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Coca Cola

Member Since 18 Jun 2014
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#979777 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Coca Cola on 24 July 2020 - 10:24 PM

I was looking at episodes of the original Dragon ball and stumbled across something that blew my mind. 


You all remember Ginkaku and Kinkaku right? The characters who seemed straight out of a filler dropped in the middle of the shinobi war. Well they were taken straight out of a filler episode.


DB episode 79:"Kinkaku and Ginkaku's Man-Eating Gourd" / "Terror and Plague"

Transcription: "Kinkaku · Ginkaku no Hito Kui Hyōtan"






Their main weapon is a gourd that traps a person inside. They had the same gourd weapon in Naruto.


Kishimoto is so unoriginal, he was copying Dragon Ball filler in his grand finale war. Not even good filler. The kind of filler no one remembers unless they stumble across it bored on the internet. 


#851609 Naruto Gaiden 700.10

Posted by Coca Cola on 02 July 2015 - 05:53 AM

Oh yeah, let's just put all of the clones that threatened us in an orphanage in our village. No serious threat could possibly arise if Naruto or anyone else isn't in the immediate vicinity.


It's funny how Sasuke pretty much admits that Sarada is the thing that connects him to Sakura. It should be pretty obvious from this pointless spin off that Sasuke and Sakura are still a dysfunctional mess that needs to burn. That scene where Sakura was begging for a kiss would've probably made me throw my laptop across my room a couple of months ago but I've accepted that her character is a shell of what many of us had hoped it would become. 


What possible reason could Sasuke have to leave again? The villains are either in captivity being brainwashed under fear to become part of Konoha or are dead. It's not even explained what he's going to be kittening doing that will take him away from the family that he "so clearly loves"? 


ChouChou's story arc was horrible. She insults her dad because he's fat but immediately changes her mind when he slims down, really? This on top of a terrible comedic relief, what was the point of her character? Were they trying to create someone more unlikeable than the characters we already have because they failed, but only on account of the pure kitten that is everybody else.


I didn't expect a lot of Hinata in this spin off after she was universally disliked in The Last, but I'm surprised by how little Hinata wank we got in this spin off, praise the Lord.


If I ever see another forehead poke in my life I might go insane.


This spin off has done nothing to answer any questions left over from 699/700 and The Last. This was an enormous waste of time that only furthered the destruction to the story, characters, and author. I wish nothing but the worst for you Kishi for completely destroying what many think as a nostalgic part of our childhood/lives.


kitten you.


Sincerely, Humanity

#848465 Naruto Gaiden-700.9

Posted by Coca Cola on 25 June 2015 - 06:13 AM

Kishi right now



#844942 Naruto Gaiden- Chapter 700.8

Posted by Coca Cola on 18 June 2015 - 06:50 AM

Well, to play devil's advocate, the first scene, with him on the swing, it's the one during academy graduation and he's watching all the parents congratulating their kids and whatnot...an attempt to somehow show Naruto knowing how Salad feels in terms of such parent/child things....yeah...

How is salad supposed to know about this though? The only thing Naruto has tole her about his past was that he was popular and friends with her dad? Why should she take anything he says seriously?


Oh that's clearly the intent. The thing the bugs me is how Naruto is trying to emulate the third (hell he even bring up he doing it). He still trying to copy the previous hokages he hasn't surpassed any of them.

Naruto compares his view of the village with the third but the problem is in the execution (again). We saw Sarutobi interact with lowly shinobi like Iruka throughout his time. Have we seen Naruto do the same thing with others in his village? No, which is why it's hard for both the readers and characters to believe him. All we know about Naruto as a Hokage is that he's buried in his office reading NaruSaku fanfiction while eating ramen ignoring anyone and everyone not involved in his job. 

#844911 Naruto Gaiden- Chapter 700.8

Posted by Coca Cola on 18 June 2015 - 06:18 AM

This weekly PSA that Sakura and Sasuke are married is brought to you by the Ben Stein Organization, advocating for emotionless delivery worldwide. 


Seriously though, have they actually used their real names when talking about each other in this spin-off?


You've ignored this situation that involved two of your best friends for twelve years Naruto. Don't act like all of a sudden you can't go back to ignoring their existence.


What's the point of the flashback sequence for Naruto? It seemed more like an attempt to hit at the nostalgia of older fans but didn't really add anything to his argument? Before the flashback, Salad is the one talking and Naruto says nothing, the flashback starts and ends with no commentary from the present Naruto who when the flashback ends says that Salad's connections are similar to that? WTF, you didn't say anything about what your bonds were like, how is Salad supposed to be affected by this? He then talks about how bonds aren't made with time which is stupid because the flashback shows Naruto spending time with Iruka and Sasuke which, you know, Salad has never done with Sasuke.


I thought Kishi would've been done with the Kushina and Sakura parallels. The whole flashback with her and Salad reminded me a little of the conversation between Kushina and Naruto, especially one of the panels on page 12.


It's humorous that Sasuke complimented (I guess) Sakura's strength when there has been no character that has belittled her and deemed her worthless more than Sasuke.

#842045 Naruto Gaiden 700.7

Posted by Coca Cola on 11 June 2015 - 07:10 PM

Forneverworld's review:


"I tell you right now, I don't care what anyone says, this is easily one of the most entertaining, most well-written spin-off series that I've read. Period."


