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Member Since 01 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active Oct 16 2014 12:22 PM

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In Topic: Chapter 693

02 October 2014 - 01:49 AM

1. No he flat out said "she doesn't want to be yours" there really is no other way to take that than "she has no interest being in a relationship with you"


2. because Kakashi was there when Sakrua said she didn't want to pursue a relationship with Sasuke anymore in the Land of iron


3. Because we have people here who can actually translate, words that kakashi used were in the context "used to love", "someone you liked".


1. Did he say "she never wants to be yours"? Sakura wanting to be in a relationship with current crazy Sasuke would be kittened up, her main priority is saving him, as kittened up as it is Kakashi is probably just pointing out how unconditional her love is. Actually the fact that she is so focused around Sasuke is in itself very alarming. 


2. Which chapter was that?

3. I checked and no it's either past progressive or present perfect and it's only said once. 

In Topic: Chapter 693

02 October 2014 - 01:07 AM

...Sasuke said her feelings for him are romantic to which Kakashi corrects him on...


"She doesn't want to be yours" his statement couldn't be anymore clear, the entire talk after that was about family love and when Kakashi explains to him Sakura's love for him he compares it to the love he has for the family


Again chapter 675 Kakashi refers to Sakura's love for Sasuke in the past tense, twice. 

Again, how do you know he is telling Sasuke that it's not romantic love? Sasuke mocks Sakura's love as being something shallow and stupid, I think that's what Kakashi is correcting. How would Kakashi even know that Sakura had switched from romantic love to platonic love unless she has told him off-panel?  


For 675, It think it's past progressive and not past tense? 

I love NS with my whole heart but I will keep my expectations low. 

In Topic: Chapter 693

02 October 2014 - 12:32 AM

I doubt that is what Kakashi was hinting at, seems more like he was just pointing out that Sakura wasn't some delusional love struck idiot like Sasuke made it out to be. Why would Sakura wanna date Sasuke in his current state of mind etc?

I will keep thinking it's romantic so I don't get disappointed. 

In Topic: Chapter 693

01 October 2014 - 11:35 PM

How wasn't the confession romantic?