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Member Since 23 Feb 2012
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#991189 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by sushi. on 23 June 2024 - 12:45 AM

I am now 30 years old

im late but happy belated bday blue


im 29 in october !

#991188 Did NaruSaku only have a chance because Sasuke was away?

Posted by sushi. on 23 June 2024 - 12:40 AM

sasuke leaving meant sakura could continue fester her fantasies. had she stayed she would eventually realize he's not her match. 

#987278 ANNOUCEMENT: H&E Updates and new moderator!

Posted by sushi. on 21 June 2022 - 12:01 AM

kirabook deserves it <3 ^^

#987158 Confession (Formally Known as My Final Message To Everyone)

Posted by sushi. on 29 May 2022 - 08:15 PM

I actually wonder what you meant by experiment. Were you trying to post NH 20 times a day to get a reaction from NH fans, or from us?

I think its dumb either way, but I wont be personally offended if you just tried to get NH fans attention.

I agree v much w/ Kagomaru.

#987147 Confession (Formally Known as My Final Message To Everyone)

Posted by sushi. on 29 May 2022 - 01:22 PM

Just seeing you here, you won't make up for it because you basically gaslighted us by saying this was an experiment. I'm not in the mood because all you do is make me mad and make me want to quit being into NaruSaku if someone like YOU, who has done so much for the community, will just throw it all away immediately.
I don't care if you ship NaruHina. What pisses me off is you just up and quit. And while I may just quit some things now and then, I do try to go back when I have a cooler head, but I can't, and won't, forgive you for this unless you really are serious about your experiment, but since you obviously don't care, just whatever, dude.

Jesus are we a goddamn cult? If you dont mind him shipping NH, then quit what exactly?

Half of the forum are no longer shippers, they stay because they know people here. I will always ship NS. Theyre no longer fans of the series. They quit long ago. If you want to quit because someone else does, then that is your weakness, not Luckys. For that reason you come across as if you got no backbone at all, and you blame it on him.

Lucky told me on DM that he still wished to be part of the community, but that he titled this the final message because he thought wed kick him out.

I agree that those comments were not cool, the condradictiond and odd overdose of NH posts. I understand and that offended me too, but was it so bad a genuine apology is not enough? The experiment was quite weird, but it was meant to attract NH shippers I think, not us.

#987001 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by sushi. on 12 May 2022 - 10:17 PM

No kidding. Still doesn't mean he isn't one since he hinted he KNEW Naruto was Minato's son but did NOTHING to help him. Just like virtually others. At least in Hiruzen's case, besides to avoid showing favoritism, you can at least see he probably let his bitterness at his wife's death at Obito's hands get the better and lay that blame on Naruto since Obito killed Miwako during his birth when she acted as Kushina's midwife!

This was all to give nrt the most tragic, lonely childhood. So that he could connect w/ villains and understand loneliness and whatnot. It wasn't done to make Hiruzen questionable cus it was never rl brought up in that context

#986921 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by sushi. on 03 May 2022 - 09:25 PM

^You're right, I remember now

#986913 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by sushi. on 02 May 2022 - 09:14 PM

I just realized that H stans are really trying to say Naruto wasn't obsessed with Sakura. The revisionist history...like we all didnt' want this boy turn into another person to tryand kiss her. Its eating them up inside to this day that Hinata wasn't Naruto's first love/crush. Like....your girl is married to him now...relax. No need to twist history to fit your ship in your head. wtf

he didn't try to kiss her, he wanted to tell her what he thought of her(forehead comment etc), except as himself he couldn't get up close to her. so he transformed into sasuke, whom she wouldn't shoo away. then she tried to kiss him. he froze, not knowing what to do. pointing this out cus some people actually claim assault for this kitten.


besides the most obv thing about all this is kishi saying 1. the last was narusaku's goodbye/them realizing they're not compatible, and 2. he wanted the manga to end and the movie was the studio's idea. so was prolonging the franchise to a sequel. 

1+1=2 and narusaku got scrapped. 

#986514 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by sushi. on 24 February 2022 - 10:06 PM

the last few pages have been so uneventful, just hinata opening a door or sth. so this is fresh

#986471 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by sushi. on 21 February 2022 - 10:23 PM

When Jiraiya died, his last words were about not being able to save Oro(Sasuke), failing to protect, and failing to win Tsunade's heart(Sakura). I took that as saving Sasuke, becoming Hokage and winning Sakura's heart were all narrative goals. The hero was meant to succeed w/ all three. Thus I supported all three.

#986370 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by sushi. on 11 February 2022 - 02:13 PM

That's wrong. Sai met Sasuke on the first mission they went on. Its the first scene at the start of shippuden anime where Sasuke blew up his bedroom. In fact, that whole arc build up was Sakura and Naruto telling Sai how much they care about Sasuke. This led to Sai being interested in bonds. Seeing at how Naruto and Sakura interact and trying to push them together once he realized; they had feeling for each other and knew that Sasuke was acting as a blocker for that development of his two friends happiness.

You're right, he met him once. What I'm trying to say is he doesn't know him, or the details of his relationship with Naruto and Sakura. He wouldn't have known whether she truly loved him romantically, only that they both loved him as a comrade. But I'm speaking of romantic feelings here.

#986348 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by sushi. on 10 February 2022 - 12:53 AM

I think he means when Sai quickly agreed with Naruto on why Sakura was going to kill Sasuke and feeling she was doing it out of love for him.

I remember tweeting about that. Because Sai has never met Sasuke - Sakura has never spoken of him. There's no way he could know if she loved him, other than being told. I won't deny anything but his intuition isn't reliable, he's guessing.


Ofc Kish could be speaking through Sai, he's done that several times with several characters. Most of them have witnessed and concluded themselves tho, not been told the truth.

#986310 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by sushi. on 06 February 2022 - 09:33 PM

Healthy marriage or not dont apply too much rl logic to fiction.

It is easy to write it healthy and w/o conflict. Still came out of the blue. Bad writing

#986243 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by sushi. on 31 January 2022 - 09:31 PM

Yeah let's try not to sound like the pro enders, since they acuse us of only disliking the ending, the and boruto because our ship didn't happen.

they only like the ending cus they "won" lmfao

#986023 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by sushi. on 27 December 2021 - 01:11 AM

About the 300k sales number. I wont believe it without a source but. The top sales list of 2020 is how many sales that year right. So if SR sold 300k from release - now it wouldnt appear on the list necessarily.