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Member Since 21 Jun 2006
Offline Last Active May 20 2008 06:04 AM

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In Topic: Revelations of the Mind

12 January 2007 - 01:10 AM

Nah don't rush a chapter just for me or anyone for that matter. I'd rather just wait and get a quality chapter then something rushed. As for the Cousin I know how life can get in the way so no worries there completely understand even though some don't. :thumbs: Readers often forget that even author's have lives too and just don't sit around waiting for good ideas to put into a story. Enjoy the time with your cousin and if it's up I look forward to the new chapter when I get back. a_dance.gif Just remember Quality over quantity and tar and feathering makes for good motivations! a_plotting.gif All else fails I'll just taunt you with Ramen while in japan heheh. :devil:

In Topic: Broken Soul: Update Warning Thread

09 January 2007 - 04:48 PM

Won't see me complaining about when you hook them up it is your story. I'm just here to see what happens and be a pest while doing that. :thumbs: Lucky you huh? 111189.gif But otherwise it's a decent story looking forward to the next evolutions of your tale. Though I must admit I'm like a kid on christmas I hate waiting for the next chapters of the stories I am reading. Patience wasn't my virtue I guess. I'll be waiting. :devil:

In Topic: Broken Soul: Update Warning Thread

09 January 2007 - 01:30 AM

The No suffix is fine as you said it's a sign of familiarity and I only mentioned the consistency cuz many other authors make that mistake writing one thing then changing it later. I think I even saw a sakura-kun once.....coulda sworn -kun was for males usually and -chan was for females and younger people. err.gif

So far you done a good story with consistency and not over doing things. Seriousness,drama, even some originality to it. Now just waiting for the continuation after the drabbles though the drabbles are cute as well. I wanna know the secret she told him! let alone the finish to his "do" question. a_plotting.gif

Looking forward to the next one!

In Topic: Revelations of the Mind

08 January 2007 - 05:54 PM

Hmmm still no new chapter guess we gotta tar and feather...... a_plotting.gif Nah just kidding hope get to see it before my trip to Japan if not I'll have to wait and read whatever you put out while i'm gone after the 3 weeks are up. RAMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a_dance.gif Though I guess you got the pocky too. wub.gif But hey there is even more right? Oh well hope it comes out soon if not alot of waiting to do. :shamefulcry0js:

In Topic: Revelations of the Mind

05 January 2007 - 11:08 AM

If I'm eating all that food for you guys when am I gonna eat for me? I mean come on my tummy is only so big ya know? err.gif I guess I'll eat some pocky or at least 10 bowls of Ramen(must resist Naruto eating spree)......Ah well we'll see what happens just make sure More story I want more more more more. :devil: