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Masashi Kishimoto Implies Sasuke And Sakura Are Not Happy With Their Marriage NaruSaku Possible Once Again!

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#1 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 22 April 2016 - 02:04 PM

Hello NaruSaku Forums!
I have discovered news that you all have been so eagerly been waiting to hear! Masashi Kishimoto heavily Implies in a interview that Sasuke and Sakura are not content with their marriage, Here is a link to the full interview with Masashi Kishimoto:http://www.cinemacaf...8/07/33246.html Translate the page
The Interview took place AFTER Boruto Naruto the movie was finalized and released, And here is a shortened more compressed version of the Interview:
Sakura's VA: Like OMG "Our Sakura" finally got a happy ending. I am so happy. Thank you sensei.
Kishimoto: Yeah, I don't know for sure if they are really happy. They can seperate and go their own way, I still have not decided yet
This is breaking news to all Anti NaruHina and SasuSaku people that their wishes could possibly come true, and I can see it actually happening with my points provided below:
Admittingly both Sasuke and Naruto have been neglectful fathers to their families, wives, kids, etc. they rarely if not never spend time with their wives and kids due to their time consuming lifestyles, both Hinata and Sakura mourn this fact, So essentially they are wives without husbands ;);)

However... Boruto's dream is to become a ninja like Sarada's father Sasuke

And Sarada's dream is to become a ninja like boruto's father Naruto

Because of this Boruto ask sasuke to take him in as his disciple and train him and sasuke accepts

And Naruto is willing to train Sarada on how a Hokage operates since it is her dream to become one

Because of this Sasuke is being a fatherly figure to Boruto something naruto is neglecting and absence himself from causing Sasuke to spend plenty of time with Boruto, Hinata understands Naruto's position and duties as hokage but it still vacates him from his duties as a father and husband 2 things that was Hinata's dream since she was a little girl and she's not getting it! The fact that so far sasuke is replacing and fulling the role of a father to Boruto and his family something Hinata wishes Naruto could do could possibly cause Hinata to start eyeing Sasuke a little ;);) and inevitably cause them to spend time with each other and converse more :) 

Happy to see him Hinata ? ;)

This situation parallels with Sarada's family situation of not having a father figure around, However Naruto is fulling the role of Sarada's father! Spending time to train her and show her the ropes of being a Hokage since that is what she aspires to! Sakura is constantly depressed that Sasuke doesn't spend much time with his family while Naruto seems to decided to burden that role by spending time with Sarada as a fatherly figure which of course means Sakura could start viewing Naruto in a new way causing her to possibly start eyeing him ;);)

Happy to see him Sakura ? ;)

See the message here ? A husband swap between these two families could possibly occur :) This could be what Kishimoto was Implying when he said that he didn't know that if Sakura and Sasuke were truly happy with their marriage, And stated he hasn't decided on it yet, Kishimoto stated in a interview in the upcoming Boruto manga series that all of his new Naruto idea's will be put into Boruto http://www.movienews...a-series/190766

Wether the families of Naruto/Hinata Sasuke/Sakura divorce or not Kishimoto is hinting that something in the story of the upcoming manga series Boruto will occur that will cause these 2 families love to weaken or wither away :)

It never made sense for Naruto/Hinata and Sasuke/Sakura to be married couples regardless due to the incompatibility and the boruto movie is shedding light on that fact as shown above and now for the reasons below:

Naruto has always disliked people who are:

1. Shy
2. Timid
3. Have low self esteem
4. Have no confidence
5. And believing they cannot change who they are or their destiny 

And guess what ? Hinata is all the above, why do you think Naruto ignored her for like 90% of the entire series ? because she ISN'T his type of person, He even ignored her love confession during the fight with Pein, after Pein was defeated he didn't even return her feelings, hell it didn't even cross his mind to even talk to her! that should give you the message Hinata, he wasn't interested in you! but he all of a sudden is in love with the girl who fits the criteria of a person he dislikes in the Last Naruto The Movie ? talk about major plot hole that makes 0 sense.

The Last Naruto the Movie was just a damn venue point to make money because NaruHina has the biggest pairing fanbase with millions of supporters regardless if the Pairing makes sense or not, So the director of that movie saw it as a cash cow to cater to those millions of fans of NaruHina, the director of The Last Naruto the movie was thinking "Hey $5 per ticket to see the movie and their are millions of NaruHina fans i'm going to be swimming in money!!" Thats why that abomination of a movie should never ever be considered cannon when it completely contradicts the manga.

Sasuke has always disliked people who are:

Those are 5 personality traits that sasuke completely despises in a person, and Sakura is ALL THE ABOVE while Hinata IS NONE OF THE ABOVE well at least she is not 4. and 5. for sasuke which is only another reason why Sasuke/Sakura makes 0 sense as a couple and why he would consider Hinata tolerable, which means Hinata would be considered likable by sasuke or the very least tolerable, so would sasuke have much of a reason to hate or kill her ? that is why Hinata pairing with Sasuke makes MUCH MORE sense and makes shipping for them VERY plausible unlike that abomination SasukeXSakura!
Sasuke only married her to revive his clan he has never once said he loved sakura, he just used her for bedtime
After the war he is and still is considered a criminal known to the world, many women probably didn't want to associate let alone marry him to either protect themselves because they are aware that he is a killer or to save their clans public face by not marrying a notorious criminal, so because of that sasuke's options of women to make offspring with were very minimal and his race of people "Uchiha" are on the brink of extinction which possibly made him desperate enough to recreate with a woman he despises Sakura , then sakura approaches him and throws herself at him and boom theres a option, sasuke has never once said he loves sakura let alone even hugged her!

