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#935607 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by unhskikrforever on 27 March 2017 - 02:58 AM

Kishimoto may be the mangaka of Naruto and the ending was made by him, but that doesn't mean that he wasn't influenced/pressured by the people he works for. He may have made the ending nH, but it was SP and his editors that wanted it to be nH. From what people have said about him; Kishimoto is the type of person that eventually gives into pressure. Also he is not an mangaka doing it for the art, it is his job. He enjoys it of course but it is still his job. If his bosses wanted him to end Naruto up with one person or another he will do so. SP has a very close relationship with Shounen Jump and it parent company Shueisha. They could easily ask for them to help pressure kishi to have nH be the main pairing, especially if they bring up that "the majority of the international fanbase is nH."
The only people that like the ending were SS an nH fans, and even by how they are acting we can see how well that went.

I never said he was never pressured by his colleagues or readers. I just said that he's the writer, the artist, the creator. Naruto was his. I don't see why he can't hold his own dignity as a writer and complete the manga in his own way and had to listen to others. Sure, people love Naruto. I guess if he listened to others, he didn't hold on to this own ideas enough to actually write it down. You could say he wrote it for money? Or he wrote it for his fans? What fans, exactly? NH fans? Is that all?

He might have started the manga because of his own reasons, but I'm just saying he must have lost his way. You're not suppose to tarnish your image, or your manga's just because "you get tired of it". He could have ended it long ago before he even gotten tired. And of course, he has people working for him and with him and he'd have to listen to them. But at least make it more logical.

Naruto passing off his love for Sakura as a rivalry of Sasuke? How does that make any sense? I just hope he knows how wrong and off it is for Sakura or Naruto to think that. And if there's a backstory where Sakura had to say that just because she thinks she doesn't deserve him and vise versa, then show us. At least that makes more sense than what was shown on the manga or on-screen.

Anyway, yeah. They're still complaining and bashing NS fans. Guess they're not satisfied with how the series went either.

#935523 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by unhskikrforever on 26 March 2017 - 12:48 PM

Either he's lazy to do that or just incapable to do that.
And next gen story could sell especially for a popular series like naruto.

It wasn't Kishi decision to make a sequel. Naruto at the time was SP breadwinner, and once Shounen Jump biggest international seller. It's why they order Naruto to keep going with the War arc. So when kishi final got sick and tired of it and wanted to end so he could do something else, they still wanted Naruto to continue. They figured the best way for them to continue the franchise without kishi was for Naruto to have a kid and just continue on with a sequel. SP because of their obsession with Hinata wanted her to be the mother, and with the help of Kishi editors was finally able to convince him to do so. They were convince that if they did nH they wouldn't need kishi since nH is soo popular internationally that the sequel would be a success without him. Then reality hit and all they are doing all the shenanigans we are seeing.

Kishimoto isn't doing the sequel. SP is doing the sequel which bring money to their pocket. As we see, the series got given up for fan services and, thus naturally, the series got bad.

I don't like to see great potentials wasted.

No, the thing is, he mentioned that Sakura is like his wife himself. So naturally, he could have made NS the end-game and not NH. If we were to follow the story, NS could have ended up together. In what way would Hinata end up with Naruto? Of course NH happened only because they're polular in the west. But it all depended on Kishi. He's the writer after all. It's his manga, and not SP's. Sure, SP was in charge of the anime franchise and all, but as a writer, he didn't have to go with the majority. It's HIS story. If it's his decision to let NH end up together from the start, he could have given them a better relationship development throughout the story.

Anyway, we all know they're just trying go milk Naruto as much as possible. No surprise, really. It's been on-going for more than a decade. But T XD's right, Naruto could have ended up a better series if everything was solved in the manga. Although people complained that it went downhill after the Pein arc, it was still decent as a whole. The last two chapters were just unsatisfying to NS fans and also some Naruto fans.

#933203 From a writing standpoint, what exactly is the appeal of Naruto and Hinata?

Posted by unhskikrforever on 26 February 2017 - 08:07 PM

IMO, in a writing standpoint, NaruHina would make a good couple. That is, if they're in a romance-genred story. But in this case, since Naruto is a shounen manga and not shoujo, it honestly doesn't make any sense. The development of their relationship is mostly shown in only ONE animation movie (The Last) and certain chapters or fillers in the anime. It's not written in the actual manga itself, which is the origin of Naruto. That last chapter would have totally make no sense if the chapters were cut short. If you have someone tell you the summary of Naruto and his relationships with the other characters in the series, you won't get how he could end up with Hinata.

How did Naruto liking Sakura even get passed off as an excuse for his rivalry with Sasuke? He liked her enough to actually state that he would bring back Sasuke for her. I still don't get how Naruto and Sakura didn't end up together either. And what exactly does Sakura like about Sasuke other than him being cool and having a tragic past? Of course, that is if we ignore the fact that Naruto has a tragic past as well. If I remember correctly, she didn't even have much of a romantic interaction with Sasuke at all before he left Konoha. I personally think that her and Naruto's feelings for Sasuke is a feeling of longing for their childhood friend. I still don't believe that she actually liked him like she did, or even love him, when they got him back. Their relationship is just like NaruHina's where everything happens off-manga and that's not enough to convince someone who actually is an avid fan, who likes Naruto for the story in terms of plot, action and romance. If anything, I really really thought Sakura had feelings for Naruto. I don't know if she was even serious when she said that Naruto's feelings for her was just a result of his rivalry with Sasuke. How does she even know that? She's not him.

Up 'till now, I still agree that NaruHina got together just because they have a lot of fans and also because of $$$. I feel like Naruto and Sakura had to give each other up to, I don't know, fulfill NaruHina and SasuSaku fan's wishes. If NaruHina and SasuSaku could develop their relationship off-screen, why not SasuHina? I mean, they seem to have a lot of fans too. And I'll still feel as baffled as I was when I found out the end-couples also.

#892588 NS - True Believers

Posted by unhskikrforever on 12 December 2015 - 04:21 PM

Hope? I guess I still have a tinyyyyyyyyyy bit of hope left. Just a little.. *sigh*

#857711 Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis

Posted by unhskikrforever on 19 July 2015 - 04:29 AM

This actually looks really good. I will give it a try. Thanks for the suggestion!  :D

It is! Yessssss. DO IT. :D Let's talk about it when you're done with it. You're welcome. :)

#857529 Emergency Host Change (Updated)

Posted by unhskikrforever on 18 July 2015 - 06:55 PM

Thanks for the hard work! :D It's great that the site is up and running again. Can't wait for the new features!

#854469 Hey Arnold! Fan Club!

Posted by unhskikrforever on 07 July 2015 - 07:23 AM

I didn't know there was a Hey Arnold! thread here. Anyway, here's some treats. I was wondering why no one posted these but these are fanarts and a good one at that.


All Grown Up: Hey Arnold! by IsaiahStephens on DA




Arnold x Helga in high school and college fanart/fancomics by limey404 on DA








The images are too large so I'll just leave the rest of the links here.












Tying Up Loose Ends -comic- (After the movie) by limey404








#851123 Truly My Last Rant

Posted by unhskikrforever on 01 July 2015 - 05:46 PM

To be honest, what I hate most out of what Naruto (the series) has become is the way Kishi butchered Naruto as a character. He's not the Naruto I fell in love with. I never thought Naruto and Sakura looked cute together either but the way their relationship was developed and how much Naruto was shown to have genuine feelings for Sakura were what made me ship them. Part 2, where their relationship really developed, was when the shipping started. The fact that Kishi, and those who were involved in writing the storyline of The Last, made his feelings for her out to be THAT shallow completely baffled me. That's just not how Naruto is, or was. It was seriously out of character. I just have no idea what went wrong.

#849899 SasuHina Appreciation Thread

Posted by unhskikrforever on 28 June 2015 - 06:23 PM

Believe it or not, I've only started to ship SasuHina after Naruto ended. They could have matched so well together. 

#846817 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by unhskikrforever on 21 June 2015 - 07:13 PM

It's definitely not pretty. I just stay far, far away from it all. Doesn't have anything to do with me anymore and I don't want any part of the Naruto fandom outside of here.The remnants of the fandom can keep fighting it out for all I care, I've found much better stuff to devote my interest.

Ugh, I feel the same. Preach, girl! PREACH.

#759722 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by unhskikrforever on 16 February 2015 - 01:50 PM

Alright I gotta ask......do all of you guys "generally" hate Naruto and Sakura now? Or just "what's become of them" that is you hate? I'm just having a hard time telling which is true from reading your comments and just worried is all...


None. I'm blaming all of this on Kishi, the writer.

#759675 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by unhskikrforever on 16 February 2015 - 11:53 AM


So apparently this is the article: http://www.chinatime...03000896-260603
Does anyone know Chinese? Haha. I'd be curious to say what exactly it says..


Does anybody know Chinese here!?!? O_o

I can't read Chinese but I do speak and understand it. I translated it to pinyin and listened to the "robotic" audio of the translation. Uh.. I don't understand most of it but it's basically talking about Sakura and saying how it's unbelievable that Sakura would end up with Sasuke when all the hints pointed towards Naruto or something. *shrugs* And there's this part where they quote Sasuke, when he said that he doesn't understand why Sakura would like him, and the writer continues stating that even Sasuke has said so himself, so how are we supposed to accept that Sakura and Sasuke would end up together? Somewhere along those lines..
We need someone who actually knows how to read Chinese. LOL.
But at the bottom of the article, it states the venue and time for Chie Nakamura's signing event.
EDIT: AH! And she also said that Sakura is one of the most hated character because the ending just proved that she used Naruto.. It's just things that we've ranted and discussed about these few months after the ending.


Okay, I re-listened and reread everything. I'll be paraphrasing everything because I can't translate everything word by word.
There's this novel [in China probably, not sure if it's just the character's name or also the title of the novel] called Tie Xin Lan and she's known as one of the most hated characters. Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto also has a similar character, Sakura, and it can be said that she's even worse than Tie Xin Lan.
Among the female characters in the novel, who would be the most hated one? Everyone would say Tie Xin Lan because she loves two guys [can't bother to write their names since they're irrelevant]. One moment she would be crying because of one of the guys and at another moment, she would be in the arms of the other. People call her fickle and indecisive [not exactly these words but close]. But recently, there's another character who's even more hated than Tie Xin Lan and that is Sakura.
The online users'/fans? nickname for Sakura is Tie Xin Ying [Not sure if it's Tie Xin Lan's actual twin or fans came up with it] because they think that they're both similar, perhaps even worse than Tie Xin Lan. They believe that Sakura only cries and uses Naruto and that she doesn't know something something [not sure], it's not an exaggeration to call her Tie Xin Ying.
The last straw was when Sakura lied and confessed to Naruto in order to save Sasuke, in which everyone criticised her for, and decided to kill Sasuke herself but she couldn't do it and just cried. Not only that, she also fell under Sasuke's genjutsu and needed Naruto to save her. A user complained saying. "Even as a fellow female, I can't stand her anymore. She always needs Naruto to save her again and again.."
Even with this, Sakura and Sasuke still ended up together in the end. Fans find it unbelievable, considering the amount of the interactions they have with each other. Sakura only liked Sasuke due to his appearance and flirted with him. In chapter 693, Sasuke even said so himself that he finds no reason to like her or to be liked by her.
Fans were glad.
Even Sasuke had said that himself, how do you expect us to accept this? To the point of using the "forehead poke" between Itachi and Sasuke [brothers].. This has caused an uproar among fans, "Using the forehead poke is unacceptable! Why? Why? [not exact words]" This particular scene has been used as spoofs, displaying Sakura's death.
The forehead poke between Sasuke and Sakura has been parodied and photoshopped with blood coming out of her forehead [head bursting? Not sure about this.] Fans commented that this is the actual scene and Masashi Kishimoto had to edit it so that the chapter can be published. Another parody or spoof that fans came up with is that the album cover of The Last shows Naruto and Hinata walking alongside each other in a field with a sad and dull atmosphere and on the left was Sakura's grave. They were just done with Sakura's funeral. We can only say that the netizens are creative, their resentment towards her is apparent [somewhere along these lines].
And the rest is information on Chie Nakamura's signing event.
Wow.. I just.. I have no words. My ears and eyes are bleeding.

#717453 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by unhskikrforever on 28 December 2014 - 07:58 AM

For fairy tail, it doesn't really help that the ladies are really sexualized it seems. Some of Lucy's outfits are just bleh sometimes because of that. I kinda preferred her back at the beginning, when she was wearing the casual stuff. The clothes she changed into after the dragons attacked the GMG were kinda overdoing it to me.

This is a recent chapter (the NaLu side story) which is the last time that I remember thinking, "hey look, Lucy is really pretty, and she's actually dressed casual for once".


I like Lucy, and I like NaLu, and I like the women of Fairy Tail, but I feel like sometimes Hiro overdoes it with them. Am I the only one that feels that way? Lol


Nah, you're not the only one. I also noticed that Mashima overdoes it with their clothes. There was even a shower scene. It's good to give fanservice but at times, it's too much. As long as he doesn't go overboard and lose track of the story, I'm fine though. What I like most about Mashima is that whenever there isn't any OTP moments in the manga, he gives OTP fanservice on his twitter at times. LMAO. There are some off-manga NaLu moments, if I'm not wrong.

#716812 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by unhskikrforever on 27 December 2014 - 04:25 PM

12 movies within 12 years? WHUT. Do they even have the time to plan each movie? .-.


I usually don't do this, but guys….its my birthday


Happy Birthday! :D

#712358 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by unhskikrforever on 21 December 2014 - 12:59 PM

Don't know if anyone has seen/posted this, but this is terrible :(




D: Poor girl. SEE, THIS IS WHY CYBER-BULLYING IS DANGEROUS. I hope she's fine.