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Member Since 23 Dec 2012
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#638755 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by MakeMoneyEatRice on 05 November 2014 - 06:26 PM

I actually had a dream about this...it was a tiny glimpse..and literally the next day in the dream NS happened instead..but I guess this isnt the case


Omg, I also had a dream today! I had a dream that I was reading the final chapter and NaruHina and SasuSaku became canon, I woke up immediately, went on the NS tag on tumblr and reassured myself that NS was not dead then went back to sleep. And sadly my dream was accurate. 

#621200 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by MakeMoneyEatRice on 30 October 2014 - 11:21 PM

Well, Kishimoto. You did it. lol This came as a huge surprise, but you did it. I'd never thought I find myself saying this, but I hate Hinata. I truly do now. I hate her more than Sasuke now. Sasuke is actually a breath of fresh air compared to all of this.

A love Martyr? Really?

This story...this movie...is going to be a romance movie about Hinata and it is going to feature every romantic cliche plot point I have read in a Shojo manga. It's not even whether or not NH will be canon or not, but rather this story is....I can't even find the words. She has been in love with Naruto ever since a flashback we never got in the manga and Naruto ignored her? So, what now Naruto has to all of a sudden fall in love with her to save face and if he doesn't he is going to look like the biggest scumbag ever. "How dare Naruto let Hinata beat herself up over this."

I never thought I would say this, but I rather read Sasuke's story all over again. I rather follow Sasuke's adventures at being a wanderer than this. I am not happy with this story plot because this is going to be one huge forced mess where you really are just appealing to whatever the pairing fans are.

If this really is the entire story: That Hinata has loathed herself the entire time for not being with Naruto sooner....then I am not watching this movie. I am not even going to acknowledge it as canon. I am just not. I'm sorry. I hate to talk bad, but this movie's plot sounds ridiculous. Better screen cap this guys. This truly is a surprise

I am now going to go write an apology letter to Sasuke and Sasuke fans who I might have angered. I realized that Sasuke is a much better written character even with all his major flaws.


Hinata has to be the biggest satellite character I have ever known about in all forms of entertainment: films, cartoons, anime, books, manga. This list goes on and on and on. I'm not hating, I'm just telling it how I see it.