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Member Since 22 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active May 15 2013 03:40 PM

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Swagosaurus' bundle of swag, angst, feels and tom foolery

04 December 2012 - 02:28 AM

So, what's up?

I'm Swagosaurus, as you all can tell by the title. Anyways, I write fanfiction. Terribly written fan-fiction, in my opinion, but I LOVE writing it. It's fun as hell. Naru/Saku is such a versatile pairing to write about when it comes to genres and plotlines; it can be fluffy as hell, smutty as hell, angsty as hell, dark as hell...you name it. It's just awesome-sauce.

So here I'm going to post all of my stories that matter for you all to 'enjoy'. tongue.gif

The aim of this thread is to get constructive criticism, writing tips, general help, and to bounce plot ideas off one another.

So anyhoozle, the main fic I'm working on, and the one I truly intend to finish, is Perfectly Imperfect Love. Ho boy.

This baby is a mixed bag of just blah. A few of my reviewers, and a couple of people that have been messaging me, say it's well-written and realistic. I beg to differ, as I reread what I've been writing so far. I'd like to think that I gradually improve with each chapter, adding and changing things, etc, but still; I'm an awful writer. And I want to change that.

A rough summary is this: Sakura marries Sasuke, essentially leaving Naruto in the dust (albeit unintentionally). He then joins the ANBU.

Rough summary indeed.

I've sort of botched Naruto's character; it's hard to write a super-happy, selfless, perfect person, when you have all of the kitten happening to him all at once. What do you guys think? Did I ruin him? Or is his reaction to pretty much everything good and realistic?

There's countless things to discuss about my story (for me, anyways. I could talk about literally everything; plotlines, character development, mood, tone, etc.). I just wanted to get a general consensus, personal and to the point, about my fic.

It's my pride and joy right now. It may be horrible, but please be kind smile.gif

What got you into NaruSaku?

26 October 2012 - 01:16 AM

As the title says, what got you into NaruSaku as a pairing? Why do you think that is?

For me, it's a bit of a story.

I started watching Naruto about 6 months ago (I had no idea what the hell a manga was, or that the show was in japanese. :o).

At first, I HATED Naruto as a character; maybe it was the english dub that contributed to that, but he was loud, obnoxious and downright unlikeable. I despised his being. The only character I enjoyed was Kakashi, because he's just a thug. He oozes swag.

Anyways, it was around the part where Naruto fought Kabuto and brought Tsunade back that I was like 'damn, he's actually a sick character'. So, from that point on, I rewatched everything with all the stuff I knew, and Kishi really put depth into the character.

When he put on the sad smile when Sakura hugged Sasuke, it gave me so many feels, but I didn't know what the heck a 'pairing' was then, so I was like meh. And then I made the bad decision of going on Narutopedia. I don't know why, but I would look up characters and get spoilers for episodes. It was around this time that I heard about the 'Kage Summit Arc', and episode 206/chapter 469.

So I went onto my browser, searched up the episode, and found out it was called 'Sakura's confession', and the image was of her and Naruto looking at eachother in this snowy place. This blew my balls off; I fangirl squealed until my voice was hoarse.

But then, it wasn't them getting together; it was a drama filled argument. It gave me shivers; it was insanely well written, and cemented my love for the pairing. And then I found H&E, and here we are. Naru/Saku is the kittens.

So what about you guys? kruemelmonsteryn0.gif


19 September 2012 - 06:41 PM

What's good, ladies and gentlemen?

I'm swagosaurus. IMO, NxS is a stellar pairing, and the only one that actually makes sense.

I have some really terrible fanfictions under this name on fanfiction.net, if you're interested, haha.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to having some good discussions with everyone here. So yeah. ninja.gif