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Do the confirm pairings destroy Naruto and Sakura's character?

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#1 Yuckfire


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Posted 05 June 2017 - 11:57 PM

Naruto used to be my third favorite anime and manga of all time. Then drastically after Pein was defeated and it just got worse. 


But I held on for the characters  of Naruto and Sakura  and for them to become  something great.



Then the movie, naruto gaiden, 699 and 700 happened. ....and now I truly believed they are both wrecked.




Naruto looks so miserable as hokage  and is a neglectful father.  Naruto is told he only loved Sakura to get to Sauske, making him incredible petty.  He is shown to not know what loves is when this has been proven false several times IN PART 1, making him look dumb.  Naruto is a sensitive ninja, he is not Goku.



What makes me hate the last the most is that it was trying to tell us, that not only did Naruto never loved Sakura  but that he was always in love with Hianta, he just didn't know.



His character was already going done in part 2 with the sauske obsession and finding out how was destined for greatness, destroying his entire underdog tale, but these 4 stories assassinated anything left  I could like about him.



Now I think Natsu from fairy tail is better and that is vomit inducing.




Then there is Sakura, who is reduced to a 12 year old fangirl and single mother whose marriage is questionably unhealthy. Thats really all I need to say.



I never liked Sauske for many reasons and he is the second  main character  and with these 2 destroyed.



Naruto is not even in my top 20 anymore



What do you guys think?





#2 catsi563



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Posted 06 June 2017 - 12:11 AM

Yes they do.


Sakuras character alone is destoryed with the ending. The ending as it stands basically takes every bit of character development she had and throws it all out the window reverting her to her earliest appearances. A shallow fangirl with no use in the story except to have a crush on the col kid. Worse In what has to be the ultimate insult her child is so clearly meant to be a child between Sasuke and Karin that they actually used it as a plot element in the is she or isn't she? her daughter.


Narutos character also was basically ripped off as Sasuke took too much prominence in the story as an actual protagnist instead of a plot element. Instead of focusing on Sasukes redemption as it was related to Narutos character and growth we got sasukes super cool rdemption arc where he became the hero and got the girl and everyone patted him on the back for it.


Naruto meanwhile gave up his dreams, was reduced to a second rate hokage and third rate family man with a secondplace trophy wfe and kids with no development or story behind them.


The worst part for me is I spent a lot of energy defending Sakura against her haters, only in the end for the ending to literally prove the haters right as the ending rendered all her criticisms valid.

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#3 Illnevergiveup3


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Posted 06 June 2017 - 03:01 AM

they do.


Each of the pairings go against the character's personality and dreams as a whole.


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#4 TouKen4Life3g


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Posted 06 June 2017 - 11:24 AM

Yes and no.

Yes, because the end point has Sakura degrading herself into a character that many have despised her for many years. It's as if Kishi has now stated that is perfectly fine. Maybe it would have been if it was treated as a comic relief, but it went so drama heavy, it's hard to take it lightly. When they're paired, it's asinine to think that somehow someway it not only happened but it's fine. NaruHina is "whatever," but the problems lie in the next point.

I say no because it's not the fact that they're canon, because that sounds like we are bitter for it to happen. I'm far annoyed with the journey prior to that. Sakura's path has been the bumpiest road that still led you the cliff. As for Naruto's path, it feels randomized. My main gripe that really hurts it is the direction that seem like it has no idea on where to go. The War Arc has avoided the most likely possible route for a pairing yet either avoid it entirely or act like it never ever happened.

The part that made me so frustrated is how it leads to NaruHina. It's abundantly clear that they have no real ground to work around it, so everything has to be made on the road. Sure, they used the flashback for a moment, but it hardly supports it as it was interpreted more on guilt or whatever they called it. It makes it worse that after he realized it, it becomes cliche, cheesy, and nonsensical. Movies can interpreted love in a powerful way, but this is as tame and cheap as it can get. I'm not asking for Shakespeare's writing but the old writing wasn't going for that level of cheesy.

