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#821454 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Lady_duckish on 13 May 2015 - 03:05 AM


As I said he can ruin them more to make NH look better

I won't care for it but I wouldn't like to see that

which in a way would further whip Sakura for choosing Sasuke. 


Mind you, i still think its is all some huge troll and SS will "shine" through it, but if not it really just looks like he's punishing Sakura for choosing Sasuke. 


Here Sakura, this is the life you decided for yourself instead of being a reasonable woman and falling for Naruto. Here's your punishment for loving the distant cool guy who never made you or your feelings a priority, despite you deciding to give it all up for him in one panel. (speaking from what i imagine to be his perspective)

He could have allowed SS to have a semi decent marriage. Sasuke can do the traveling thing but come home at least once a year to see his child and the love of his life, but no. Sakura is ill, apparently hasnt seen her lover in 12 yrs and she's having financial troubles. Knowing all this she loses her temper and destroys a house she cant afford to fix...Happy ever after yall


In contrast Naruto and Hinata have a beautiful marriage, despite Naruto being a bit busy. None of these problems that make you feel like the character(s) just cant catch a break. 

#820234 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Lady_duckish on 09 May 2015 - 11:53 PM

i think Kishi originally wanted Naruto and his eventual family to be somewhat "normal" but spectacular at the same time. None of these super flashy clan powers or huge names. So when Hinata replaced Sakura as Naruto's eventual wife, he stripped her of her birthright and decided not to give either child her clan's superhuman ability. 


Becoming head of her clan and using her position to better the Hyuuga i believe, was 100% going to be Hinata's big ending. She was going to grow out of needing to draw confidence and strength from Naruto and instead stand on her own two feet and take her father on for herself, proving she was just as capable as her little sister and Neji.

#819764 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Lady_duckish on 09 May 2015 - 05:20 AM

Kishi is lying through his teeth. There's misdirection which can be used to keep your readers on their toes, then there's what happened in Naruto. Idc if he goes to his grave insisting NH was always going to be the endgame relationship for Naruto, you don't build up one romance for your lead, use other couples in a way that supports a future relationship, only to make a sudden left that results in a completely one sided romance being made into cannon in a matter of mins. 


Every time i come here i think about all the canon material over the years that supported N/S becoming canon

Parallel after parallel and the big notion of Naruto succeeding where those before him failed ( Failures in love w/a team mate who did not return their feelings)

T/J got a strong hint right before Jiraiya dies, Obito goes off into the light holding Rin's hand, even Kushina basically holding the exact same opinion of Minato along with being extremely similar to Sakura (enough that Minato notes the resemblance)  gets tossed in their among countless other moments yet Naruto despite showing no romantic interest in Hinata for life of the manga, gets married to her. 


There's red herrings, then theres spending over a decade investing in one romantic relationship and tossing it for only God knows why at the end.


..yea i know he did it because he couldnt figure out how to make Sakura popular, while Hinata was basically the fan favorite. 


I will go to my grave insisting Naruto should have had a pink haired son with both the best and worst qualities of both his parents, instead of some great value rip off  of himself.

#807818 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Lady_duckish on 23 April 2015 - 07:43 PM




Edit : I just hate her expression in this panel tumblr_nn9snf54TZ1tww4hxo4_400.jpg After all these years, she still wears the same expression because of Sasuke. 


this might be the saddest post yet :/ Im still pretty sure this is all going to turn out differently, but just...Kishi could have let Sakura grow out of her romantic feelings for Sasuke naturally. Even if he stupidly built NaruSaku in all its entirety just to not have them be together in the end, he still could have given Sakura a happy ending. 

Either way she's in love with a man who is never around, and has been absent for 12 yrs. 

#806853 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Lady_duckish on 23 April 2015 - 11:11 AM

you know what, im not even going to continue to be sad over it. This is a really stupid joke. Kishi isn't THIS immature. 

#666634 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Lady_duckish on 20 November 2014 - 05:22 PM

He had to be sarcastic about Sakura being a horrible woman if she moved on from Sasuke. He has to be. After going through the trouble of making that relationship look so bad and its effect on Sakura...How could you write that and think she would be a horrible woman to want to move on?


No excuses, thats not even thinly veiled misogyny.


The fact that he's had NaruHina planned out for so long and did almost nothing to build a relationship between the two just makes him look even worse as a writer. From the looks of it, he knew and pretty much stuck with the idea from the jump 

#666107 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Lady_duckish on 20 November 2014 - 10:03 AM





Why can't these people leave me alone.


Certain NH shippers payed me a visit yesterday to boast about that recent BS poster and hinata alarm.I couldn't take it any more so i went all out.


They got what they wanted,why can't they leave me alone.

get them out of your space any way that you can. This sort of behavior from the Naruto fandom is the reason why even when i was reading faithfully, I stayed away from the fandom. When it comes to nasty behavior, I have never known a worse fandom.

#666064 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Lady_duckish on 20 November 2014 - 07:48 AM

James is right.


Kishi can say whatever he wants about his intentions. He can even call Naruto's feelings for Sakura weak, but that doesn't change the fact that we got a chapter where Naruto talks with Sai about his inability to confess to Sakura because he felt unworthy. That does not suggest weak feelings, no that implies the exact opposite. Naruto's romantic feelings predate the start of the manga and for whatever reason Kishi never gave us a conclusion on that particular dynamic. Even if he fully intended to have NH SS as the end pairings, he could have spent a page of the finale allowing Naruto to finally confess his feelings and then be turned down. Kishi is sloppy.


