasuke didn't even beat Itachi. Itachi dropped dead.

I know this doesn't say much, but considering that Itachi basically had every handicap against him and Sasuke still couldn't match him either proves how good Itachi was or how bad Sasuke is.

It's like how Goku couldn't beat Cell. I know people want to think GOku is all powerful and all, but we many fans forget that Goku couldn't beat Cell and had trouble fighting Buu and needed tons of help with that one. Even now in the tournament he is getting his ass handed to him by Universe 6s Saiyans.


By the way, I saw this in my travels

By the way, Spoiler....Ichigo lost to Naruto in Death Battle.

Death battle have been proven to be crap at analyzing characters. Universe 6 saiyans have been stated to have more potential than the saiyans we've known. That's the entire reason they have been jumping Saiyan levels so fast. And Goku was handling both Kaulifla and Kale after he fought with Jiren. He was holding them off well enough till they used Potara. Potara is OP AF and I don't get how Kefla getting one punch in makes Goku weak or needing help to beat them.

#954146 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 06 November 2017 - 03:44 PM

Agree on all of it - Sasuke is billed as the prodigy and genius, but really, his genius was in copying things (as that's what the sharingan allowed you to do). So no big surprise there. But Naruto has no such skill. So his comes from power, determination and sheer grit. It's unfortunate that this divide was not focused on more as they grew up: Sasuke becoming a master copy ninja and Naruto becoming a power-based one. Who ultimately is more powerful? Where does real genius lie, in replication or innovation? And Kakashi would have been a good example of that later one too, as the all powerful and fearsome Copy Ninja, who's better known for his sharing skills than for his own clan and namesake's skills. So it could have been a statement about which is better copying someone else's moves or refining your own. But...Kishi dropped that thread, and comparing and contrasting Sasuke and Naruto's power was let go. 


Itachi's illness — yes, I would have liked to have seen more of that. And have it tied somehow to the 'cursed clan' instead of boo-hoo-they-love-too-much-and-it-makes-them-crazy. Itachi's illness could have ramped up Sasuke's story if he knew that if he overused his sharingan it might kill him too. His illness was a cop-out, but it could have been a good facet to the Uchiha backstory. 


Kakashi killing Rin — another missed opportunity. As you said, there's no backstory around it, some of the details don't make sense (like when you look at the timeline, etc) and when you try to make sense of Tobi/Obito so quickly being able to go back and kill Minato. It just doesn't hold water if you think about it too much. But the worst about Kakashi and Rin is that if Kakashi-Rin-Obito are supposed to be Sasuke-Sakura-Naruto, then there is foreshadowing for Sasuke 'killing' Sakura in Kakashi's backstory. But the Obito/Naruto parallel never comes full circle because where Obito freaks out and tries to kill everyone, Naruto just goes 'Eh, don't be so hard on her,' and moves on. Naruto is not Obito, and the parallel falls apart. So it's a missed opportunity because that flashback could have informed their future — Kakashi could have used his past to help change the future, and not make his same mistakes (you know, intervene with Sakura in the name of Rin). But he doesn't. 


Yeah - Itachi was billed as being a bigger prodigy than Sasuke. And he always has a-plan-beneath-a-plan. But when he turned out to be a martyr then his whole story fell apart. I wish Itachi was someone corrupted by his own power who yet still loved his brother. So he was deeply complicated. Not that he loved peace so much he killed everyone he came across, like we're told in the story. 

And I stil l wonder whatever happened to this:





Rock Lee was the one good thing in Naruto past shippuden. He didn't focus on him.


Kishi, in my opinion didn't show any Uchiha as a pure villain. It's like they're always shown as victims of circumstances all the time really cheapening the characters.

Itachi was like a gary-stue. No flaws, posses crazy powers and mystical all sealing blade and all reflecting mirror? Could the Uchiha wank get anymore obvious?

#953907 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 03 November 2017 - 05:55 AM

You know I've been rereading O-Parts Hunter for like the past 4 days, already on Volume 4, and man it's amazing.   Like I'm reminded the more I read it that the story gets better and better like no bs,  no reverse character development, nothing.  Once again this is written by Masashi Kishimoto's younger twin brother, why can he.... I don't know.  I've got a video planned discussing that particular topic. 



We all know the beginning of Naruto right: 




I mean look I understand Naruto's life growing up sucked people looked down upon him, but there were those that looked after him in some way like Iruka





Not to mention the third hokage, there were people that did watched over him in some way: 




Not to mention that Naruto himself actually had a place to stay an orphan with his own apartment.  






But you know the thing is I find this whole thing from people saying that Naruto's life being so  sad and depressing to be nothing more than child's play now.   This is the best that Masashi Kishimoto could accomplish, and the excuse that it's a shounen it can't go the extra mile. 


NO! That is blatantly and utterly false cause his younger twin, Seishi Kishimoto proved that it's plausible.. Now take a look at how he tackles that same kinda scene with his own main character, Jio Freed: 


















I would like to remind everyone that this series, O-Parts Hunter, is in fact A SHOUNEN the same as Naruto, and already there is a vast contrast in difference of quality between the two brothers. I mean seriously  Jio Freed didn't have a place to stay he was homeless treated like kitten.  Naruto on the other hand is like look at me I had a sad past too,  No!  No! No!  Naruto's sad upbringing is CHILD'S PLAY compared to Jio Freed. 


Again I'll get more indepth on this at a later date the further I get into it. So for now that's pretty much it. I should also mention that I've got all the volumes of O-Parts Hunter cause quality over quantity all day every day. 

I just found this.





















Excuse me while I go kill these Ninjas who're cutting onions in my room!

#953607 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 31 October 2017 - 08:00 AM

Sasuke was a villain for most of the story. Bad things should happen to the villain.

I was watching this video and the last few minutes (12 minute mark) struck a chord with me. Terry Brooks talks about the aftermath of a transgression. He says, "You do something wrong, then again and again till you are so far gone, that you have no shot at redemption. Yet there are people who say "I found God" or "My wife forgave me. 


Feels like a direct shot at Kishi's writing.

#953527 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 30 October 2017 - 02:48 PM


Eat an elbow you dumb Uchiha elitist!




Eat a lariat as well, you dumb punk!!  :argh:  :argh:  :argh:  :argh:  :argh:  :argh:  :argh:  :argh:

#953524 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 30 October 2017 - 02:42 PM



Y'all remember the time when Sasuke's kitten ass got bodied in the manga?

This kitten stain has had so much plot armor, he's close to making Batman look like a punk. 

Bee blew his entire torso out with that Lariat. Sigh, the Uchiha wank ruined the manga.

#953356 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 28 October 2017 - 04:49 AM

Kishi's unhealthy obsession with Sasuke translated into Team 7's unhealthy obsession for that Emo-douche. I still don't understand what Sasuke did for Team 7 that warranted such blind devotion.

#953185 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 26 October 2017 - 05:17 AM


#953174 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Shashank95 on 26 October 2017 - 03:18 AM



This would have been so much more impactful if that little witch of a daughter hadn't ruined Naruto's biggest day!