Basically, Naruto didn't resume from what he and Hinata shared, rather jump ahead to the love phase with a stranger perspective and it sucked. Hinata's role doesn't make much sense as well, but I won't go there since you only ask about Naruto and Sakura. Bottom line, it can hurt them a lot with the confirmed pairing but I'm more damaged by the path. Because of it, by the time it becomes canon, I no longer care.

#5 Yyubie



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Posted 06 June 2017 - 11:32 AM

@Yuckfire , welcome to the forum , we really hope you enjoy here.


I agree with everything you said. But for me the damage has been done way before the pairing, in my opinion Sasuke is the biggest cause that destroy Naruto and Sakura as character, Sasuke is like maggot that slowly rotting and destroying both of them from the inside. Take him and make him disappear and this story will be so much better. Naruto can't (or don't want to) become hokage until he bring back Sasuke when he can become hokage after he defeat Nagato , become hero and acknowledge by the villager. Sakura grow to be a strong Kunoichi , but whenever she is close to Sasuke or think about him , she become this frail weak sad 12 years old fan girl. Naruto and Sakura can't move forward because of this big wall and that is Sasuke. But ultimately the cause of the failing of this .... whole manga is Kishi editor and the rabid pairing western fans, i believe that at first the decision is clear and the ending is suppose to be different than the one we get but somewhere along the Shippuuden kitten happen and they decide to change it. Just take a look on Sai/Tenchi Bridge arc and Land of Iron arc and see the difference ... it's like night and day.

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#6 Nostradamus


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Posted 06 June 2017 - 02:24 PM

I've said this many times, but since you're new, I'll say it again.

This is the worst ending in history of storytelling, I'm not saying this because oh my pairing didn't happen. If the only thing bad with the ending was just the pairings, I would be pissed, but ultimately I would be ok with it. Not pleased, but ok.

But that's not the only thing wrong with the ending. It's everything, not just the characters. All of it is just catastrophically bad.

Edited by Nostradamus, 06 June 2017 - 02:48 PM.

Which I've told you - time and time again - is dangerous! There will never be consensus, son, among those you have helped to ascend. They will all differ in their views of what it means to be free. The peace you so desperately seek does not exist.
These men are united now by a common cause. But when this battle is finished they will fall to fighting amongst themselves about how best to ensure control. In time it will lead to war. You will see.

#7 sushi.


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Posted 06 June 2017 - 06:54 PM

The development of their relationship is so deeply intertwined with Sakura's development as a character, and Naruto's core being, that those two had to die in order for the ending to happen.


Naruto's love for Sakura-chan felt so deep to me that it was almost fundamental in his person. His feelings highlighted the best traits of his personality. Selflessness, he never wavered in what he wanted etc. Loving ramen, becoming hokage, saving Sasuke, and making Sakura happy/being with her were the most consistent things in the manga from start to (almost) finish. Getting rid of away any of them is erasing him from who he is.


Meanwhile Sakura's development – shortly put, centered around her moving on from a fantasy and towards her real prince charming.


The result is a canon Sakura that's much like 12yo Sakura and arguably worse, and Naruto that's a new person entirely.

Edited by sushi., 06 June 2017 - 06:56 PM.


#8 Gravenimage


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Posted 06 June 2017 - 07:34 PM

Yes they do.


Sakuras character alone is destoryed with the ending. The ending as it stands basically takes every bit of character development she had and throws it all out the window reverting her to her earliest appearances. A shallow fangirl with no use in the story except to have a crush on the col kid. Worse In what has to be the ultimate insult her child is so clearly meant to be a child between Sasuke and Karin that they actually used it as a plot element in the is she or isn't she? her daughter.


Narutos character also was basically ripped off as Sasuke took too much prominence in the story as an actual protagnist instead of a plot element. Instead of focusing on Sasukes redemption as it was related to Narutos character and growth we got sasukes super cool rdemption arc where he became the hero and got the girl and everyone patted him on the back for it.


