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Member Since 08 Aug 2005
Offline Last Active Oct 23 2013 05:29 AM

Topics I've Started

Collab: Fantasy world of gods and races... the thing

07 September 2013 - 07:44 PM

Hello! Hey? Sup? Suuuuuuuuuuup~
Totally do not know how many or if anyone would come across this, but Yoko, Yondy, and I will be forming this collab project thing where we rp (any artist can join, actually please join the point of this whole project was to inspire and motivate artists here in a fun and totally awesome way) in a COMIC (awwww yiiis yell me this isn't cool, I dare ya) format.
Like, it's the same with how you role play in the role play forum. You make your character profile (we will provide you with a template), but then draw comics with us rather than just writing it down. Being creative and technical with your drawings! 
This isn't some original concept, other places have done collabs like this, like smackjeeves and DeviantArt. H&E is our home-base, but we'll be uploading our stuff on tumblr so it would be easier to follow. We can do art memes and form stories together! This collab is about our characters and it's also about us do and improving what we love best! DRAWING!!!
The plot-line so far is something fantasy and you're hired by someone to locate something. Not as amazing with the way I say it, but let me tell you... super not amazing either way. HAHA! That's because the plot isn't even set up, but that's where you hombres come in! Join us now and we can bounce off our ideas to one another. 
The requirements for this are:

  • A Tumblr account 
  • Drawing base program/paper and pencil
  • scanner/tablet/both
  • An account here, teehee
  • Your support and nurturing care for your own character
  • Creativity!



How the world was created

Races available:

  • Drows
  • Elves
  • Harpies/Sirens
  • Humans
  • Other races I forgot to mention

Are you interested yet? Wanna put some ideas down? Create a story of fantasy and adventure? Improve your art and draw with other artists? Party like a rockstar and then regret it in the morning but can never leave because you just signed yourself to the devil? This is the collab for you~

  • Pocky-chan
  • Yoko
  • YonderBeyonder
  • Saku
  • Muffins?
  • ....
  • ....
  • please join...

If you have any questions, please ask. We would be happy to answer.
More to come

Changed within Adaptions

07 July 2013 - 11:13 PM

Gonna put myself out her say I'm a huge fan of new running series, Elementary and Hannibal. The thing I like both about the amazing series is the fact that both shows took male established characters and genderbended them into these amazing female characters. Who rock sass.


Spoiler alert


So it occurs to me what other movies or shows or comics or whatever take the notion of deviating away from the original source material, to adapt it with the current mainstream of society.


Has those other adaptions been as successful as Elementary and Hannibal in terms of changing characters into something new and innovated.


Likes seriously, Watson has been a mouse and robot. Katara and Sokka were white, Zuko was Dev Patel with a scar. Mandarin was not the Mandarin. 


Not to mention Shredder will not be Japanese in the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie.


I'm curious how many adaptions who take a character and change them, were successful in being favourable among their audiences? Who did you like? Who did you wish remain the same as the source material? What should other modern adaptions learn from their mistakes?


Plus I want to find more genderbended ladies so I can have personal headcanons of this newfound friendship I'm forming in my head.