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Member Since 16 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 11 2012 12:48 PM

Topics I've Started

Any Retarded ADM on?

11 January 2012 - 10:46 AM

i'm not thomas ,i'm just his friend , so he is asking for the complete erase of this account.
and until now this account is working.
he has the right to erase his account

i'll just leave a note if this account is not deleted in 48 hours I will leave this website inaccessible for a long time.

Naruto Objectives???

08 January 2012 - 04:22 PM

Well lately I've been reviewing episodes and try to figure out what is the purpose of the main character and the theme which focuses on the story ...

During the Pain's Arc, Naruto argues that he wants to save the world ,but in the last encounter with Sasuke, he says if he cannot save him,he will die with him ...
Note that there is a part of history that says that Naruto cannot be Hokage if he could not to save Sasuke, that is, if he cannot save Sasuke it implies that he cannot save the world?

Naruto is indicated as the boy of the prophecy of the toad ...

Do not you think the story is a bit confusing-especially because it runs a lot around the yin-yang, or the idea is that Naruto and Sasuke have to be 2, but sometimes the story implies that there is not...

Naruto Shippuuden 238

01 December 2011 - 12:04 PM

i finished watching 238, i think pierrot messed up the things when he talked about sakura's confession ,
"sai says that he did horrible things to sakura and naruto because of his confession"
eager.gif i hope these fillers end soon

Naruto 565

30 November 2011 - 03:39 PM

naruto manga 565 released


Naruto 565 Spoiler

30 November 2011 - 09:36 AM








Naruto told Killer Bee that Rinnegan can share the visual fields, which enabled the ninja to make offense and defense at the same time.

Han interrupted Naruto.

Killer Bee released himself as the Eight-Tailed Beast.

Fierce Fight!

