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Fidel Castro dies at 90!

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#1 milan kyuubi

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Posted 26 November 2016 - 03:15 PM

Cuba's Fidel Castro dies at 90

With a shaking voice, President Raul Castro said on state television that his older brother
died at 10:29 p.m. Friday. He ended the announcement by shouting the revolutionary
slogan: "Toward victory, always!""

Edited by milan kyuubi, 26 November 2016 - 03:15 PM.


#2 alexander


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Posted 26 November 2016 - 04:02 PM

Guess he ran out of doubles...


#3 TouKen4Life3g


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Posted 26 November 2016 - 10:21 PM

Yeah, we are definitely done with this year...

#4 Young Kubrick

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Posted 30 November 2016 - 01:45 AM

He said that he wouldn't die until America was destroyed. Then Donald Trump got elected. Just saying...


#5 Young Kubrick

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Posted 30 November 2016 - 02:19 AM

In all seriousness though can we take a moment to actually acknowledge the good things that he did? 

I mean yeah, he did kill a lot of people, and there was a lot of homophobia, and that shouldn't be overlooked. But you can't tell me that the deaths by Castro's regime can compare to amount of lives taken under capitalism.

Let's take a quick look here: he established the best education system in Latin America with over 90% of Cubans being fully literate, 54% of the national budget was used for social services, created free healthcare, supported the Civil Rights movement, helped to free Nelson Mandela, sent hundreds of doctors to Liberia and Guinea, helped to create cancer vaccines...sounds like a lot right? Well get this: he did this while the United States, the most influential country in the world, had placed an embargo on them and had been trying to have him killed! (Seriously look up Castro CIA assassination attempts).

I'm not saying that all these justify everything, but let's be real here. We're always told to look up to Western leaders and the good things they did, yet when the topic about the bad things rises it's watered down and downplayed. And they also say to look only at the negative about leaders with ideologies different to them and ignore all the rest. 


#6 Young Kubrick

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Posted 30 November 2016 - 02:28 AM

And it's not just Castro. Good example here is with Andrew Jackson and Colonel Gaddafi. History books paint Jackson as a strong president, who helped build the Democratic Party...of course he also was racist as heck saying himself he wanted to exterminate the Native Americans and is responsible for the Trail Of Tears, one of the most despicable things in American history resulting in 4,000 Cherokee deaths but they don't go into that. Because 'Merica.

And Gaddafi? Well he was a tryannical military dictator don't you know? So what if he provided free healthcare. electricity, and education, said himself that a home is a natural human right that shouldn't be owned by others, provided land, livestock, and seed to aspiring farmers, and led the largest irrigation project in the world, he was a terrorist! (His Libya also didn't have a central banking system and after his death Libya did but that's going into conspiracy theory territory so let's not...)


#7 Nate River

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Posted 04 December 2016 - 05:48 PM

He said that he wouldn't die until America was destroyed. Then Donald Trump got elected. Just saying...

No, you're not. You're intentionally being a snarky smartass. You could at least be clever instead of stealing this from the internet.

In all seriousness though can we take a moment to actually acknowledge the good things that he did?
I mean yeah, he did kill a lot of people, and there was a lot of homophobia, and that shouldn't be overlooked. But you can't tell me that the deaths by Castro's regime can compare to amount of lives taken under capitalism.
Let's take a quick look here: he established the best education system in Latin America with over 90% of Cubans being fully literate, 54% of the national budget was used for social services, created free healthcare, supported the Civil Rights movement, helped to free Nelson Mandela, sent hundreds of doctors to Liberia and Guinea, helped to create cancer vaccines...sounds like a lot right? Well get this: he did this while the United States, the most influential country in the world, had placed an embargo on them and had been trying to have him killed! (Seriously look up Castro CIA assassination attempts).
I'm not saying that all these justify everything, but let's be real here. We're always told to look up to Western leaders and the good things they did, yet when the topic about the bad things rises it's watered down and downplayed. And they also say to look only at the negative about leaders with ideologies different to them and ignore all the rest.

1. You can't overlook his brutality, you say...but that's what your posts are asking us to do. That's you're entire point. He may have murdered his own people, condemned them to squalid poverty while he lived a life of wealth, jailed homosexuals....but it wasn't that bad...and here is why: That is you whole point.


2. Castro's death count gets to be considered in isolation, capitalism as an economic systems gets considered in the aggregate? If that's the standard, then I should get to throw in the deaths under Mao, Stalin, North Korea, etc... If he had rule a nation as populous as China and Russia, you think his body count might look like Stalin's or Mao's (estimated at 20-30 million each)?


3. I don't know anyone who suggests overlooking the warts of any leader who employed firing squads against political dissidents without trial.


4. I don't know about you, but when I was in school my teachers taught me about the Trail of Tears, his crusade against the Bank of the United States, that is though to have lead to economic panic during his presidency, his internal scandals, his full embrace of the spoils system the lasted in Garfield's assassination...  I didn't think much of Jackson then and I don't now. 


5. And Gaddafi? He was a terrorist. He jailed and murdered political dissidents. Are you trying to say otherwise?


6. If Castro's Cuba were such an awesome place why do so many of his citizen flee via life raft? You should talk to some of those Cubans in the Miami area who actually had to live under him. Ask them how awesome it was. They had to live it. Last I checked, they were thrilled that he was dead. 


7. The literacy statistic...has that ever been verified by someone who is not Castro's regime? I have little faith in statics produced by a closed regime who has a history of putting up a front that he sells to suckers like yourself. 




Well get this: he did this while the United States, the most influential country in the world, had placed an embargo on them and had been trying to have him killed! (Seriously look up Castro CIA assassination attempts).


Okay, so what? I still can't get past the intentional murders and terrible nationwide poverty.  


Also you should check out #TrudeauEulogies over on twitter. I think they fairly sum up your position on the matter more effectively than I can. 


Here is the link: https://twitter.com/...trudeaueulogies  They are making fun of Trudeau's response to Castro's death, which is in the same vein as yours. Well, at least you mentioned the murder, Trudeau couldn't even manage that.

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