See the point ? Naruto likes people who are loud, confident and sure of themselves "Sakura" Sasuke likes people who are quite calm and not clingy for him "Hinata" thats why it makes perfect sense for Sasuke/Hinata and Naruto/Sakura to be couple's

If Naruto truly loved Hinata and if Sasuke truely loved Sakura they would make it bigger priorities in their lives to see their "current wives" ;)

Naruto's family is lucky if Naruto comes home once a week, He sleeps in the Hokage's office instead of his own bed with Hinata making her feel lonely! If he's tired then there is a nice soft bed with a beautiful wife to share it with but he chooses not to do that!

Now talking about Sasuke's family... oh lord they are lucky if they see him once a year and even that's a understatement, he likely just used Sakura to revive the Uchiha clan, He sleeps out in the woods! instead of a bed with his beautiful wife but he chooses not to!

So Naruto and Sasuke rather sleep like homeless bums outside the homes they are welcome to instead of sleeping in beds with their beautiful wives hmm... interesting romances!! do they not want to be around their wives that badly ? well it makes sense since they married women who are not their type of people!!

Well this is my theory as to what Masashi Kishimoto has planned and in store for us in the upcoming manga Boruto, Perhaps he is finally coming to his senses and realizing what a mess and a mistake the current pairings he created are and now he will make corrections of it in by having Naruto and Sasuke Marry the person they truly wanted in the upcoming Manga Boruto :) And hopefully will reawaken the NaruSaku Shippers who were put to rest and dormant and will compel them to ship Naruto and Sakura Once again!!

Also Kishimoto's wife is apparently a dedicated NaruSaku shipper since the series started
So perhaps she the person Kishimoto loves deeply played a big hand in convincing him into even consider making Sasuke and Sakura not happy with their marriage

Thank you all for reading I appreciate the consideration!! :)





Edited by BestSasuHinaSupporter, 27 April 2016 - 04:35 PM.

#2 alexander


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Posted 22 April 2016 - 02:35 PM

All I have to say is, too little too late. I don't care if NS becomes canon, the damage has been done. Regardless if such a thing would actually happen anyway.


#3 yimiiyumi



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Posted 22 April 2016 - 02:56 PM

This could happen in a fanon story but sorry you're forgeting after all naruto is still a manga for japanese kids 12-years-old and kishimoto seems to be a very conservative man when he writes about women (the "sakura would look like a bad woman if she moved on from sasuke") so I doubt kishimoto would ever make really a divorce
But it's still a good theory but I just don't think it would happen in the canon-verse but it's a good plot to fanfic
BTW maybe a genjutsu or alternative ending could happen 

#4 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 22 April 2016 - 03:20 PM


This could happen in a fanon story but sorry you're forgeting after all naruto is still a manga for japanese kids 12-years-old and kishimoto seems to be a very conservative man when he writes about women (the "sakura would look like a bad woman if she moved on from sasuke") so I doubt kishimoto would ever make really a divorce
But it's still a good theory but I just don't think it would happen in the canon-verse but it's a good plot to fanfic
BTW maybe a genjutsu or alternative ending could happen 


So Sakura will look like a bad woman for moving on from a man who has made multiple attempts at her life, never returned any of her feelings, never showed ANY feelings for her, by that logic Rock Lee is a bad man for moving on from Sakura to TenTen, Ino is a bad woman for moving on from Sasuke to Sai and Naruto is a bad man for moving on from Sakura to Hinata,

He's contradicting himself, sometimes I feel kishimoto has short term memory loss and forgets the story he writes!

How can anyone attempt to rationalize the relationship dynamic Sasuke and Sakura has ? how can you have a long term relationship with a person who has the intent to kill you, a relationship like that will only last a few seconds, so how can it be long term ? and Kishimoto wants to consider Sakura a bad woman from moving on from that ? fuccking idiocy kishimoto fuccking idiocy :P

Naruto loves Sakura, Sakura thinks Naruto only loved her because he didn't want to lose to Sasuke so he competed with him to win Sakura's Love ? well why do you think Naruto competed Sakura ? because he did have the feelings to be willing to compete for your affection, Love fundamentally is about competition because your trying to win a certain persons affection, that's why I think Sakura's logic about Naruto's love only to prove that he is better then Sasuke is BullShhit.

Why Sakura couldn't just admit that her feeling for Sasuke were stronger ?

And Kishimoto isn't against the whole divorce/moving on concept, Examples:

1.Tsunade despite loving Dan began to develop feelings for Jiraiya right before he went on the mission to stop the atatsuki albeit failing and dying unfortunately :( but that an example that Kishimoto is willing to break love relationships

2. Tsubaki Mizuki former lover thats right former lover moved on from him because he was going on a dark path despite Tsubaki attempting to convince him to not walk on it still continued on it and she saw no point in staying by his side

3. Ino despite loving Sasuke started to look Sai's way due to him being similar in appearance to him so she saw him as a Sasuke alternative, that makes many fans question if Ino loves Sai for Sai, but it's still an example of moving on regardless

4. And lets not forget about Rin finally accepting Obito's feelings :)

So yeah after these scenarios that occured in the manga it's very much possible that Kishimoto will cause more moving on/Divorce scenarios :)

Edited by BestSasuHinaSupporter, 22 April 2016 - 03:43 PM.

