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Naruto And Hinata's Wedding Was Terrible, Was The Worst Wedding In The History Of Anime

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#1 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 29 June 2017 - 12:23 AM

Hello NaruSaku Forums!

This topic is to discuss why Naruto and Hinata's wedding was terrible, And the NaruHina fans are pissed and I mean pissed about it..



Naruto and Hinata BARELY spent any time with each other during this filler arc, other pairings such as LeeXTenTen, SaiXIno and ShikaXTema had more screen time than NaruHina and whats ironic about it that this filler arc was suppose to be about NaruHina love life  but yet they got the least amount of time compared to the other pairings which this filler arc isn't even about ? from a arc thats suppose to be about them ?    :huh: 

Also why does Sakura blush heavily when ever her feelings for Naruto are always questioned ?:


Sakura can't even say with a straight face and look someone directly in the eye when someone ask her if she's truly happy that Naruto and Hinata are getting married:


It's because Sakura isn't fully happy about the marriage, some feelings for Naruto still exist inside her, the excessive blushing she was doing while she was being questioned about it confirms that,

If she was truly happy with Naruto and Hinata's marriage she would have been able to confidently say that she's happy without hesitation and without blushing like the other characters did, But nope she is acting indifferent compared to the other characters she has something to hide. 

She just feels that she doesn't deserve Naruto as much as Hinata does because Hinata was loving Naruto long before she started to but the romantic feelings for Naruto still exist strongly inside of Sakura

Thanks Naruto for confirming yourself that Iruka was the first person to acknowledge you not Hinata:


Kishimoto didn't even write the Naruto and Hinata wedding Novel, But the writer of the Novel is telling us that Iruka was the first person that acknowledged Naruto, Does this mean that the writer of this novel is calling bullshiit on Kishimoto's words when he said that Hinata was the first person to ever acknowledge Naruto ?

Also this NaruHina wedding filler arc implies that Naruto has been Neglecting Hinata he rarely if not never spent any time with her despite being deep "lovers"


Naruto doesn't even want to spend time with Hinata which explains why Hinata has always been seen walking by herself during the entirety of this filler arc:


And we are suppose to believe they are "Deep Lovers" ? these moments in this filler arc on further implies that Hinata is not that big of a importance to Naruto

Iruka had to REMIND Naruto how important his love for Hinata is ? Shouldn't Naruto already know and feel how important that love is ? It's because Hinata isn't the biggest importance in his life, That's why he rather go on missions than spend time with Hinata, We can CLEARLY see who is the most serious of this love in this relationship and it's Hinata, she retired from being a Ninja and left her team just to spend a love life with Naruto which CLEARLY indicates that she's serious, Naruto didn't sacrifice any of his goals in life and he still continues on to do them rather than spending time with Hinata which clearly means Naruto's love isn't serious with his relationship with Hinata, And he isn't serious about having a romantic relationship with her at all, Only Hinata is serious about the romantic relationship, Naruto isn't as Iruka pointed out, she settled down he didn't.

Naruto is a terrible and neglectful husband, he always has been, He has been neglectful to Hinata since Boruto became a ninja which is 13 years later after this marriage, That's how long Naruto has been neglectful to His wife and kids, All this tells us is that Naruto prioritizes living his dream of becoming Hokage over his family, Face it, Naruto's choices in life are just not suited for a family life.


Naruto: Hinata why are you mad ?

Hinata: Because you are a terrible neglectful Husband who chooses missions over me    :angry: 

In addition to all that At the end of the wedding filler arc Naruto and Hinata didn't even kiss each other ? NaruHina fans got fuucked over hard they didn't get to witness their little shiit pairing kiss at their wedding, there was little to none romantic interaction between Naruto and Hinata in this wedding, This is all they did:


All they did was hold hands at the end of this wedding filler arc... So "Romantic"

Isn't it ironic that the whole premise of this filler arc was suppose to be about Naruto and Hinata's wedding but yet the wedding wasn't even shown ?    :huh: 

Even with the abundance of filler, Studio Pierrot has worked hard to adapt all 700 chapters of Kishimoto's amazing work... oh wait, they left Chapter 700


This episode was so underfuuckingwhelming. Naurto showing up at Iruka's door was the only saving grace of this dumpster fire. After that, it was the SAME kittening kitten AS THE OTHER WEDDING EPISODES. This whole arc was more about Iruka than Naruto and that just makes no sense to me.

