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#494568 Naruto 647

Posted by Weltall on 17 September 2013 - 10:04 PM

Not a bad chapter, but I was expecting more than an other emotional chapter.

I read the comments at the beginning and I don't see how Naruto was lost in this chapter or going to give up he was just angry and sad of course but his facial expression says it all and I got the impression he was rising up before Sasuke told him anything, Sasuke only managed to help Naruto focus that anger. I have a lot of critics towards Naruto's character but there was nothing wrong with him this chapter I don't get where people were seeing Naruto was giving up. Someone care to explain me.


Kishi's attempts at humor are pathetic and at the expense of Karin's character it's not funny Kishi and in the middle of the war and many deaths it's even more ridiculous. Please stop butchering her character more than she is.

#478248 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Weltall on 23 June 2013 - 03:54 AM

so that mean ns has the higher change to become canon or they are already canon?

Of course NS will happen but here is the problem from my point of view : NS will happen not thanks to their relationship in itself but because of the plot, the plot itself supports NS but the relationship is damaged and has been damaged in the land of Iron arc by all the stupid drama ; it's exactly the same with the others big "revelations" like Itachi is a good guy (this one is the worst) or Obito (the timeline, the change in the character...). With Kishi you simply go by what is obvious and you wait for him to throw in some curveballs that will damage the revelation itself. Of course Kishi can still go to the no pairing end but there's too much to support NS, unfortunately I think the former would be the best outcome.
I may be wrong but I learnt my lesson with the 2 previous revelations the potential was there but the revelation the "how" and "why" has left me stunned by how stupid it was, not much hope left and I think a lot of people will be disappointed when NS will be canon because of the way it happened. Just my humble opinion of course but I don't trust Kishi his writing has been extremely sloppy lately. Well at least I will gain 200 euros from my NaruHina friend, I already made quite a few bucks thanks to Obito.

#477862 Naruto 635

Posted by Weltall on 20 June 2013 - 08:18 PM

Arian rad : Let's hope you're right and this won't lead to an other " I'm gonna save Sasuke from himself ".