#5 Yyubie



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Posted 22 April 2016 - 03:42 PM

As always ... your post always blow my mind, you must have pour everything in your heart to create this thread. Well done.


I like to say few things :

First ... in each of his [Kishi] interview he always contradict the previous one, so for me it's hard to believe him anymore, i mean he is the one who said that NH and SS was planned from the beginning in his previous interview and now he suddenly said that SS is not happy ... you see ... somethings clearly not right here. If he plan SS from the start why they not happy with their marriage?? , and if they happy not happy and don't know how to develop SS then why he said SS was planned from the start?? . Which one is the truth?? is he really saying all of that from the bottom of his heart?? or it's just a script written by SP because they realize the ending is fuc*ed and not generate enough money??. Reading the tittle of your thread is like seeing an oasis when i walking on a endless desert of sands ... i want to believe that oasis is real but my brain simply refuse and said it's all just illusion. Also do not forget that this is the same guy who said NS is RED HERRING and all of its development and parallel exist only to mislead the fans. That word coming out from his own mouth in one of his old interview, he is the first one that kill NS and nail its coffin, remember that.


Second ... i just realize now that Hinata actually call Sasuke without suffix ... She call Naruto and Kiba with -Kun ... that is something i do not expect, it sounds like she already meet Sasuke many times ... who knows.


Third ... if you said that Naruto is a manga aimed for kids then there can't be DIVORCE. You really think an anime watched by 12 years old kid going to be about divorce?? what kind of anime teaching 12 years old kid about divorce??????, seriously ...


I don't have any intention of crushing your hope ... but just keep that fire of hope small, don't be fooled by them, they already lies [both SP and Kishi] so many times.

An out of control man needs a strong woman to control him.
And even a violent woman will become soft and tender to the man she love.

#6 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 22 April 2016 - 03:54 PM

As always ... your post always blow my mind, you must have pour everything in your heart to create this thread. Well done.


I like to say few things :

First ... in each of his [Kishi] interview he always contradict the previous one, so for me it's hard to believe him anymore, i mean he is the one who said that NH and SS was planned from the beginning in his previous interview and now he suddenly said that SS is not happy ... you see ... somethings clearly not right here. If he plan SS from the start why they not happy with their marriage?? , and if they happy not happy and don't know how to develop SS then why he said SS was planned from the start?? . Which one is the truth?? is he really saying all of that from the bottom of his heart?? or it's just a script written by SP because they realize the ending is fuc*ed and not generate enough money??. Reading the tittle of your thread is like seeing an oasis when i walking on a endless desert of sands ... i want to believe that oasis is real but my brain simply refuse and said it's all just illusion. Also do not forget that this is the same guy who said NS is RED HERRING and all of its development and parallel exist only to mislead the fans. That word coming out from his own mouth in one of his old interview, he is the first one that kill NS and nail its coffin, remember that.


Second ... i just realize now that Hinata actually call Sasuke without suffix ... She call Naruto and Kiba with -Kun ... that is something i do not expect, it sounds like she already meet Sasuke many times ... who knows.


Third ... if you said that Naruto is a manga aimed for kids then there can't be DIVORCE. You really think an anime watched by 12 years old kid going to be about divorce?? what kind of anime teaching 12 years old kid about divorce??????, seriously ...


I don't have any intention of crushing your hope ... but just keep that fire of hope small, don't be fooled by them, they already lies [both SP and Kishi] so many times.

Wether Naruto divorces Hinata and Sasuke divorces Sakura or not, Kishimoto is heavily implying that somewhere along the story of the upcoming manga series Boruto that some event will cause the love inbetween these two marriages to be damaged and weakened :) Boruto Naruto the movie already does a good job with that with my points provided in this topic.

And guess what ? Kishimoto stated that Boruto Naruto the movie serves as a pilot for the new upcoming Manga series Boruto :) and both Naruto and Sasukes marriages have suffered heavy blows in the movie as i've shown which is why I feel a husband swap inbetween these 2 marriages will transpire. 

No you can't use the argument that Naruto looks happy with Hinata and Sasuke looks happy with Sakura at the end of the movie because nothing has changed in their relationships, Naruto is still the Hokage with the same Hokage duties, The very same duties that keep him from spending time with his family so Boruto's and Hinata's View and opinion on Naruto being a Neglectful father remains the same, Sasuke still travels on his redemption journey once again leaving his family in solitude so it's the same paralleled situation with Naruto's family, Sarada's and Sakura's view on Sasuke being a neglectful father still stands,

Both Naruto and Sasuke essentially Swapped wives and families already, Naruto rather spend time training Sarada instead of Boruto and spend time with Sakura instead of Hinata, while Sasuke rather spend time Training Boruto instead of his OWN daughter who has similar abilities to him, He and Sarada are the only Uchihas alive at the current time so whos around to train Sarada the Uchiha techniques ? so she feels Neglected and goes to Naruto for a father figure, Naruto was the one who Inspired her to want to become the hokage which means that Naruto has a bigger impact on Sarada then Sasuke does Sasuke hasn't convinced Sarada to want to do anything with her life, uh-oh Sasuke Naruto might steal your family :)

Hinata is getting from Sasuke what she's not getting from Naruto and Sakura is getting from Naruto what she is not getting from Sasuke, A fatherly figure to their kids and a man to spend time with them, which is why I strongly feel and is also heavily implied that a husband swap may occur inbetween these 2 families in the upcoming manga series Boruto

Kishimoto also stated that the new Boruto manga will be based on the relationship with his family and sons, and he stated that because he had to work long hours he couldn't spend much time with his family because of that his wife began to feel lonely and started spending time with his best friend, so what does that tell you ? it is VERY MUCH possible that Naruto and Sasuke could potentially swap wives or at the very least build a deeper relationship with their best friends wives :) in the upcoming manga series boruto :)

So therefore my hopes and dreams of SasukeXHinata and NarutoXSakura has recieved new heights of confidence :)

Edited by BestSasuHinaSupporter, 22 April 2016 - 04:21 PM.