If any pairing deserves a movie, its NS. Thats the paring that has been growing since chapter three but was left hanging in the wind for absolutely no reason. 


EDIT: So very classy of Kishi to say his fans were reading the manga wrong, when he goes and says stuff like Sakura's confession to Naruto was honest.I understand he might be getting flammed, but it would be mature of him to remember there are fans of NS who are not  being over the top about the ending. Dont be a JKR or and Bryke. 

#663695 Who's the heroine? Sakura or Hinata?

Posted by Lady_duckish on 17 November 2014 - 06:21 PM

I dont think Kishi ever really cared to have a heroine. I know what hes said in the past but actions speak louder than words.I dont buy his bull about not knowing how to write female characters either or w.e the heck he said. There's no complicated formula to writing for different sexes. Its as simple as devoting time to making your leading lady as central to the story as the other lead support characters. 

#660920 So.... What Did I Do Wrong?

Posted by Lady_duckish on 14 November 2014 - 06:52 PM

I'm a woman. Feel like i should state that first lol.


Anyhow, the fact that she even brought a book to a first date seems extremely rude imo. I would make an excuse to leave   before I would pull a book out of my bag and start reading when Im suppose to be getting to know you better. Seriously, why not just go home ? Doesn't necessarily mean the date was bad, just that its time to cap the night off. 


As for her reaction...she has no right. She was the one who pulled a book out on your date, like she couldn't wait an hour or two. LOL She can read at her own house. Idk, maybe this is some sort of nervous thing like texting because you're feeling awkward??? I know you said the two of you are friends first, but going back to someone's house, especially on a first date, can be nerve wrecking.  


If you decided to up and play video games while she just set around and watched, you would be a horrible date. But she basically dismissed you so she could read, and then got mad when you found something to do while she ignored you. I understand both women and men can play games and that a lot of it happens in the early stages of a relationship, but I would have looked at her like she lost it and chucked this one up to not being compatible maturity wise. 

#651627 Did Kishi really mess up or was it planned?

Posted by Lady_duckish on 08 November 2014 - 07:39 PM

When people are stuck asking questions like this, you have to know you flubbed up  :twitch:


I'm not bitter in the least (tht might be a small very small lie, dont call me out). I know how I take a ship loss, usually because i know its 70-100% coming, because the writer uses literary devices like character development, foreshadowing and yes, even parallels to get his or her point across. He did all of that for NS, set the story up so that the main characters plight was similar to those who came before him and failed, all the while knowing for years he wasnt going to make good on that. 


The fact that Naruto's crowing moment will probably be in this movie is bs. After what he knew had to be a disappointing end for a quite a few people, he shouldn't make it so they have to pay to see Naruto achieve something they rightfully assumed would have been in the manga, regardless of pairings. 


He did mess up. Even if he planned this and never changed his mind, he messed up. 

#645593 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Lady_duckish on 06 November 2014 - 05:08 PM

I wanna know what moment between Naruto and Sakura sold it for you guys. I know a lot of people feel like the PoAL was what did it. For me it was the damn bench scene. -_-

yeap. I just knew it was going to be canon. It was too perfect not to be but...lol Oh well.

#645401 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Lady_duckish on 06 November 2014 - 04:22 PM


Sakura owed him nothing, but her love for Sasuke is baseless and childish and the author had frequently hinted that she had unresolved feelings for Naruto. As such, I have grown disdain for the character.

Thats my point though. He decided to write SS as a toxic relationship that made Sakura unhappy. He wrote her as possibly having romantic feelings for Naruto and not following up on them in the least.We know nothing of what became of Sakura's changing feelings because Kish just didnt follow threw on it. Kishi was point blank careless and messy when it came to Sakura from almost every angle. From her romantic life to her abilities as a ninja.  


 When an author is this careless with a character, he needs to be held accountable. I'm not saying you have to continue to like the character but i refuse to ignore all the places Kishi has disregarded the starring heroin of his manga.

#645320 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Lady_duckish on 06 November 2014 - 04:07 PM

Sakura never owed Naruto romantic affection. Period. Just like any other character who is the object of someone's unrequited love, they should not be held to some sort of moral obligation to return those feelings. Be mad at Kishi for hinting at a possible change, and then having the audacity to say he wrote her as being truthful in her confession. Be mad at him, for Sakura not getting the attention she deserved, for the pairings not making much sense, for the last min characterization flips, be mad at him for all of tht.                                            

#645256 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by Lady_duckish on 06 November 2014 - 03:55 PM

im just sitting here thinking about Sakura's character and I'm just so disappointing with the way he handled her.When was the last time I really felt proud of Sakura? The last time I really felt like she proved herself worthy of her master? Back when she fought Sasori. Literally the beginning of part two. Tbh  im not sure if that was her most shining moment or if it was when i had the most optimism for where Kishi was going to take her. The rest of her moments have been let downs. I honestly feel like he doesn't care for her nearly as much as he's hinted, but with interviews in a language i know nothing about, who knows if he was being at all sincere when he said it. 


I still love her, i just feel like she didnt amount to half the ninja she could have been. And that has very little to do with pairings. Im just looking at her achievements in the manga as a whole.