*The* Bleach Discussion Thread
Posted 23 October 2007 - 09:33 AM
And I really like Nell in these last couple of chapters, I hope that she'll make it out okay as well

Posted 23 October 2007 - 01:10 PM

Posted 24 October 2007 - 03:40 AM
Personally, I liked the early story arcs better. I really liked the shinigami. They seem to have more personality than the arrancar. Plus, the arc right now just keeps dragging on...and on...and on... Rukia has been gone since like, what, March? And Chad even longer than that...
EDIT: Does anybody know where this calendar is at. It's the Manga Bleach Calendar 2008, I believe.

BTW, guys, I'm sorry for creating that other topic. I didn't mean any bad by it, truly.

Posted 30 October 2007 - 01:10 AM
It's okay, Rukia-chan. We know you didn't mean any bad

And I haven't seen the calender before.

Posted 30 October 2007 - 01:11 AM

Posted 30 October 2007 - 01:18 AM
Lol that would be funny XD
Although its certain that nobody's able to defeat aizen yet...so they'll probably flee...with nell and such...and then we'll hopefully get some IchiRuki moments...(and probably some IchiOhri too..>.>) And then we'll probably get another training arc or something..

Posted 30 October 2007 - 01:22 AM

Posted 30 October 2007 - 01:27 AM
Well yeah...what's up with the fingers in her mouth..XDD
And yeah, she could stay behind...She hasn't done not much useful, while everyone's fighting...so she needs a time to shine too...(although I don't like her at all..)

Posted 08 November 2007 - 12:40 PM
Who wants to bet that Kenpachi will pull out an awesome Bankai and blow up everything in a twenty mile radius?
The next chapter had better be awesome...
Posted 08 November 2007 - 02:35 PM
Really excited about these fights *o*
Posted 08 November 2007 - 02:42 PM
I wonder what kenpachi will have up his sleeve

Although it was way too predictable that Byakuga was going to be the one to save Rukia

Posted 08 November 2007 - 07:48 PM
How do you guys (and gals) feel about the new filler arc in the anime? I think it looks pretty sweet so far, and that shifty shinigami guy who's playing hard to get with Rukia could be awesome (I think he will die saving them in the end though). They are really spamming Gillian class menos at the moment though, but it seems like we will see some Adjuchas menos soon as well. This might be better than the bount arc, but could be ruined with the introduction of more teddy bears (the mod-souls of doom).

Posted 08 November 2007 - 10:27 PM
I think I read the filler will only be like 3 eps and then it returns to manga material. However that was a week ago I read that, and I would have to recheck to see if that still holds as true (sometimes false titles are released) XD;; But I like the fact that Kubo is actually involved in the filler arcs; he designs the filler characters himself, which is nice.
Posted 09 November 2007 - 01:16 AM
BLEACH rocks !!!!!!9919

Posted 09 November 2007 - 06:35 AM
OMFG! The battles... the damn drama with Orihime... The characters from the current arc... SO DAMN good!

*must devour more Bleach manga after class tomorrow!*
What's Happening with the Naruto series as of now!
Posted 09 November 2007 - 07:41 AM
Come on, Kenpachi Vs No.5. Both battle crazed 'monsters'.

Byakuya is a given.
Mayuri VS No. 8 Both creepy scientists.
Enough said.
Wilson's fanfic account : weixuan18

Witness teh awesomness that is Deidara Lover!!! <3
Posted 09 November 2007 - 08:12 AM

Byakuya will kick ass for his poor little sister. It's a given!
Posted 09 November 2007 - 01:17 PM

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