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Member Since 18 Jan 2013
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In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

25 July 2013 - 06:38 PM

I don't know if you have already seen the last episode of Naruto Shippuden... I was really surprised that Mito has a face that resembling a lot to that's Sakura, isn't so? :ermm:

*For begin, I just want to say WWwwooooooowwwwww wtf? f*** this so bad ass madara is so bad ass in this episode I was Happy to see that.*

You're right mito's face seem to ressembles a lot to sakura's face, sakura has the same face as rin and tsunade(for me they all look like the same person xD) mito is the grandmother of tsunade so I find that is not very impressive that mito look like sakura :yes:.


About the stickers it's official stickers from the movie rtn :ohmy:?  so I dind't belived that they had make a stickers with "uzumaki sakura" :umm:  so I tried to read the stickers and it's true :woot: omg these people are my heroes xD I ask myself if kishi is accomplice for this xD  he couldn't contain his passion for narusaku and ask people to make stickers hoping that it goes unnoticed because his editor didn't want to kill dreams of others fandom :lulz: .(even if he has already did this with the movie and latest chapters :chuckle: ).

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

20 June 2013 - 07:47 PM

Yeah I also agree with that part, the point of that panel was to tell the readers that Sakura was lying.




First of all Dan and Tsunade were a married couple and if Jiraiya did return with Tsunade instead of staying with Nagato and crew maybe Dan and Tsunade would of never married each other.


Wassn't it imply that Naruto is Sakura source of happiness?


Wasn't shown that Sakura was not that happy about Hinata loving Naruto? Don't you think that she would smile of happiness becauseNaruto has someone who really loves him, but she could not because like Yamato was trying to imply, she does have feelings for Naruto.


Wasn't imply by Yamato that Sakura might feel something more than friendship for Naruto?


Wasn't shown that Naruto the Titular character was very heartbroken because of the Poal and the Hospital scene?


Who is the person Sakura trust the most?


Who is the person who is always there for her when she is ready to give up?


Wasn't it shown That Sakura want's to see Naruto dream of becoming Hokage?


Wasn't it shown that Sakura was devastated after finding out how Naruto feels about her and about the Kyuubi stuff?


Has Hinata ever thought about Naruto's loves, about what will make him happy, about his desire to save Sasuke, his loneliness, his dream etc?


Has Sasuke ever thought about what will make Sakura Happy?


Guess what Naruto and Sakura are the only ones that has being shown to care about the other to that extend, people should look on the fact that her feelings for Sasuke hurts her, her closeness with Naruto make her happy, people should look on the fact that Hinata only thinks about her wants while disregarding Naruto's want.


This isn't a story about Hinata feelings for Naruto or Sasuke getting the girl Naruto as always love because well he is Sasuke Uchiha, this is a story about Naruto's journey and the person who he shared that journey with him is Sakura and guess what they try there best to make each other happy so please that Hinata feelings stuff at this stage in nonsense, like I said the story is about Naruto not Hinata.



Sorry about the reply is just that I'm tired of reading post only focusing on the secondary character while ignoring all the things Naruto and Sakura has accomplish with each other and the lent they will go for each other plus the fact that one of them feelings is being spelled out by the Author while he himself imply that Sakura might also feel the same way.


Hinata has changed a lot and for the better because of Naruto's influence I think it's fear for Naruto to finally get something he really wants after all his effort and what he wants is not Hinata.

I never said that the story is about hinata --' and I never said also that she(sakura) doesn't wants naruto's happiness :confused: , that she doesn't want he become hokage and that she has any feelings for naruto,can you say me where I said this please? maybe I poorly worded my thoughts somewhere.


 sakura naruto love him, but Naruto does not know, and she also knows that Hinata loves Naruto, and whatever you say good hinata is a good person, do not hate sakura and I think she will do everything to for that Naruto together with hinata.

sakura do not hate* sorry, for me that means: sakura knows hinata is a good person-->she knows that hinata loves naruto--> she knows that naruto loves her(sakura)-->she knows that she have hurt naruto--> so she will think probably that hinata is better for naruto and for the happiness of naruto she will make all for naruto end with hinata.


I said :


this he will be very very sad, or if he had saw sakura's tear, if sakura will come to naruto after and say that she loves him I don't think that naruto will be happy even if this time is a (little) true

little true because this time she really begin to forget sasuke not like during the fake confession.