This series did so many things right (Naruto meeting his parents, Sasuke and Itachi, Kakashi and Obito) but they really Fuucked up here. I'm sorry, but idk what these writers were thinking. All I wanted was to see Naruto interact with everyone else, and idk, Maybe the ACTUAL fuucking WEDDING.

I can't believe they did this. i don't want to believe. Not only is there manga that still needed to be turned in anime That I really hoped they expand on. But there been None, Zero, Zilch, Nothing Naruto related after the 4th war. Seriously 7 episodes titled "Naruto and Hinatas wedding" and we saw them in only 2 and even then only not the full episode. Worse there Been no effort to move from one show to the other. Instead there ready going to just drop us into the new setting. I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THIS NEW KID. Not everyone has access to the fuucking MOVIE. You don't do this. You don't put plot important info in a movie that's not converted into episodes and aired. This is not a small change from everything i've been told and read the difference between Naruto's Ninja world And Borato's Is night and fuucking day. It's also a massive insult to people who watched Naruto all this time they Pulled a peter parker effect and reset the entire ninja world.. Naruto was the worst hokage ever or some such, and the ninja world is more divided then ever. Yay 10 year 700 episode all that progress wiped from the board. Why because Peter Parker effect" it's too hard to write when the world already on a progressive swing lets tear everything down and make it easy on the poor plot writers.

Seriously what the hell is with this. This was the perfect place for an anime to expand on and make a memorable ending. The last chapter was rushed we all know it and they could of easy expanded it to 2 episode and given it the weight it needed. Nope Lets waste 1 episode on some kids we will never see again, and the equivent of an episode on iruka waxing poetic on his relationship with naruto because we didn't cement that in the canon during the war 20 times.


Thank you, we barely got naruto and this episode was mostly about Iruka, sure the past few weeks its only been about Iruka but he didn't have to dominate the episode, They never adapted chapter 700 from the manga..That was the best ending for Naruto. They should have ended it with Naruto fulfilling his dream!!! They should have ended with Naruto being a hokage in the last sequence. This is Naruto's series and it would be ideal for Naruto to be the Hokage in the end of this series!!!! They should have called back to Jiraya, Minato and Kushina, they should have shown Naruto saying I am finally happy and thanking them. Also I wish we would have gotten some dialogue from Hinata's father..

How did we not get the wedding..... NaruHina fans was excited w/the whole count down till the wedding, at the end of every episode.... building it up to end an epic anime left feeling incomplete and cheated somehow. & by the anime NaruHina fans love... it hurt them horribly


Yeah, all that build up the last episodes and we don't even get the fun part :( I mean Iruka's struggle was solved in a 10s video clip, like wtf. It should've been a huge speech at the ceremony.
And chapter 700 could've been handled in about 5mins after credits.

Yeah, I just realised, after all that build up, we never got to see what Naruto and Hinata think of the weddings gifts. Who wouldn't want to see Lee and Guy grinning while presenting dumbbells, or a pan across of Shino and Kiba (silently) explaining the meaning behind the honey, or unwrapping Tenten, Sakura and Ino's gifts.
Yes, Iruka is important, yet there was too much priority on him.


Unpopular opinion here, but I am not really satisfied. I expected a proper conclusion as a send-off to the series, but it felt more like an introduction to a new chapter. Yes, I know Boruto is a thing. Although I really wanted the finale to not feel like there is more. Had they ended it with the adaptation of chapter 700, I would have been completely satisfied. I also almost pissed myself thinking this episode was going to be 20 min of Iruka self-reflection. I'm also disappointed we didn't see Sasuke attend the wedding. Having him do the generic badass looking over from afar felt a bit lazy and predictable. Oh well, at the end of the day, it's just a cartoon. It's been one hell of a journey, and although we haven't been content with some of it, we'll always remember Naruto for all the great moments it's given us.


I'm not either. I expected a big speech from Iruka talking about how Naruto has grown and everything, like a best man sort of speech before signing off with a picture or something. I knew they probably weren't gonna do 700, because Boruto starts off with him in the Academy (as far as I know). Knew Sasuke wasn't gonna show up, because Sasuke is a fucc boi. But I expected some big speech chronicling everything Naruto has been through from the person who has rode with him the longest.

I mean, just look how DBZ ended in comparison. GT started the very next week, but they still ended it with Goku doing what he does best. Going off to find more adventure and get stronger, with his closest friends chiming in. That's a real ending. This just felt like "Yeah, Naruto was cool. But Boruto is the REAL story."

