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Member Since 11 Aug 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 08 2014 05:53 PM

Topics I've Started

The most memorable convention for you and why?

14 October 2014 - 03:03 AM

May I ask have any of you attended cosplay, anime, game, movie or comic convention?
When was you most memorable convention for you and why?

Cosplay and Crafting

14 October 2014 - 02:58 AM

I just want to know if any of you cosplays or a crafter?
Whom did you already cosplayed and crafted?
What events did you joined?
How long have you've been cosplaying or crafting?
You can also post pics here of yourself wearing your costume for fun.

If not yet, who is your top 5 dream cosplay? People who already cosplayed and crafted costumes can also post their top dream cosplay. :)

Naruto Live Action (Hollywood)

13 August 2014 - 05:14 PM

I'm just curious. If Naruto was played by Hollywood stars. Which celebrity will you pick to play each character roles? It's okay if it's from the music or even hosting industry as long as their from the entertainment industry of Hollywood. I picked Hollywood since most of us are familiar with Hollywood stars. :D You can pick a particluar character but you need to at least include the main characters especially naruto, sakura, sasuke, kakashi.. Etc.. :D It would be better if you explain why you picked them but it's okay if you just plainly write the name of the character beside the name of the actor.. :D

I'm new and I love this site!

12 August 2014 - 06:13 AM

First of all I had been reading a lot of threads here lately and all I can say is.. I'm home!! People close to me only like NaruHina so I'm so happy to see a lot of people agreeing to what I'm thinking throughout the seies of Naruto. Hoorah! I really hoped this site will help Kishi realize that a lot of people supports NaruSaku and ge will not be hated if they ended up together becausr as you can see NaruHina and SasuNaru are not the only couple being supported by a majority if people :D