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Member Since 27 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active May 27 2018 02:16 PM

Topics I've Started


12 November 2017 - 09:34 PM




Decided to start this series that I've heard about for years. Its many seasons and complicated timeline make it a rather intimidating series to get into, but curiosity eventually won over. Have watched the first two episodes of Bakemonogatari so far. I'll write down my thoughts on this series in the future.

The Promised Neverland (Yakusoku no Neverland)

11 August 2017 - 06:51 PM

The Promised Neverland



Emma is an orphan that lives in a place called the Grace Field House along with her other foster siblings. Two of which are Norman and Ray who, along with Emma score the highest on the daily tests that they have to take. Emma notes that while they are able to do what they want they are not allowed to leave the compounds or the gate that connects the house to the outside world. One night Conny, one of the orphans is sent away to be adopted and Emma notices that she has left behind her bunny rabbit Bernie. Along with Norman and with Ray's help Emma makes her way to the gate to find Conny. However they are shocked to find Conny is dead and the house is actually a farm where they are being bred and harvested to become food for Demonic creatures. To make matters worse, Isabella, the mama and caretaker of the kids is in allegiance with the demons. This news shocks Emma and Norman to their core and they vow to escape along with all their other siblings.



Yes, yes, I know. The premise of the story sounds totally edgy, but I guarantee you, the characters in this story will prove you wrong. It's a relatively new manga that was released just a year ago. I've been keeping an eye on it but finally decided to give it a try when I was told that this series is very reminiscent of HxH and Death Note b/c of the heavy focus on strategy and mind games. And wow, this is beyond doubt one of the best running shounens right now. The first arc just had one plot twist after another; it was hard for me to put the manga down. I caught up on the 50 chapters in just three days, lol (that's quick for me, guys). What makes this manga so much fun is that the main cast and the supporting cast are all hyper-intelligent children since they were raised to be wise beyond their years, including the main character Emma (yay for not having a stupid shounen main character for once). None of the main characters are disposable- all of them contribute to the escape in one way or another. This right now is considered one of the most promising mangas in Shounen Jump, rightfully so!