The DBZ ending was so satisfying because we finally saw Goku become a true master, something that everyone was waiting for since early DB. For all its faults, DBGT also had an ending that was well done and it gave the audience a sense of closure and nostalgia.

With Naruto they kittened up by not showing him become Hokage. That was the end thing, the clumsy and annoying kid that everyone hated in the first chapter would finally become the respected hero and Hokage in the last chapter. Them including chapter 700 in Boruto kind of cheapens Naruto's story.

It was, and GT's ending was well done too. I personally say it's a kitten up of the series in general not showing Naruto become Hokage, but others disagree. That's just opinion. Regardless, I don't think 700 being left to Boruto cheapens Naruto, but I do think the way they ended this does. Like I already said, feels like they're making this the prologue to the "real" story.

Everybody is happily together and Sakura gets a fuucking single kanji letter XD. Sakura literally just got the "K" treatment.

I'mma be honest... highly disappointing given the context. I'm not even trying to be negative, really enjoyed the scene of Naruto asking Iruka to be his father for the wedding. But like, I expected some big speech from Iruka talking about how he's watched Naruto grow and all. Something conclusive. This just felt completely lackluster like the real finale would come another week. Instead all this dude said was "make her happy", like, no kitten man. Say something positive about him, you've been close to this kid since he was 6. I knew they weren't gonna do chapter 700 yet, hell I didn't even expect Sasuke to show up. But I expected a much better speech from Iruka that felt like a finale to the whole series. Instead it just felt like a lead in to the ULTRA IMPORTANT MEGA STORY THAT EVERYBODY HAS BEEN WAITING FOR!!! BORUTO UZUMAKI, YOOOOSSSSHHH!!!Yeah, why would they do a good speech for the guy everybody grew up watching when they can end it with the passing of the torch to the real main character.

Whatever. It's stuff like this that makes me not want to care about the Boruto series, because they make the Naruto series look like an insignificant prologue instead of giving it a proper conclusion. Even Dragonball gave Goku a proper conclusion before heading to GT, this just felt like Naruto was an insignificant prelude.

Edit - Here is DBZ's ending in comparison. Dragonball GT started the very next week, but they still gave the real story a proper sign off. Even if Goku wasn't going away and would be back in another series, they introduced him as he was. The boy that fell from the stars and protected Earth. That's a real conclusive ending that highlights everything the character people grew up with stood for.

Yes I wanted another speech, it's the ending. Why go through the trouble of spending 5 minutes to make Iruka the groom father when we don't get to see him give his big speech, one of the main roles of the groom's father? Iruka is the very first person that ever believed in Naruto, he should be the very last person to sign Naruto off as the boy he watched grow into a man.
People can give all that stuff about "Pain was the real Hokage moment, he doesn't need to be Hokage" stuff. The main role of the groom's father is a speech.

Did he ever say it in front of every one of Naruto's closest friends on the happiest day of his life? Internal reflection is one thing, saying it to everybody and chronicling Naruto's growth from the person who has seen it earliest (that's still breathing) is another.

nah he says it in front of his closest friends on the days that precede the happiest day of his life.
Btw, this is exactly how it played out in the novel. Ending with Naruto looking at Minato and Hinata remembering Neji.
I've already had 500 episodes of Naruto's greatness. Something that's been recognised by all the characters. Those friends are gathered there because of Naruto. I guess it's a difference of opinion, but I don't think a speech was really necessary. Nor do I think a lack of one undermines Naruto's story in favour of Boruto's.

Because the novel wasn't made to be the finale to the series. Chapter 700 was. And because of that, I think it should have been adjusted accordingly. Not to be a one off novel, but to be the conclusion of a 15 year series. Best way to do that is a speech chronicling Naruto's life, at least in my opinion. A book made to be read by itself and the finale to an entire series shouldn't follow the same pattern, because they aren't the same type of ending.


Iruka: "Naruto! People have been complaining that there has been very little interaction between you and the woman you're marrying, even with over 500 Shippuden episodes and so much filler! We need to fix this!"
Naruto: "Nah Bruh, let's get some drinks and ramen!"
Edit: To clarify, I am glad it was her in the end. But jeez with all of the filler they've added in this series you'd think they could at least put a little more interaction between the two in the anime, at least more than practically none at all. They've had ample opportunity to do it.

