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Member Since 05 Jun 2017
Offline Last Active Sep 27 2017 03:03 PM

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Do the confirm pairings destroy Naruto and Sakura's character?

05 June 2017 - 11:57 PM

Naruto used to be my third favorite anime and manga of all time. Then drastically after Pein was defeated and it just got worse. 


But I held on for the characters  of Naruto and Sakura  and for them to become  something great.



Then the movie, naruto gaiden, 699 and 700 happened. ....and now I truly believed they are both wrecked.




Naruto looks so miserable as hokage  and is a neglectful father.  Naruto is told he only loved Sakura to get to Sauske, making him incredible petty.  He is shown to not know what loves is when this has been proven false several times IN PART 1, making him look dumb.  Naruto is a sensitive ninja, he is not Goku.



What makes me hate the last the most is that it was trying to tell us, that not only did Naruto never loved Sakura  but that he was always in love with Hianta, he just didn't know.



His character was already going done in part 2 with the sauske obsession and finding out how was destined for greatness, destroying his entire underdog tale, but these 4 stories assassinated anything left  I could like about him.



Now I think Natsu from fairy tail is better and that is vomit inducing.




Then there is Sakura, who is reduced to a 12 year old fangirl and single mother whose marriage is questionably unhealthy. Thats really all I need to say.



I never liked Sauske for many reasons and he is the second  main character  and with these 2 destroyed.



Naruto is not even in my top 20 anymore



What do you guys think?