Uh, what? Well-written? Entertaining? What?


Are we reading an entirely different work than everyone else? Are we still just salty that NS didn't happen? I really don't understand.


#841522 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Coca Cola on 11 June 2015 - 07:37 AM

Not gonna lie, didn't think Kishi had it in him to dive even deeper into lunacy. My apologies Kishi-sensei.

#841489 Naruto Gaiden 700.7

Posted by Coca Cola on 11 June 2015 - 07:05 AM

Not a good chapter for Naruto.


Salad has been looking for answers in regards to her parents and no one close to the situation has been honest with her. Suigetsu decides that he would offer a little help in her search and Naruto calls him a dumbass for it? Are you serious? God forbid someone actually give a young girl some clear answers.


There's no way that you could've known Naruto? Maybe if you would step away from your laptop and ramen in your office and spend time with your precious "friends", maybe you wouldn't look like a moron. I'm sure that Sakura would've loved to share some of her troubles with someone that she trusts and considers a friend. Then again, it's hard to imagine that that trust and friendship is still there at this point.


And then he just stutters like a pathetic idiot before getting drilled by Salad. Where's the empathetic ninja that could relate and communicate with others? Oh wait, he got kicked to the curb like every other likeable character that is still alive in this series.


Thank god Jiraiya died before he could be butchered.

#841208 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Coca Cola on 11 June 2015 - 12:59 AM

For all of the talk that NH and SS use to defend Kishi and his poor writing, their reaction to these spoilers show they don't believe in Kishi as much as they like to claim. 

#838267 Naruto Gaiden-chapter 700.6

Posted by Coca Cola on 05 June 2015 - 12:58 AM

Kishi fails once again.


Ever since the end of part 1, the main goal for both Naruto and Sakura was to reunite team 7 so they could all be happy together again.


There have been several times since Sasuke changed back to their side in the war arc to give the audience what they had been hoping for. That was to see these three share fun moments and work together. We've yet to seen them accomplish anything together except for punch the goddess of lame once, which is immediately overshadowed by all the negatives surrounding their group (NaruSasu fighting/arguing, everything SasuSaku, NaruSaku distancing themselves).


This chapter was another opportunity for Kishi to SHOW that team 7 was still close to one another. Instead, we had to listen to the characters talk about how they're so close despite the fact that their faces, actions, and everything about this stupid ending/movie/spinoff says they most definitely aren't.


The most disappointing thing about this is that I never thought this would happen to Naruto and Sakura. Romantic or not, these two shared a bond that was easily visible throughout the majority of this series. I never thought that this bond would be torn apart to the point where they're unrecognizable to the audience and each other. 

#833078 Naruto Gaiden- Chapter 700.5

Posted by Coca Cola on 29 May 2015 - 04:17 PM

Well, Kishi has obviously decided that his hate for Sakura hasn't been made clear enough. Prepare for more character assassination folks.


It's remarkable to me that amongst those now in charge of this series whether it be the studio, SJ, Kishi, or his assistants, no one could come up with better shtick than a fat girl with daddy questions. 


Kishi had a perfect opportunity in the flashback to show SasuSaku in a positive light but failed to do so. Seriously, you expect us to take their relationship seriously when you put a kittening speech bubble over Sakura's face (kept the lower parts exposed though showing his view on Sakura) while Sasuke is talking. Once again, he could not show them together without Naruto being in the vicinity. At some point, if you want people to believe in and support these pairings you have to IDK, actually show them interacting as a pair and not just as part of team 7. 

#818587 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Coca Cola on 07 May 2015 - 03:03 PM

The comic relief in this series really has gone downhill.


Boring chapter.

#807331 Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage - Chapter 1

Posted by Coca Cola on 23 April 2015 - 03:03 PM


#688612 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Coca Cola on 06 December 2014 - 01:33 AM

So the major theme in this movie is that Naruto will finally understand what love is and what it truly means to love someone else(since apparently interaction, selflessness, friendship, and respect aren't the foundations of true love). If you're just going to substitute Hinata in for Sakura and make it a carbon copy of the NS relationship, how can you justify what you're showing us with NH as being any different than NS? How is NH true love but not NS?


I don't understand why I'm supposed to feel pity for a character that had done nothing to improve herself throughout the story and gets handed everything she could have ever wanted in the end.


And I don't understand why I'm supposed to concede that Sakura loves Sasuke, and only Sasuke, when you portrayed as a beaten depressed girl around him and portrayed her as being more confident and happy when with Naruto.

#658134 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Coca Cola on 12 November 2014 - 02:55 AM

UGH. I want to punch her so kittening hard right now. 
They are kittening exaggerating about Hinata, she's so overraterd. UGH.

Other accomplishments held:
1. Best housewife at ignoring son
2. Best at stalking behind big trees
3. Boobs
4. Creepiest eyes
5. Record for utterances of Naruto-kun
6. Best doormat
7. Only character to have someone die for their fickle love
8. Boobs
9. On the receiving end of record fastest one-shot by Pein
10. Heroine of her own movie
11. Boobs

You gotta admit that is a pretty solid list right there.