Naruto meanwhile gave up his dreams, was reduced to a second rate hokage and third rate family man with a secondplace trophy wfe and kids with no development or story behind them.


The worst part for me is I spent a lot of energy defending Sakura against her haters, only in the end for the ending to literally prove the haters right as the ending rendered all her criticisms valid.


Excellent post catsi but don't forget that Naruto NEVER brought peace to the world. He never got rid of the ninja system or ended the never ending circle of hatred it was rather kept for the sake of the piece of kitten spin off we have which is now below average for a good anime. 


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#9 Phantom_999


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Posted 06 June 2017 - 07:53 PM

Naruto used to be my third favorite anime and manga of all time. Then drastically after Pein was defeated and it just got worse. 


But I held on for the characters  of Naruto and Sakura  and for them to become  something great.



Then the movie, naruto gaiden, 699 and 700 happened. ....and now I truly believed they are both wrecked.




Naruto looks so miserable as hokage  and is a neglectful father.  Naruto is told he only loved Sakura to get to Sauske, making him incredible petty.  He is shown to not know what loves is when this has been proven false several times IN PART 1, making him look dumb.  Naruto is a sensitive ninja, he is not Goku.



What makes me hate the last the most is that it was trying to tell us, that not only did Naruto never loved Sakura  but that he was always in love with Hianta, he just didn't know.



His character was already going done in part 2 with the sauske obsession and finding out how was destined for greatness, destroying his entire underdog tale, but these 4 stories assassinated anything left  I could like about him.



Now I think Natsu from fairy tail is better and that is vomit inducing.




Then there is Sakura, who is reduced to a 12 year old fangirl and single mother whose marriage is questionably unhealthy. Thats really all I need to say.



I never liked Sauske for many reasons and he is the second  main character  and with these 2 destroyed.



Naruto is not even in my top 20 anymore



What do you guys think?






Welcome. :happy:  And you're right, Naruto's and Sakura's characters were obliterated to make NH canon, and that in turn ruined everything else. The last heavily insinuated if not outright confirmed that Naruto and Sakura were just using each other to fill in the hole that their "PRECIOUS" Sasuke left in them and they were desperately trying to fill it in through each other. Naruto decided to give up on things like being Hokage, his friends and family, the world, and Hinata, the woman he is SUPPOSED to have loved all along when she rejected him. Sakura in that movie was reduced to the 12 year old fangirl of the hot genius guy that she was at  the start of the series and told her "supposed best friend" that he loved her only out of a rivalry with her one true love, and therefore confirming she was just using him which killed their friendship and the foundation of the dynamic between them, which only justified her haters' hatred and I can't even find any words to defend her anymore at this point. In fact I remember one hater somewhere said that Sakura's only goal in life is to have the "perfect wedding" with her Beloved Sasuke, and you know what? THAT PERSON WAS PROVEN RIGHT


Chapter 700 showed that Naruto accomplished NOTHING as Hokage except make it resembling a modern society full computers and other of electronic-based technology which blatantly contradicts what the creator himself said all those years ago with Naruto not being electronic-based technological world, and the Ninja system that screwed the world over so many times has not been changed one damned bit by him. He neglects his kids and the so called "love of his life", because apparently he can't be bothered to spend time with them even though he has always wanted a family. Sakura is a struggling single mom that is no longer the strong independent woman we all saw her as, and is content with playing housekeeper for a husband that is NOT sending her money to keep THEIR home stable, and is NOT giving her any loving embrace or sign of affection in general. Plus she could NOT give her own daughter a straight answer to to what her husband, A.K.A. the girl's father is like in physical appearance or personality, then has the gall to aim a super powered punch at said daughter for being suspicious about her marriage.


Does any of this sound like a satisfactory  much less golden ending that will satisfy fans that followed the series for years? Not counting of course, all you care about is NH and SS getting together, which by the way, judging from this atrocious kitten, I don't think even they should be doing any victory dance. :down: Two of the main and most prominent character's personalities, developments and the relationship between them are ruined and the story themes have been rendered empty, shallow, and pointless. That has to be the most garbage writing I have ever seen and read and trust me I've read things that makes me retch, but even THOSE makes their writers look like down right geniuses to me compared to this trash heap  

Edited by Phantom_999, 08 June 2017 - 11:26 AM.


