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Member Since 31 May 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 08 2014 05:00 PM

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In Topic: Manga ending you don't want to happen

14 August 2013 - 03:12 AM

I don't want to see Sasuke die, mainly because I don't think it would fit right with him dieing. Why have Naruto be the one to kill his best friend, it'll play out just like Hashirama and Madara's fight. 


I also don't want to see Sasuke just wander around afterwards because then it would seem like it was pointless for Naruto to save him. 


One thing I do want to see is the "forehead scene" with Naruto and Sakura, I was thinking about the time where it would happen and I can see Kishi putting it right near the end ( obviously he wants to toy with us more) but I also see it as the point that would make the most sense. Middle of a war or in Naruto's and Sasuke's fight won't really fit.

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

05 June 2013 - 08:30 PM

This chapter proved the parallel to the Sannin as most of us all know. No NaruHina fan can prove that wrong in any way shape or form. Naruto has surpassed Jiraiya in every way possible, except that Jiraiya never told Tsunade how he felt for her. So I have the feeling that after all the war is done and the battle with Sasuke is done, we'll see Naruto confess to Sakura. I love how many NaruHina fans ( that I talk to) think that after all this battle and stuff is over, that Naruto will come running to Hinatas arms. I mean like he told Sai, how can he tell someone he loves if he can't even bring a friend back, so if Sasukes back then he should be able to tell Sakura. It would be disappointing to see Kishi not show a confession to Sakura after all this build up :/

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

04 June 2013 - 09:17 PM

So I thought about the ending of Naruto and I just thought of a way Kishi can troll us all.... The last few panels it shows a child that looks just like Naruto, but doesn't show any characteristics of its mother. The dialogue is something along the lines of how Naruto became Hokage and saved the world... and then it just ends.... Every ship will fight like no tomorrow claiming that the child was so and so's.......... I hope Kishi isn't going to try and pull a fast one on us.

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

04 June 2013 - 07:38 PM

Some people panic when Sakura says "Sasuke-kun" because it means that she's fangirling or in love with him. Then how come Hinata says "Naruto-kun, Kiba-kun, and Shino-kun," and no one cares. Kun doesn't mean a girl loves someone, unless Hinata loves them too.


I hate the fact that people said she was "fangirling" over Sasuke. The last Sasuke fangirling stuff I saw was from Karin.... Some people these days....

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

03 June 2013 - 05:04 PM

I love that I can come here and have some nice peaceful discussions and theories, but when I go on tumblr I can never have them with some people. >.<