#7 yimiiyumi



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Posted 22 April 2016 - 04:54 PM

Wether Naruto divorces Hinata and Sasuke divorces Sakura or not, Kishimoto is heavily implying that somewhere along the story of the upcoming manga series Boruto that some event will cause the love inbetween these two marriages to be damaged and weakened :) Boruto Naruto the movie already does a good job with that with my points provided in this topic.

And guess what ? Kishimoto stated that Boruto Naruto the movie serves as a pilot for the new upcoming Manga series Boruto :) and both Naruto and Sasukes marriages have suffered heavy blows in the movie as i've shown which is why I feel a husband swap inbetween these 2 marriages will transpire. 

No you can't use the argument that Naruto looks happy with Hinata and Sasuke looks happy with Sakura at the end of the movie because nothing has changed in their relationships, Naruto is still the Hokage with the same Hokage duties, The very same duties that keep him from spending time with his family so Boruto's and Hinata's View and opinion on Naruto being a Neglectful father remains the same, Sasuke still travels on his redemption journey once again leaving his family in solitude so it's the same paralleled situation with Naruto's family, Sarada's and Sakura's view on Sasuke being a neglectful father still stands,

Both Naruto and Sasuke essentially Swapped wives and families already, Naruto rather spend time training Sarada instead of Boruto and spend time with Sakura instead of Hinata, while Sasuke rather spend time Training Boruto instead of his OWN daughter who has similar abilities to him, He and Sarada are the only Uchihas alive at the current time so whos around to train Sarada the Uchiha techniques ? so she feels Neglected and goes to Naruto for a father figure, Naruto was the one who Inspired her to want to become the hokage which means that Naruto has a bigger impact on Sarada then Sasuke does Sasuke hasn't convinced Sarada to want to do anything with her life, uh-oh Sasuke Naruto might steal your family :)

Hinata is getting from Sasuke what she's not getting from Naruto and Sakura is getting from Naruto what she is not getting from Sasuke, A fatherly figure to their kids and a man to spend time with them, which is why I strongly feel and is also heavily implied that a husband swap may occur inbetween these 2 families in the upcoming manga series Boruto

Kishimoto also stated that the new Boruto manga will be based on the relationship with his family and sons, and he stated that because he had to work long hours he couldn't spend much time with his family because of that his wife began to feel lonely and started spending time with his best friend, so what does that tell you ? it is VERY MUCH possible that Naruto and Sasuke could potentially swap wives or at the very least build a deeper relationship with their best friends wives :) in the upcoming manga series boruto :)

So therefore my hopes and dreams of SasukeXHinata and NarutoXSakura has recieved new heights of confidence :)

I don't mean to be rude but you're saying some things which really don't makes any sense
first kishimoto never said cleary he is going to make a divorce, the translation is wrong kishimoto just said he has some ideas about sasuke and sakura to the future (which could be anything) so there is nothing "Implying" the new manga will be about "husband swap"
second what exactally is hinata geting from sasuke ? or sakura getting from naruto ? from what I've seen in gaiden the movie naruto and sarada barely knew each other and even in boruto the movie there is no hints of naruto bieng a close friend to sarada and even less being a "father figure" to sarada and well the only scene hinata and sasuke interacted was when sasuke asked about naruto well I know of course sasuhina fans are happy for this little (first) interaction but this don't means sasuke and hinata are in love with each other and will get a divorce,
and where is said naruto is training sarada ? or spreading time with sakura ? sakura and naruto don't even have a direct interaction in gaiden or in the movie 
And even if we suppose sasuke and naruto wants a divorce there is no hints sakura and hinata wants to a divorce, I'm sorry but I odn't really believe hinata will want a divorce from naruto even if she is secretally not happy with the marriage and same goes to sakura don't forget kishimoto said sakura is "obsessed" with sasuke
and for what gaiden show sakura will live allright with sasuke being away since she thinks the forehead poke was a love signal from him to her
I'm not trying to defend SS/NH but please don't let your ship glass blind you

Edited by yimiiyumi, 22 April 2016 - 05:01 PM.

#8 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 22 April 2016 - 05:25 PM


I don't mean to be rude but you're saying some things which really don't makes any sense
first kishimoto never said cleary he is going to make a divorce, the translation is wrong kishimoto just said he has some ideas about sasuke and sakura to the future (which could be anything) so there is nothing "Implying" the new manga will be about "husband swap"
second what exactally is hinata geting from sasuke ? or sakura getting from naruto ? from what I've seen in gaiden the movie naruto and sarada barely knew each other and even in boruto the movie there is no hints of naruto bieng a close friend to sarada and even less being a "father figure" to sarada and well the only scene hinata and sasuke interacted was when sasuke asked about naruto well I know of course sasuhina fans are happy for this little (first) interaction but this don't means sasuke and hinata are in love with each other and will get a divorce,
and where is said naruto is training sarada ? or spreading time with sakura ? sakura and naruto don't even have a direct interaction in gaiden or in the movie 
And even if we suppose sasuke and naruto wants a divorce there is no hints sakura and hinata wants to a divorce, I'm sorry but I odn't really believe hinata will want a divorce from naruto even if she is secretally not happy with the marriage and same goes to sakura don't forget kishimoto said sakura is "obsessed" with sasuke
and for what gaiden show sakura will live allright with sasuke being away since she thinks the forehead poke was a love signal from him to her
I'm not trying to defend SS/NH but please don't let your ship glass blind you


I said it was a high possibility that a husband Swap inbetween the families of Naruto/Hinata and Sasuke/Sakura could occur based on the movie hints and Kishimoto boldly stating that Sasuke and Sakura aren't happy with their marriage, not that at a 100% chance that a husband swap will occur,

However it would make completely rational sense that a divorce takes place inbetween these 2 families, because their isn't any true love involved, Naruto and Sasuke married women who have qualities they dislike about a person so obviously they married Hinata and Sakura for a different reason besides love which is why I will repeat my point once again:

Naruto has always disliked people who are:

1. Shy
2. Timid
3. Have low self esteem
4. Have no confidence
5. And believing they cannot change who they are or their destiny 

And guess what ? Hinata is all the above, why do you think Naruto ignored her for like 90% of the entire series ? because she ISN'T his type of person and when your not someones type of person your not interested to talk to them, He even ignored her love confession during the fight with Pein, after Pein was defeated he didn't even return her feelings, hell it didn't even cross his mind to even talk to her! that should give you the message Hinata, he wasn't interested in you! but he all of a sudden is in love with the girl who fits the criteria of a person he dislikes in the Last Naruto The Movie ? talk about major plot hole that makes 0 sense.

The Last Naruto the Movie was just a damn venue point to make money because NaruHina has the biggest pairing fanbase with millions of supporters regardless if the Pairing makes sense or not, So the director of that movie saw it as a cash cow to cater to those millions of fans of NaruHina, the director of The Last Naruto the movie was thinking "Hey $5 per ticket to see the movie and their are millions of NaruHina fans i'm going to be swimming in money!!" Thats why that abomination of a movie should never ever be considered cannon when it completely contradicts the manga.

Sasuke has always disliked people who are:

Those are 5 personality traits that sasuke completely despises in a person, and Sakura is ALL THE ABOVE while Hinata IS NONE OF THE ABOVE well at least she is not 4. and 5. for sasuke which is only another reason why Sasuke/Sakura makes 0 sense as a couple and why he would consider Hinata tolerable, which means Hinata would be considered likable by sasuke or the very least tolerable, so would sasuke have much of a reason to hate or kill her ? that is why Hinata pairing with Sasuke makes MUCH MORE sense and makes shipping for them VERY plausible unlike that abomination SasukeXSakura!
Sasuke only married her to revive his clan he has never once said he loved sakura, he just used her for bedtime
After the war he is and still is considered a criminal known to the world, many women probably didn't want to associate let alone marry him to either protect themselves because they are aware that he is a killer or to save their clans public face by not marrying a notorious criminal, so because of that sasuke's options of women to make offspring with were very minimal and his race of people "Uchiha" are on the brink of extinction which possibly made him desperate enough to recreate with a woman he despises Sakura , then sakura approaches him and throws herself at him and boom theres a option, sasuke has never once said he loves sakura let alone even hugged her!

Also don't you find it suspicious that Sasuke got Sakura pregnant IMMEDIATELY AFTER Naruto told him that Hinata was pregnant ? this implies that both Boruto and Sarada weren't concieved out of love but to continue to carry out Naruto and Sasukes competition against each other, this is another reason why I feel Naruto and Hinata's and Sasuke and Sakura's marriages could potentially get damage in the upcoming manga series Boruto if Hinata and Sakura ever find out that their husbands only married them out of competition reasons and not out of love, if this does occur then Sakura will be contradicted with her whole point of not marrying someone that just wanted you out of competition.

Edited by BestSasuHinaSupporter, 22 April 2016 - 05:38 PM.

#9 yimiiyumi



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Posted 22 April 2016 - 05:35 PM


I said it was a high possibility that a husband Swap inbetween the families of Naruto/Hinata and Sasuke/Sakura could occur based on the movie hints and Kishimoto boldly stating that Sasuke and Sakura aren't happy with their marriage, not that at a 100% chance that a husband swap will occur,

However it would make completely rational sense that a divorce takes place inbetween these 2 families, because their isn't any true love involved which is why I will repeat my point once again:

Naruto has always disliked people who are:

1. Shy
2. Timid
3. Have low self esteem
4. Have no confidence
5. And believing they cannot change who they are or their destiny 

And guess what ? Hinata is all the above, why do you think Naruto ignored her for like 90% of the entire series ? because she ISN'T his type of person, He even ignored her love confession during the fight with Pein, after Pein was defeated he didn't even return her feelings, hell it didn't even cross his mind to even talk to her! that should give you the message Hinata, he wasn't interested in you! but he all of a sudden is in love with the girl who fits the criteria of a person he dislikes in the Last Naruto The Movie ? talk about major plot hole that makes 0 sense.

The Last Naruto the Movie was just a damn venue point to make money because NaruHina has the biggest pairing fanbase with millions of supporters regardless if the Pairing makes sense or not, So the director of that movie saw it as a cash cow to cater to those millions of fans of NaruHina, the director of The Last Naruto the movie was thinking "Hey $5 per ticket to see the movie and their are millions of NaruHina fans i'm going to be swimming in money!!" Thats why that abomination of a movie should never ever be considered cannon when it completely contradicts the manga.

Sasuke has always disliked people who are:

Those are 5 personality traits that sasuke completely despises in a person, and Sakura is ALL THE ABOVE while Hinata IS NONE OF THE ABOVE well at least she is not 4. and 5. for sasuke which is only another reason why Sasuke/Sakura makes 0 sense as a couple and why he would consider Hinata tolerable, which means Hinata would be considered likable by sasuke or the very least tolerable, so would sasuke have much of a reason to hate or kill her ? that is why Hinata pairing with Sasuke makes MUCH MORE sense and makes shipping for them VERY plausible unlike that abomination SasukeXSakura!
Sasuke only married her to revive his clan he has never once said he loved sakura, he just used her for bedtime
After the war he is and still is considered a criminal known to the world, many women probably didn't want to associate let alone marry him to either protect themselves because they are aware that he is a killer or to save their clans public face by not marrying a notorious criminal, so because of that sasuke's options of women to make offspring with were very minimal and his race of people "Uchiha" are on the brink of extinction which possibly made him desperate enough to recreate with a woman he despises Sakura , then sakura approaches him and throws herself at him and boom theres a option, sasuke has never once said he loves sakura let alone even hugged her!

Also don't you find it suspicious that Sasuke got Sakura pregnant IMMEDIATELY AFTER Naruto told him that Hinata was pregnant ? this implies that both Boruto and Sarada weren't concieved out of love but to continue to carry out Naruto and Sasukes competition against each other, this is another reason why I feel Naruto and Hinata's and Sasuke and Sakura's marriages could potentially get damage in the upcoming manga series Boruto if Hinata and Sakura ever find out that their husbands only married them out of competition reasons and not out of love, if this does occur then Sakura will be contradicted with her whole point of not marrying someone that just wanted you out of competition


I can't write right now maybe later I can give a reply to you (if I have time) 

sorry bro

Oh I send you a DM I'd like to talk with you about some theories I and my friend have which you probably would like

#10 Konoha'sCrimsonFox


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Posted 22 April 2016 - 05:37 PM

Sorry to break it to you. This was implied that Kishi was teasing Nakamura about SS no longer happening. its quite an outdated interview that we all know about. Besides I agree with Alexander. This franchise has been tainted. Although, not going to lie that I want to see the remaining fandom go up into smokes if they do divorce NH/SS.



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#11 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 22 April 2016 - 06:14 PM

Sorry to break it to you. This was implied that Kishi was teasing Nakamura about SS no longer happening. its quite an outdated interview that we all know about. Besides I agree with Alexander. This franchise has been tainted. Although, not going to lie that I want to see the remaining fandom go up into smokes if they do divorce NH/SS.

Even if the interview bears no merit, The strong implications the Boruto movie has shown and what i've provided in this topic, Implies that the marriages of Naruto and Hinata and Sasuke and Sakura are indeed weakening and the love within them is fading, :)

I'll repeat this point again:

You can't use the argument that Naruto looks happy with Hinata and Sasuke looks happy with Sakura at the end of the movie because nothing has changed in their relationships, Naruto is still the Hokage with the same Hokage duties, The very same duties that keep him from spending time with his family so Boruto's and Hinata's View and opinion on Naruto being a Neglectful father remains the same, Sasuke still travels on his redemption journey once again leaving his family in solitude so it's the same paralleled situation with Naruto's family, Sarada's and Sakura's view on Sasuke being a neglectful father still stands, :)

And guess what ? Kishimoto stated that Boruto Naruto the movie serves as a pilot for the new upcoming Manga series Boruto :) and both Naruto and Sasukes marriages have suffered heavy blows in the movie as i've shown which is why I feel a husband swap inbetween these 2 marriages will transpire in the up coming manga series Boruto. :)

Wether Naruto divorces Hinata and Sasuke divorces Sakura or not, Kishimoto is heavily implying that somewhere along the story of the upcoming manga series Boruto that some event will cause the love inbetween these two marriages to be damaged and weakened :) Boruto Naruto the movie already does a good job with that with my points provided in this topic.

Edited by BestSasuHinaSupporter, 22 April 2016 - 06:33 PM.

#12 Konoha'sCrimsonFox


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Posted 22 April 2016 - 07:27 PM

Even if the interview bears no merit, The strong implications the Boruto movie has shown and what i've provided in this topic, Implies that the marriages of Naruto and Hinata and Sasuke and Sakura are indeed weakening and the love within them is fading, :)
I'll repeat this point again:You can't use the argument that Naruto looks happy with Hinata and Sasuke looks happy with Sakura at the end of the movie because nothing has changed in their relationships, Naruto is still the Hokage with the same Hokage duties, The very same duties that keep him from spending time with his family so Boruto's and Hinata's View and opinion on Naruto being a Neglectful father remains the same, Sasuke still travels on his redemption journey once again leaving his family in solitude so it's the same paralleled situation with Naruto's family, Sarada's and Sakura's view on Sasuke being a neglectful father still stands, :)
And guess what ? Kishimoto stated that Boruto Naruto the movie serves as a pilot for the new upcoming Manga series Boruto :) and both Naruto and Sasukes marriages have suffered heavy blows in the movie as i've shown which is why I feel a husband swap inbetween these 2 marriages will transpire in the up coming manga series Boruto. :)Wether Naruto divorces Hinata and Sasuke divorces Sakura or not, Kishimoto is heavily implying that somewhere along the story of the upcoming manga series Boruto that some event will cause the love inbetween these two marriages to be damaged and weakened :) Boruto Naruto the movie already does a good job with that with my points provided in this topic.

Not saying you're wrong. But You have to keep in mind that kishi is a king of trolling. Japan claims that Kishi stated in TL movie that Sakura and Naruto saw each other as a love interest after chapter 700. All you have from the movie is nothing but a pile of BS.



"My name is Sung Ji-woo. Some called me the Assassin of Death. A Necromancer Deity... My journey has been nothing but walking over a mountain of corpses. My legion of the dead reigns supreme. None shall block my way or... face the wrath of my blades!" --Solo Leveling.

#13 GiaraShidori



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Posted 22 April 2016 - 07:32 PM

Konoha'sCrimsonFox is right, this is an old news we already know about, but the points you have BestSasuHinaSupporter are very interesting again too :D ^-^


I still hope Kishi realize anyday what he has did with his Manga and make an alternative Ending of Chapter 700, so he can say "officially", he would make the NaruSaku fans happy, because they was so sad of the Ending and don't steal the other's their Endings and everybody are happy and "unofficially" he never needs to admit in the public, that he has did very big kitten with NaruHina and SasuSaku :D ^-^

Edited by GiaraShidori, 22 April 2016 - 07:35 PM.

Dattebayo :P


Watching up und down :nslove: :narusaku:

#14 Dalton.T.R



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Posted 23 April 2016 - 02:38 AM

Hmm...this is interesting.


I've honestly moved past the disappointments that I had with the Naruto manga. Real life has taken over the disappointments and angers I had about Naruto, and I think I might give Kishi another try. I don't know why, but something just doesn't feel right without Naruto in my life.  

#15 Yyubie



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Posted 23 April 2016 - 06:58 PM

I think it's just a bait to lure all the fans [NS] that already leave to come back.


I refuse to believe anything, i got nothing to lose because i don't really care anymore, if what you said true then of course i will be happy.

I don't wanna get disappoint again if i put my hope back and in the it's just another lie, i learn my lesson from Chapter 700, The Last, and Gaiden, i got mind break after three times putting my hopes my back and in the end it's just a lie. :lmao:  It's time to face and accept reality, good guy always lose.


I just hope you [and everyone else who still has hope] don't end up mind broken like me :lmao: .

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#16 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 23 April 2016 - 08:19 PM

Naruto and Sasuke dropped down from gods to trophys owned by sakura and hinata, sasuke came from a lone wolf and not needing a women in his life to eating up Sakuras ***** and naruto went from some dumb ass who never gives up to someone who gave up on someone and went for the big boobs
Yep, I'm insulting them, considering we barely get any romantic build-up between any of them. We've got two girls complete obsessed with two boys, one who's completely oblivious and chasing after another girl while the other just don't give a kitten. Hardly what I would call romantic chemistry.
It's because I have seen the movie ....
"The Last" shows some filler flashbacks not present in the original manga trying to justify that Hinata always accepted Naruto from the beginning and fabricates Naruto's feelings for her with some genjutsu. 
In the original scene where Naruto saves Hinata from bullies prior to the movies FABRICATED version of it
Original Version
Hmm... there doesn't appear to be a scarf around Naruto's neck
The Last Naruto the Movie's FABRICATED version
Suddenly he now has a scarf ?

Hinata sewing the scarf she "ALWAYS HAD" ?
Gee Hinata where you get that scarf from ?

The last Naruto the movie recreated the scene where Hinata has always kept the scarf Naruto left behind after being pulverized by the bullies ? So how does Hinata have a scarf that originally she OR NARUTO NEVER HAD to begin with ? and The Last Naruto The Movie is suppose to be cannon and BASE OFF THE MANGA ? this makes UTTER 0 sense.
Hinata is conveying her feelings that she ALWAYS HAD into a scarf SHE NEVER ALWAYS HAD ? There has never been a scene in the anime or manga panel depicting Naruto ever even wearing a scarf when he fought off the bullies attempting to hurt Hinata if she always kept it then we would have seen scenes of her sewing it in both the anime and manga, And it's stated that The Last Naruto the Movie is suppose to be based on the anime and manga ?

This only further proves Naruto and Hinata never had a reason to get to together in the anime/manga since the scarf AKA fabricated scarf "Movie Only" was the only reason albeit spontaneous reason they got together :P
The Last Naruto the Movie was just a damn venue point to make money because NaruHina has the biggest pairing fanbase with millions of supporters regardless if the Pairing makes sense or not or that NaruSaku rivals it, So the director of that movie saw it as a cash cow to cater to those millions of fans of NaruHina, the director of The Last Naruto the movie was thinking "Hey $5 per ticket to see the movie and their are millions of NaruHina fans i'm going to be swimming in money!!" Thats why that abomination of a movie should never ever be considered cannon when it completely contradicts the manga.
If I recall correctly Sakura is the first one to take into consideration Naruto's feelings when she thinks how he feels when she calls him annoying. Hinata is introduced some chapters later.
But let's go back to the Pain fight. Don't you think Naruto would react the same way if any of his friends nearly died in front of him?
Because after the fight is over  Naruto doesn't seem to care about Hinata's confession. Instead we get a scene with Sakura thanking him for everything he did, yes the same Sakura that people say she doesn't care about Naruto's feelings. ?
NarutoXHinata and SasukeXSakura are both horrible and repulsive pairing and I will do everything in my power to make the whole world realize this fact and make sure Naruto and Sasuke swap wives.