#10 VanitasDS76491


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Posted 06 June 2017 - 09:42 PM

Naruto used to be my third favorite anime and manga of all time. Then drastically after Pein was defeated and it just got worse. 
But I held on for the characters  of Naruto and Sakura  and for them to become  something great.
Then the movie, naruto gaiden, 699 and 700 happened. ....and now I truly believed they are both wrecked.
Naruto looks so miserable as hokage  and is a neglectful father.  Naruto is told he only loved Sakura to get to Sauske, making him incredible petty.  He is shown to not know what loves is when this has been proven false several times IN PART 1, making him look dumb.  Naruto is a sensitive ninja, he is not Goku.
What makes me hate the last the most is that it was trying to tell us, that not only did Naruto never loved Sakura  but that he was always in love with Hianta, he just didn't know.
His character was already going done in part 2 with the sauske obsession and finding out how was destined for greatness, destroying his entire underdog tale, but these 4 stories assassinated anything left  I could like about him.
Now I think Natsu from fairy tail is better and that is vomit inducing.
Then there is Sakura, who is reduced to a 12 year old fangirl and single mother whose marriage is questionably unhealthy. Thats really all I need to say.
I never liked Sauske for many reasons and he is the second  main character  and with these 2 destroyed.
Naruto is not even in my top 20 anymore
What do you guys think?

Agreed this was the worse example of character assassination. It's like the used real Naruto and Sakura at a targeting range and replaced them with mindless servant made to sp liking.

#11 VanitasDS76491


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Posted 06 June 2017 - 09:56 PM

@Yuckfire , welcome to the forum , we really hope you enjoy here.
I agree with everything you said. But for me the damage has been done way before the pairing, in my opinion Sasuke is the biggest cause that destroy Naruto and Sakura as character, Sasuke is like maggot that slowly rotting and destroying both of them from the inside. Take him and make him disappear and this story will be so much better. Naruto can't (or don't want to) become hokage until he bring back Sasuke when he can become hokage after he defeat Nagato , become hero and acknowledge by the villager. Sakura grow to be a strong Kunoichi , but whenever she is close to Sasuke or think about him , she become this frail weak sad 12 years old fan girl. Naruto and Sakura can't move forward because of this big wall and that is Sasuke. But ultimately the cause of the failing of this .... whole manga is Kishi editor and the rabid pairing western fans, i believe that at first the decision is clear and the ending is suppose to be different than the one we get but somewhere along the Shippuuden kitten happen and they decide to change it. Just take a look on Sai/Tenchi Bridge arc and Land of Iron arc and see the difference ... it's like night and day.

Yes sasuke was the biggest cause of their character destruction and the death of the Naruto and Sakura we knew and loved. How much time and manpower was wasted on this Prick?
Sasuke isn't even that interesting, he's like a lamer version of red hood, he's a tool. While I hate red hood he's better than sasuke. Hell dr.doom is better than any villain in naruto cause while his ego is massive he can back up his claims. While sasuke is all talk, I want doom to take over the villages of naruto's world while killing naruto and sasuke. Making Sakura one of his henchman giving her greater power than naruto and sasuke.

#12 Phantom_999


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Posted 06 June 2017 - 10:14 PM

In the words of my friend James S. Cassidy, Sasuke fails to be an anti-hero or an interesting villain. He FAILS to be ANYTHING.


#13 VanitasDS76491


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Posted 06 June 2017 - 10:30 PM

In the words of my friend James S. Cassidy, Sasuke fails to be an anti-hero or an interesting villain. He FAILS to be ANYTHING.

Cool he's my friend too. Sasuke fails, he fails as linkara in his review of star trek iithe wrath of khan 3 part episode. But in all seriousness sasuke ruined everything in naruto more than hinata did. He and his stole moves as cell said to goku in dbza 58.
I think sasuke's ego is bigger than dr.doom's.