I was expecting more for it. I wish everything with Iruka was taken care of earlier, and it was just the marriage today. I kittening hate that Sasuke wasn't there. It's such a punch in the gut that the story builds up to Naruto getting Sasuke back, and at the end he isn't even kittening there. Congratulations. Give me a break. I really wanted everybody to personally talk to him at the wedding, and each have a personal moment and reflect on what they've accomplished.

I hated Naruto at first when I was 10 years old. I never watched it but my juvenile prejudice dictated that it was a bad show about " ninjas " based on the few scenes I saw. I went to germany to visit my cousins who were obsessed with the anime back in 2007 when it started. They bought Naruto Uzumaki Chronicles and played it nonstop. My interest in the series peaked and I began watching it in addition to its AMVs and I became hooked. I truly believe I grew up with this show. It's not just the anime, it's the merchandise, the video games I used to play before I even had access to the internet ( I enjoyed every single one of them, even the seemingly bad ones because I didn't have a strong sense to really see their true qualities) and so many other different elements. Heck, I always put character names from Naruto as my passwords ( with symbols and number of course   :P )

I liked the final episode, I wasn't as emotional as I thought I would be because the fillers and the contrast between manga adaptations and anime only material alleviated the bittersweet ending, which I truly felt at the end of the Battle against Kaguya / Naruto's farewell to his father / Naruto VS Sasuke's battle but it was still a well-executed episode. I loved how the ramen guy and his daughter attended the wedding. It truly showed that Naruto was a true nice guy who made connections with regular people and high officials alike. Wish we could've seen the wedding itself. I was also curious about Sakura's reaction. She is like a sister to Naruto and I really wanted to see their interactions. Last but not least, why didn't they show Naruto becoming the hokage for god's sake? the entire series built up to that. Yes we pretty much all know it's a given he'll become hokage but leaving the series like that doesn't really provide a good closure in my opinion. Nonetheless, thank you Naruto, dearly Am I the only one who's genuinely not interested in Boruto ?

If Sasuke was there i imagine things going down like this: Naruto is about to go see Hinata before they go in front of all the people attending. Sasuke is standing at the door and says "For once, you look actually look cooler than me" naruto taps him on the shoulder and smiles then sasuke says "well, shes waiting on the other side of that door..." Naruto pauses while looking at the door and says "yeah". Sasuke stands smiling watching his best pal walking away towards his bride. Then Sakura bumps gently into Sasuke but doesn't look at him. He looks down at her and smiles for a second. She then grabs his hand slowly, but he doesn't refuse it...and then BAM Lee and Guy appears


Well Hinata your wedding with Naruto was poorly executed, or barely executed at all because this filler arc put little to no focus on your love life with Naruto

This wedding will not only cause trouble for your friends but for your children, Boruto in particular, Hinata you marrying Naruto is probably the biggest mistake of your life, because Naruto is not willing to sacrifice anything to spend time with you, You need someone who will be willing to spend time with you and will ACTUALLY have a reason to spend time with you and that person is Sasuke, He also values his older brothers life and he visits his gravestone often, you and Sasuke Both can visit Konoha's graveyard together which is reason to spend time with each other, A reason for you to spend time with Naruto does not exist because you both are just to different and again Naruto is not willing to Sacrifice what he wants to do with his life to spend time with you marrying him was a bad choice and always will be

Everyone post your reasons why Naruto and Hinata's wedding is terrible here, I will listen.

#2 ThroughWithLove


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Posted 29 June 2017 - 08:13 PM

Glad I didn't stick around to watch this crap. Can't even recognize this character anymore.

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Behold! Akame ga Kill's True Canon Pairing!

#3 TheFirstEvil100


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Posted 29 June 2017 - 08:33 PM

Glad I didn't stick around to watch this crap. Can't even recognize this character anymore.

 Cuase not this is the Naruto that Hinata fans wanted right from the start after all, many NH fans have said they hate Naruto a prefer Hinata over Naruto Koshji being one of them.

#4 Honestly



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Posted 30 June 2017 - 11:35 PM

Naruto anime is a joke I mean you have orochimaru sending congrats(that what I heard I didn't watch it) if that not a sign there sending I don't know what

#5 Phantom_999


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Posted 01 July 2017 - 12:43 AM

That ALONE just screams "crack fanfic"  :zaru:

Edited by Phantom_999, 01 July 2017 - 04:29 PM.


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