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Member Since 25 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Today, 03:12 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Emi Shinohara Voice actress of Kushina has died!

11 September 2024 - 03:56 AM

Rest in Peace.

In Topic: James Earl Jones has passed away!

09 September 2024 - 11:12 PM

Rest in Peace.

In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

24 August 2024 - 11:55 PM



Rumor: Lionsgate’s Live-Action Naruto Film Is “A Complete Disaster” With Producers Not Knowing “Anything About The IP”

Guess Kishimoto trusted Hollywood, he is a fan of Hollywood movies, and didn't keep an eye on it like Oda. Problem is most Hollywood hates Japanese entertainment and blame it for them losing viewers. Since they are not going to self reflect.

That would not surprise me at all, I've seen interviews with writers for the Disney/Marvel shows that happened after Endgame, and one of the requirements for getting the job was to know nothing about the source material.

And to those who watched those shows you saw how badly they were.

Hollywood in the last couple of years hired activists instead of people who know how to do the job. Obviously not the whole of Hollywood.

If the movie does see the light of day, I have zero hope for it being even decent, not to mention good.


It's a problem old as time, that people can't take any responsibility for their own screw-ups. What's worse with Hollywood is that they even went as far as attacking the fans.

In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

18 August 2024 - 02:11 PM

Fair enough

Yahagi comments on western fans

It describes the NH fans perfectly.

In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

26 May 2024 - 02:38 PM

I am now 30 years old

We got a youngling among us. :D

Happy Birthday.