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Member Since 12 Mar 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 21 2014 03:08 AM

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Moments that got you?!

13 March 2014 - 02:18 PM

I have no idea if this has been a thread before, and if so I apologize.


I was wondering, from Chapter 3 to all the way it is now. What moments are your favorite between Naruto & Sakura?


Another question I have is.. What specific moments got you to become a NaruSaku fan? Was it the promise? Or when Naru went 4 tails and Sakura worrying? Or was it small moments that got you?


Me personally was the promise because I find him wanting her to be happy instead of him is really deep. It shows exactly how much he truly loves her. Being a guy, I'm not that much into romantic moments.. haha, but this got to me, along with a lot of other things!

On a side note, I was wondering if any of you know any good narusaku tumblrs. I know a few, but just wanted to ask for the heck of it. lol. Thanks!

Welp, hi H&E!

13 March 2014 - 01:24 AM

So... I'm new here. I've been like reading on the new narusaku debate thread for.. maybe a few months now. lol 


I just made an account because I've been wanting too for so long now. lol,  I barely know anyone who likes NaruSaku so that's mostly a big reason I joined on here. It's great to see all you guys that ship this too!


I've always read the manga and watched the anime, but just recently I have taken an interest in the ships. I've always loved Naruto ever since it came out and found him loving Sakura was uh, sweet, I guess. But now that I look deeper into it, also after reading so much about it on here, I found that this ship is truly amazing. 


I'm always on tumblr looking at the fanart of Naruto and Sakura which makes me so jealous because people can draw soooo good! Haha.


I've been wanting to start a fanfic with these two, but never have the time with school and all. xP 

But yeah... I really like this site! Especially since there's a load of threads to choose from.


But, that's pretty much it. My bad if I rambled too much or anything like that. bYE!  :thumbsup: