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.::Blue Light::.

Member Since 27 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 09 2008 10:42 PM

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In Topic: Sakura and Naruto don't have an honest relationship

28 March 2008 - 11:03 PM

The arguments presented in the title are just like cows can fly.

Think with me? Who is the person that Sakura can entirely trust after Naruto?
Duuh... Sasuke!

Of course not! Sakura is putting her entire hope in Sasuke's return just about Naruto! And love envolves fight and friendship, at least, that what always happen, no? If putting the hope in a "friend" isn't honest, I don't know what it is.

Just think it: Sasuke never trust in anyone, THAT is DISHONEST! WHY??! Is the same I don't trust in my mother and say that I don't love her. Is that honest? No. Why? Because it's impossible for anyone feel love, even the most creep ones love their mother for one simple reason: the moms give us our moral. And... If she teached everything with you, since to make peep to work as a man, that may be honesty? Isn't it?

Now think about Naruto's ways: he didn't have any of your parents on your side, and, he IS honest because he TRUSTS in his friends and work as a man, and for Sakura is the same.

Honest: person that work into law domain; person that acts in moral; person that follows the laws;

That's it, buddy.