#14 ThroughWithLove


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Posted 07 June 2017 - 12:02 AM

This manga had gotten so bad to the point where the pairings were the only reason I was reading. Pretty much the entirety of the timeskip destroyed Naruto's character. His single minded obsession with Sasuke eviscerated ALL of the qualities that made him such a likable and relatable protagonist in the first place. Sakura's character had shown great strides, but after her fake confession, he character took a complete nosedive as we once again saw the version of Sakura who was single minded and obsessed with Sasuke. Honestly, the pairings were not what destroyed Naruto and Sakura's character. The writers strange fixation with Sasuke did that. The pairings was merely the antidote to the disease that had been infecting both characters for the final third of the manga. An antidote which, although wouldn't have cured the garbage storytelling which made up the entire 4th shinobi war story arc, would have at least given the hero and heroine the much needed catharsis that one would expect them to have.

Posted Image


Behold! Akame ga Kill's True Canon Pairing!

#15 ThroughWithLove


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Posted 07 June 2017 - 12:07 AM


Excellent post catsi but don't forget that Naruto NEVER brought peace to the world. He never got rid of the ninja system or ended the never ending circle of hatred it was rather kept for the sake of the piece of kitten spin off we have which is now below average for a good anime. 


Of course he didn't. He's got HInata and that's ALL that matters. In other words, it's a lot like how Sakura kept saying how much she wanted to have Sasuke back so that team 7 could laugh together again. Yet the very minute she gets Sasuke back, team 7 is reduced to being an afterthought AT BEST.  :roll:

Posted Image


Behold! Akame ga Kill's True Canon Pairing!

#16 VanitasDS76491


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Posted 07 June 2017 - 12:37 AM

Of course he didn't. He's got HInata and that's ALL that matters. In other words, it's a lot like how Sakura kept saying how much she wanted to have Sasuke back so that team 7 could laugh together again. Yet the very minute she gets Sasuke back, team 7 is reduced to being an afterthought AT BEST.  :roll:

So everything they said they wanted was kitten. Cause team 7 is non-existent after the war. Sakura has sasuke but he's never around. Naruto really accomplish nothing since chapter 1 since he's a kitten hokage and father, doesn't care about anyone but sasuke. Hinata is worthless like always.
So Ya sasuke did ruin everything.
Why did they want him back, he wasn't a real teammate and would have let naruto, sakura and Kakashi die and he wouldn't care.

#17 TouKen4Life3g


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Posted 07 June 2017 - 01:27 AM

There's some really great responses. I still remember The Last and how I actually hoped for something "understandable." Good God, did it fall flat...

#18 VanitasDS76491


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Posted 07 June 2017 - 02:10 AM

There's some really great responses. I still remember The Last and how I actually hoped for something "understandable." Good God, did it fall flat...

You poor fool it was the complete opposite of what you though it'd be.

#19 Illnevergiveup3


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Posted 07 June 2017 - 02:25 AM

So everything they said they wanted was kitten. Cause team 7 is non-existent after the war. Sakura has sasuke but he's never around. Naruto really accomplish nothing since chapter 1 since he's a kitten hokage and father, doesn't care about anyone but sasuke. Hinata is worthless like always.
So Ya sasuke did ruin everything.
Why did they want him back, he wasn't a real teammate and would have let naruto, sakura and Kakashi die and he wouldn't care.

bringing Sasuke back in my opinion would have been good for the romantic subplot and that's it and of course reinforcing that Naruto never gives up. Other than that, he's a afterthought.

Edited by Illnevergiveup3, 07 June 2017 - 02:27 AM.


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#20 Yojeveka


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Posted 07 June 2017 - 05:11 AM

There's some really great responses. I still remember The Last and how I actually hoped for something "understandable." Good God, did it fall flat...



I'd love to see you reviewing that crappy movie (I'm not sure if you already did it, but it would be great)


*Needs an English Talker*

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