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Member Since 30 Jun 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 07 2015 02:43 AM

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In Topic: The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

26 December 2014 - 08:14 PM

SKET Dance has a really sh*tty, dissatisfying ending for shippers. Total cop out. I hate that in anime and manga. Makes me wonder, have none of these mangaka ever actually been in a relationship something? It's like they're so socially awkward they're terrified/resentful of writing an actual conclusion to their story.

I'll be honest I was surprised with the ending, but at least it ended better than Naruto's.

Still, that's a story I would recommend to watch/read (more the manga than the anime, since it ends sooner).

If you watch the anime you will notice a common thing this studio has with SP.

The big boobed fanservice syndrome.

That's the only thing that pissed me off.

In Topic: The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

26 December 2014 - 08:09 PM

Because of school theme?

No because it is more balanced than Gintama and less "adult themed" (like the costant kitten jokes, not that I dislike them but they are kind of repetitive).

Anyway Gintama is good too, but to me Sket Dance is much better. Just a personal taste I guess.

In Topic: The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

26 December 2014 - 08:00 PM

Well, then it's Gintama too.

I prefer sket dance over gintama :)

In Topic: The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

26 December 2014 - 07:51 PM

Watch/read SKET DANCE. It's really nice, one of my fav.

In Topic: The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

26 December 2014 - 01:23 PM

Thanks. but that's not what I mean. After what SP did to LoK, SMir was asked to work again on book 2. After that both studio work together. f course, the appearance of its animation will be mixed. Now after that, how is the animation? 
Anyway, I found a thread about korra, discussing the difference of its animation of SMir and SP. Some said something more or less like this "SMir has better animation but SP isn't bad at all at least in Korra" and "I think SP did some their best work in korra, it's not like they're not trying" http://forums.avatar...topic=20262.475   Not sure how to take it  :facepalm:  I mean I think they need to see how SP animate the recent ep of naruto   :sad:

I see. Well you first have to watch the first season and then see at least the promo for season 2. Even from that one people were aware of the different animation style. You can feel it, I had the same doubt and I later discovered it was a different studio.

The animation is not as bad as Naruto's but you can clearly see lots of flaws.