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Member Since 10 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 29 2015 02:25 PM

Topics I've Started

Flickering Thoughts~

10 November 2014 - 01:31 PM



Too much thoughts are stuck in my head--

I need a place to vent them out. 

or else....


So I decided to take up a space here. You're all welcome to read the things I'll post here. It's going to be filled with all kinds of things, and of course i'll be talking about stuff like Anime, Life and whatever comes to my mind. I also don't mind having some interaction here aside from the topics I'm usually at. 


the final chapters were already released in Japan. 


It's been almost a week since the fans out of Japan have already been voicing out their reactions towards the ending. I'm so ambivalent with what happened, all the happiness, sadness and disappointment is getting all mashed up but heck i am downright ANGRY-- 


but then I came across a book from the bible that says something about it. 


until this struck me : "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths,but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. "


I've always been taught to apply God's word into my life so I'd learn more with using this gift of life He's saying,[p.s ummm i'm not overly religious, but yes I am a Christian] and without misinterpreting the verse i read and getting out of context I realize right now, that I am very much induced with anger that I became bitter, pissed and shaken at the same time. 


But then I couldn't really guilt-trip myself for being carried away by my emotions, and then I always remember that I shouldn't be too emotional because it's all the "heat of the moment" and things will cool down afterwards. 


Oh right, it will all cool down? So now what? What happens next after this? Naruto is over but my life isn't over yet. 


I'm starting to reflect with all that NaruHina/SasuSaku argument that I got myself into, which was actually a rare happening since I never bothered with fans like them especially those immature people who like to shove "my otp rocks" on people's faces, or if i happen to meet one I tend to get friendly with them-- I'm a person who chooses when to be reserved or be crazy according to the mood or occasion. and as i was saying about anger, I realize that I'm not really angry at them at all. I was annoyed but yeah anger is another level. It's like one moment they get on my nerves but seconds later I could barely care about them at all.


So no it's not NH/SS i was mad about. 


Is it Kishimoto? Do i blame him for the ending that made NS fans and a few parts of the Naruto fandom go berserk, and how people critically analyzed how much he sabotaged his work? Well... I had my fair share of mistakes and failures and God doesn't even see those things qualified enough for him to be unloved and hated on. Wow the  original story of grace and love and hope is replaying itself on the back of my mind again. I realize how completely hypocritical i became in a matter of days. Now that's one thing clarified, so I did one thing I ought to do and always should do. 


Forgive and forget. 


Now.. how hard could that be?



I already told myself countless times that when Naruto is done and finished that means I'm going to leave everything behind. But after getting the outcome that I (or we) did not really expect, plus all that support I put onto the pairing I grew to admire while keeping track with Naruto. Which was poorly addressed. It destroyed a part of me. 



It looks like it will take a while before I mellow down and move on from sticking around with the "No.1 hyperactive knucklehead Ninja" for nearly a decade.


Meh.. I got tons of work to do  to get myself overly stressed with something that left my life with a dramatic flare. Right, I need to rehearse for sunday, and prepare stuff for another sunday and brace myself for tomorrow's (possibly) last enrollment. I hope I don't screw up too much on my way. 


Gotta see! Gotta Know! ⊙▽⊙

10 October 2014 - 06:10 AM



omg naruto's nearly done in 5 weeks and here I am finally deciding to join the community 
been lurking here for a few years tbh and It may not be the first case lol 


Oookay so yes doing a little Intro 

I've been in the fandom since Middle School.

I wasn't really a part of the hype going on in the Naruto-verse since '01 and it was something that I didn't like back in the day, considering I'm more into other Anime such as a Gensomaden Saiyuki, Gundam and etc. It just happened that everyone in class liked to draw Naruto (and since I draw too) I got into it so much that I never noticed when I finally decided to be a fan.


It was a long process xD


NaruSaku Is another story to tell. 


I've never liked the idea of them getting paired up because I started out as a Hardcore SasuSaku Shipper. 
to make the long story short, I woke up from the Epiphany and came to realization that I matured with Naruto over the years and along with that, my perspective about pairings drastically changed.


well.. that's just about it. I can't wait to meet awesome people here, It's been a while since I got into forums.


I bet we're all going to need an enormous fandom group hug when the last chapter comes out and pray hard that NaruSaku becomes canon and probably have babies on the Last movie-- /uglysobbing/