I don't see where I said sakura doesn't wants naruto happiness and the post before the post who are quote I said that she will fight  sasuke if he tries to kill naruto, is not it because she wants naruto happiness that she will be ready to do her best for fight the person she loves for naruto? :ermm: ,do her best for naruto end with a girl who have never hurt him? :ermm: sacrificed her own feelings for him is not it a proof of that she wishes to see naruto happy and that she loves him? :ermm:  maybe  I poorly worded my thoughts sorry for that and I never said NS will never happen :confused:  so I don't understand where I said these things.


edit: sorry for double post

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

20 June 2013 - 07:24 PM

Oh I already talked about this. Trust me, I am hurt for her as well. My last post wasn't even about NS making canon, rather what's best for her to do next.

I said don't take it personnaly x) I know there are some fan who think about sakura's pain :umm: other place the majority of NS fan think only is good for NS that a girl cries and sees her dreams,her hopes broken, when I saw the face of sakura during the fake smile I was like that : :umm: :sad: :cry:  and for sasuke I  was like always when it's not for a fight: :cuss: :err: :mad:  :facepalm:  :bash:  I like sasuke's skills as fighter but like person he is the worst person acording  to me, even worst than orochimaru and madara. See sakura make so much effort for that sasuke loves her(until now), for keep her hopes makes me really sad to see it, so many efforts to have no consideration in return, love is our greatest strength but also our greatest weakness, many people say that they don't understand why sakura still loves sasuke even after he tried to kill her and he broke her heart so many time, but wen you love really someone no matter what he do you love him, for example even if a guy kill one or many people his mother will be sad for the family ofthese people but she still LOVE her son, there are many girls who go to jail for protect the guy that they love even if this guy doesn't pay attention to her, a battered woman is not as afraid she would not denounce her husband quelquue hand it is also because they do not want to see the end of their couple they love their husband so much that they endure all pain. Just imagine if naruto had forsaken his love for sakura since the first time where he had  the brokenhearted could you really called this love? I'm not trying to defend SS but  I'm trying to defend sakura's feelings(especially her pain) that people are happy to see for the sake of NS

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

20 June 2013 - 06:11 PM

Sorry but nobody care of sakura without thinking that is good for NS :pinch: ?  sakura is so sad that she is obliged to lie to herself, and people are so happy for NS  :ermm:  she gaves a fake smile, yeah is a step to end SS but that's don't mean necessary that at the end it will be NS, I think if naruto had saw sakura like this he will be very very sad, or if he had saw sakura's tear, if sakura will come to naruto after and say that she loves him I don't think that naruto will be happy even if this time is a (little) true, naruto wants sakura's happiness more than all, so maybe it will be like jiraya/tsunade, their relationship was exactly like the relationship of narusaku and when Dan died Jiraya didn't take advantage of the situation to inlaying himself, even long after the death of Dan jiraya didn't imposed himself to tsunade, he made the idiot for that tsunade will not worry about everything,for that she lets off steam on him, jiraya have preferred the happiness of tsunade instead of his happiness, Naruto may very well do the same thing, seeing  sakura sad about loss of sasuke he will think he can't offer her what she desired Still, in real life it's not 'cause you love a girl who loves someone else and that this girl gave up the idea of ​​being together with the person that she loves, does that mean you'll be her boyfriend knows more sakura naruto love him, but Naruto does not know, and she also knows that Hinata loves Naruto, and whatever you say good hinata is a good person, do not hate sakura and I think she will do everything to for that Naruto together with hinata. you would like that sakura leaves behind her love for Sasuke, that Hinata do the same for naruto, but this is not because it will be together with naruto sakura forget for all her love for Sasuke, it can be together with naruto and continue to have some feelings for sasuke --' yes it can be true in real life, or naruto can end alone, really sorry for this post but I was tired to see everywhere(not particularly this forum don't take it personally) NS fan be so happy about the fake smile while sakura is suffering :sakura:

In Topic: The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

20 June 2013 - 07:40 AM

Sasuke is too extremist does everything in excess, even if he really wants a peaceful world he focuses solely on him and nobody else, poor sakura, I think she has planned a plan with Sasuke because that she knows he does not care for other people, I think she planned to make a fake betrayal (as the fake confession and after), I think this time she will be definitively resolved to kill sasuke if it's necessary(if  he try to kill naruto for example this time she will stop him or if naruto is hurt by sasuke she will hit him), even if it means it will be sad, I think naruto still wants to save sasuke not only for sakura but also for itachi and of course itself, it is sakura will certainly do understand to naruto that he should stop trying to save sasuke at all costs because it is a waste of time and sacrifice his life for the sole purpose of bringing (save) sasuke as he said it's useless.