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Member Since 13 Oct 2017
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#951832 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Kasimir38 on 14 October 2017 - 02:08 PM


I would avoid generalizing, because not all NH fans are like this. And while you don't do that to other ships thankfully, there are many in our own fanbase who equally do the same. 


It's strictly an issue with how the person behaves, rather than the fandom. Call it out when you see it, and if they don't stop just move on.


As I understand what you mean...I can't deny the fact that I never witnessed the people you mentioned. The fanbase was a big reason why I never really warmed up for NH.

Just ignoring, seems the best. ^^



That sounds fairly typical of them. One dude (neutral about the pairings) made a video about what-if NaruSaku happened and they bashed him to kingdom come all throughout his comment section. Pure militant zealotry and fanaticism over a fictional character. It's astounding. I have my suspicions on why a wide number of them act like this, but that's for another day.

In the meantime, welcome to the NaruSaku forum!


Oh, I remember the video! There was rarely a reasonable comment about the topic, most of the fans just bashed it. Which reminds me on the Sakura - Hate - Wave that is still going on, her being useless and all. Almost everyone commented on that, sometimes it made the impression that they didn't really know what they were talking about. :sweatdrop:

And thank you!

#951821 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Kasimir38 on 14 October 2017 - 12:26 PM

Actually, I don't even have a problem with NaruHina - just the fanbase... :ermm: 


Some time ago, as I was commenting on AMV's about NaruSaku, there were a bunch of NaruHina - fans who could not keep it together, they totally lost it and kept bashing Sakura.

I don't remember ever going intentionally on NaruHina Amv's for hating. ?

As I wasted my time asking them why they would spread so much hate, they would just insult me without any reason.

I am new to this debate, so...what's going on? I don't recall any other fandom that is so disrespectful towards it's ships.

Is it so hard to accept other peoples opinions? Or is it so painful to accept the thruth behind NaruSaku? :zaru: