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In Topic: Naruto 660

26 December 2013 - 05:11 PM

I was refering to the aspect you disagree with the views, you're using benefit of doubt to go against manga facts.And that i dislike, it destroy the debate and impoverish it, you're forcing a subjective view with no manga proof and using a special kind of logic that only you see it and doesnt care about the consequences of it like it can even be used to negate NaruSaku itself, just as a heads up.The logic you used ot go against is so out of place that it can be used to negate Naruto's feelings for Sakura, put Sakura on the same level of Madara in terms of "power level", show that NH will end up together and etc...i'm not going to move forward on your debate until you prove the two aspects that initiated that, first that Naruto was wrong when he said that he was weaker than Sasuke and that Sasuke implied he was weaker than Naruto thus being the reason for him to get a power up.I'm going to stop here, i wont keep arguing over manga facts, i'll just agree to disagree and i wont respond to any posts of this matter.

But Naruto never stated he was weaker than Sasuke, these aren't manga facts not only that but many translations contradict what was said there but as I said belive what you want.

In Topic: Naruto 660

26 December 2013 - 04:59 PM

It did contradicted, the manga stated Naruto was weaker than Sasuke which was right at that time, Sasuke got more power ups than Naruto and the genjutsu aspect was a critical measure.They werent equal and it was stated, Sasuke implied max power and he got that but no, not being satisfied with that you forced "benefit of doubt" and put subjective aspects into the matter, and tried to make me look like some sort of an idiot that holds the entire knowledge of the site and claimed i cant see the context of manga panels that only you managed to see it.You're trying to justify your subjective claims with no manga panels or proof.Just with your fallacy. Where did i talked about feats, i was quoting James because he bought up feats, you started saying Pain'arc and inserting "If's" into your commentaries.

It was never stated in the manga. You avoided all my questions and all the answers I gave you along with, everything that went against your belief was simply ignored.

Genjutsu are feats and again avoiding the answers as usual.
Believe what you want but let's stop wasting our time it's time to move on.

In Topic: Naruto 660

26 December 2013 - 04:40 PM

Funny thought you talk about context and totally disregard Naruto's context when he said "i cant beat Sasuke at his current level"
He wanst implying Sasuke on a weakened state or blinded.
Naruto is inferior to Sasuke when Naruto's weakness is genjutsu and thanks to the fact being a jinchuuriki renders him immune to it he's capable of overcoming his weakness, Sasuke has no exploitable weakness on the manga, and if he got any it will be shown on the last battle.

But that's what the others were talking about, and it doesn't contradict what I said since I said Naruto can't defeat Sasuke but neither can Sasuke, what I don't aknowledge is the so called Sasuke superiority when there's much more implying they are equal.

Please don’t bring genjutsu or feats into this it will lead nowhere because feats don't matter in this manga what matters is power level, if 2 characters are said to be equal then they will be equal no matter how nonsencical it is, theoretically nothing could stop Kakashi to Kamui everyone's heads but it's not happening because fights are dictated by plot and power levels no matter how much hax you have.

In Topic: Naruto 660

26 December 2013 - 04:16 PM

manga facts
There's no arguments against facts.Naruto stated that he was weaker than Sasuke and there no discussion or debate over it, it's like chapter 3 when Naruto said he loved Sakura and even now there people rejecting it.It's clear on the manga that Naruto was weaker than Sasuke, why keep arguing over it?Case Closed, now move on.

Sadly for you there's not one translation for this part and many others imply a different meaning so until you can provide a raw and a perfect translation it means nothing but it doesn't really matter either way because all we have to do is to look at the context there (something you seem to miss a lot) : Neji and Kiba are talking about an almost blind exhausted without chakra and hurt Sasuke to which Naruto answers that he can't defeat him, so if for you Naruto is weaker than a blind exhausted and without chakra Sasuke I am glad that you and me dont see things the same way. You dont see how this panel doesn't make sense if you take it at face value and without any context.

Now enlighten me please how does this imply Naruto is inferior to Sasuke ? Naruto said he can't defeat Sasuke but he never said Sasuke could defeat him, since you like facts here are facts for you : During the team 7 reunion and the NaruSasu convo Naruto said that if they fought him and Sasuke would BOTH die implying they are equal.
So please explain me which one is true ? That they would both die in a fight or that Naruto can't defeat a blind injured Sasuke ? Both are facts following your brilliant logic so why do they contradict each other ?

In Topic: Naruto 660

26 December 2013 - 03:34 PM

About Kurama, Naruto is a jinchuuriki and Kurama's power is his own power despite the fandom disagreeing with it, Naruto needed to control this power to be able to defeat Sasuke, he knew that Sasuke would get a powerup to get stronger and he realized he need it to beat him, and could not allow himself any longer to keep running away from his jinchuuriki's fate, it's stated on the manga.
He wanted to beat Naruto with all his power crushing him, he was already stronger but he wanted to humiliate Naruto with the EMS.
he didnt wanted to just crush Naruto but also his ideas with an absurd power, Naruto surpassed Sasuke and EMS Sasuke with Kurama mode.

how did he know Sasuke would get a power up ? Where is it stated ?
Where was it stated that Sasuke was stronger than Naruto ? All I see is speculation because Naruto said he needed Kurama's power to help him while you guys ignore Sasuke's reaction, if Sasuke really could defeat SM Naruto with just his MS he would have done it and kept his words and not take Itachi's eyes but something made him change his mind and it's not a coincidence he changed his mind just after his encounter with Naruto, context is important. Besides Naruto held his ground against Pain I don't see how he wouldn't be able to fight against a much less stronger opponent than Pain.
If you guys want to believe Sasuke was stronger than Naruto go on but nothing in the manga implies such thing. Personally I do believe that SM Naruto = MS Sasuke it makes sense from a plot perspective and by judging both characters' reactions to each other, nothing implies one is stronger and certainly not one sentence taken out of context or feats which are totally inconsistent from chapter to chapter.