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Member Since 01 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 11 2015 02:10 AM

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In Topic: Hello!

27 December 2014 - 06:41 PM

Nice to meet you, Welcome to H&E.

In Topic: Ferguson

26 November 2014 - 09:24 AM

Yes, it hasn't changed: 




I will answer all of you later.



Oooh, look at those cops in the right image, looking like they do after high profile sporting events when the streets are filled with drunks of all races


Seriously a random dude's tweet, that is what you are basing your opinion on? I live in the Southeastern U.S. an area that was considered the most racist region in the U.S. It is nothing like it was 50 years ago, 50 years ago only 10 percent of black were registered to vote in Alabama now the percentage of blacks registered to vote in Alabama is actually slightly higher then whites.


Also if you want to argue racism then explain this, black on white murders occurs twice as often as white on black.


I want you to give me proof, not speculation, not hearsay, not what some random people said, I want you to give me irrefutable proof that this shooting was racially motivated.

In Topic: Ferguson

26 November 2014 - 12:19 AM

Michael Brown was a thug, so he's not an innocent teenager however it obvious it should point the fact that the police is unprepared, having to shot more than 6 times to subdue someome is completely retarded.

It gives the vibe of James Bond 007 "i felt for my life" so instantly he award a license to kill anyone.

My critic is the whole coverage of this incident every time a white police officer kills a black man, no one cares when black people kill other black, or when a white police officer killed an innocent old man.

All they care is to make the bullsh** about racism, and look at ferguson, the people there looting local stores everytime this thing happens.


Well here in the U.S. you are allowed to use lethal force if you believe you are endanger of having great bodily harm done to you, and if you had someone about twice your size charging at you would you believe that he was intent on doing great bodily harm to you?


I do agree with you on everything else though.


The rioters are all shortsighted idiots. They probably have no interest in the case whatsoever and are simply looking for an opportunity to cause mayhem and loot. I wish the media would stop calling them protesters because at least the protesters want things to be better instead of destroying their own community.


I was watching the streams yesterday and people were shooting at the firefighters who were just trying to save someone's business. How on earth could you even justify something like that? The 2nd day of the LA riots was worse so the #1 thing I'm hoping for is for tonight to not be as bad.


These "Protesters" and the way they act, (to me) brings to mind the image of a three year old throwing a temper tantrum because he did not get his way, So I say if they are going to act like three years olds then we should treat them like three year olds, and any child psychologist will tell you NOT to give in to their temper tantrum.


I will probably get a lot of flak for saying this, but why does a black person dying only matter when it’s a white person killing them? What about the MUCH higher rate of Black on Black crime? Why doesn’t the media cover that? Or what about when a black cop shoots a white person? Don’t tell me it doesn’t happen because it does, and it has.

We only care when its white on black crime, because that’s what we’ve been conditioned to believe is the pinnacle of evil in this country.

The fact that rioters have already stated they do not care about the evidence and only want an guilty verdict even if all evidence says otherwise only sours my opinion on this. The fact that the rioters are punishing people who did nothing to them by taking their property or DESTROYING it, just shows they do not care about justice. 

The forensics PROVED that Wilson and Brown struggled in the car when Brown went for his gun and that it went off and grazed the kids hand. The autopsy showed that he was not gunned down with his arms up in surrender but charging forward. Witnesses corroborated this account, yet we are supposed to put the man to trial despite it? I'm sorry but no.

Being unarmed does not make you nonthreatening

3 black people and 9 whites decided to let Wilson walk, isn't that what justice is in this nation? to be decided by a jury of our peers and not by popular opinion? 


Plus many of the "Witnesses" either changed their story to match the forensic evidence or later admitted that they did not in fact witness the incident and were just repeating what others had said.


It seems that you don't understand anything. And even so you are doing selective reading.

Are you trying to tell us that...we are making a big deal about racism... in america? Is that? Okay. Goodbye.


Are you trying to say that U.S. hasn't changed in that last 50 years?


Ughhh, even if the MULTIPLE WITNESSES testimonies isn't true (something I could similarly accuse you of not giving a damn about), officers are trained to handle violent people without killing them. People always try to build up Mike Brown as some big threat because he was 6'4.... leaving out the fact that Darren Wilson is also 6'4. Darren Wilson could have handled him without killing him. 


Brown had about 100 to 150 pounds on Wilson though I mean look at those images of Wilson, he's a bean pole.




Honestly the one who is most responsible for Michael Brown's death is Michael Brown, the man (Yes he was 18 and therefor an adult not a kid) was obviously not the sharpest knife in the drawer, as he walked right in front of a cop less than an hour after committing strong arm robbery (a felony) reportedly holding the cigars he had stolen in said robbery, then he went and attacked the cop (another felonly) and then taunting and charging the officer (and yes there is evidence that Brown did charge Wilson) even after the officer had already discharged his weapon at him. It's a tragedy that he died but he brought it upon himself.

In Topic: Well hello!

20 November 2014 - 06:59 PM

Welcome back.

In Topic: World's Worst

19 November 2014 - 08:45 AM

"What's that moving in the bushes? I'll shoot it to find out"


World's worst animal rescuer. (I don't know what the job is officially called)