Edited by BestSasuHinaSupporter, 23 April 2016 - 09:06 PM.

#17 Phantom_999


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Posted 23 April 2016 - 08:40 PM

Another amazing post!


#18 sushi.


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Posted 23 April 2016 - 10:24 PM

My problem with SH is that 1. Karin exists. You could argue Sasuke didn't feel for her romantically because it was written much more subtly than NS, but SH has no canon substance from either side so.. +SK was paralleled indirectly a lot with NS, and even directly in 663.


But even then, I don't see Sasuke as a domestic person. He especially doesn't feel home in Konoha. He is a traveler at heart, and with a real ending would continue his journeys with Taka. He doesn't sleep in the woods to avoid Sakura lol. He doesn't visist Naruto that often even, so if Hinata wants a husband that is there for her and her kids, Sasuke is not a good swap. Unless she's happy with letters.


#19 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 23 April 2016 - 11:05 PM

My problem with SH is that 1. Karin exists. You could argue Sasuke didn't feel for her romantically because it was written much more subtly than NS, but SH has no canon substance from either side so.. +SK was paralleled indirectly a lot with NS, and even directly in 663.


But even then, I don't see Sasuke as a domestic person. He especially doesn't feel home in Konoha. He is a traveler at heart, and with a real ending would continue his journeys with Taka. He doesn't sleep in the woods to avoid Sakura lol. He doesn't visist Naruto that often even, so if Hinata wants a husband that is there for her and her kids, Sasuke is not a good swap. Unless she's happy with letters.

Hi there! I would like to point out that i've already addressed the compatibility and rational sense as to why Sasuke and Hinata will make a perfect fit for eachother within my previous topic http://www.narusaku....showtopic=15677

Here are the reasons:

The beauty and Idea of Sasuke and Hinata being a couple is simply overwhelming :)

Sasuke would be so much more suitable with Hinata because she resembles his mother, cool, calm, because of that Hinata will emit a family aura that will gravitate sasuke giving him a family feeling something he has lost, Hinata can pull him back to the light of the world and she also has the same experiences as him,
Both of their fathers turned their backs and rejected them for being the weakest of their clans
Because of this they will be able to understand each other of how it's like to be the weakest of their clan and to get stronger to prove themselves with undying resolve, but they don't have to get stronger by themselves anymore because now they know that they are not alone ;);) this is strongly fortify a connection between the two of them :)
The death of older brothers 
Both have lost a older brother who's sole purpose in life is to ensure that their younger sibling gets stronger so Sasuke and Hinata would both have a DEEP understanding and CONNECTION with eachother.
and she is the only one who is not his fangirl.
Hinata was the only girl of rookie 9 to not fangirl over sasuke which will cause him look at her with questioning eyes "why is the girl different from the others" which will inevitably cause sasuke to be interested in her and look her way :)
Sasuke also doesn’t like noisy people so they would be perfect. 
She is the only one who can talk to him like any normal girl, without those heart-shaped eyes. She is also perfect as Uchiha matriach because she can give birth to many children to revive his clan (look at Hyuga twins genes!). She has indigo hair, so Uchiha won’t be seen with weird hair colors just like its trademark. It will be sooo perfect!
Hinata would be mature just like Sakura and move on to a better man. Since she is so weak, it would be better if she has this protective and strong guy around (I imagine Sakura would go in rebellion phase if treated that way). She also has never been hurt by Sasuke so would not hold grudges.
Everyone is happy and has a healthy relationships that makes sense. Naruto could still laugh and do pranks with his children, Sasuke would stay in Konoha to protect his wife and children, and Sakura would be the medic head while Hinata could be a jonin. Yes, it is the perfect ending!
Anybody wouldn’t dare to criticize NaruSaku, what with so many developments and hints along the way. Maybe SasuHina would be a little rocky because of their small direct developments but they have their own indirect developments and they make sense. The idea of Sasuke marrying a calm and non-fangirl who has never been hurt by him is appealing. SasuKarin? Please, she is just a fangirl like Sakura! She should be together with Suigetsu.

#20 Namaenash



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Posted 23 April 2016 - 11:14 PM

All I have to say is, too little too late. I don't care if NS becomes canon, the damage has been done. Regardless if such a thing would actually happen anyway.

Ditto. Most of the fans have moved on and I think most of us decided not to look back.

NS is taboo idioms in the series going forward. Any rumors, interviews or materials that give vibes to it, whether implicitly or explicitly, is just a sad attempt to bring fans back.

Don't bite the bullet folks.

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"I'm sorry I didn't believe. But I'd given up believing in so much, until I met you. From the first day I saw you, you were everything I ever wanted to believe in. You can do this, Diana. I know you can...But I have to go."

"What? What are you saying?"

"It's okay, this is what I came here to do. I can save today, but you... you can save the world."

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