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Member Since 30 May 2015
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Hi! New Here and Have a Question~ ^_^;

30 May 2015 - 01:07 AM



I actually became a huge fan of NaruSaku AFTER the ending for Naruto came out. I've never (I repeat: NEVER) been the type to have OTPs in anything...the most I cared for in regards to relationships is which characters I felt didn't belong with who and always preferred open-endings. It wasn't until the ending of Naruto that I realized my love for NaruSaku and believe that Naruto and Sakura are soul mates (and therefore pretend that chapters 699-700 and beyond is not real and just Naruto having a bad dream >.>;). 


 In order to fill my new craving for NaruSaku I've been reading a lot of fanfictions and that's when I came across this site. But I'm still learning the features of this site and was hoping if someone can help me with a very simple problem. I'm trying to gain access to the NaruSaku M-rated fanfiction forum and according to the Rules forum I'm supposed to go to the Library Menu in order to clarify I'm above 18. For the life of me I can't figure out where this "Library Menu" is. OTL Can someone please tell me how to find the Library Menu and be able to gain access to the NaruSaku M-rated fanfiction forum? Any help would be appreciated! ^_^