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Member Since 25 Oct 2011
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In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

26 May 2024 - 02:38 PM

I am now 30 years old

We got a youngling among us. :D

Happy Birthday.

In Topic: Very Sad News for Dragon Ball fans

08 March 2024 - 10:01 AM


Rest in Peace to an absolute legend.

This one hit me hard. I still don't believe it. I'm holding back tears.

In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

03 March 2024 - 10:57 AM

Oh I know very well what Fink said about forcing behavior. I know also quite a bit about Blackrock and Vanguard and also about what other people have said. If you listen to what some of them say, of what world they envision it's terrifying. And that's only what the say in public, think about what they say and do behind closed doors. I don't like to talk about them because I've noticed people don't like these types of conversations so I usually stay away.

However I'm glad in a way that people started to pay attention to what Blackrock and Vanguard are doing, also that they even get mentioned, just a few years ago they would've flown under the radar without anyone talking about them. Speaking of flying that's where it actually scares me the most, thinking about hiring people who aren't qualified for the job, but fit their agenda is monumentally idiotic. So many lives are now in the hands of people who aren't the best for the job, but because they just happened to be born in or identify as something. But I guess for them it doesn't matter because they will have their private jets and private pilots.


That's what the majority of people do, they just don't buy the product anymore. It's one of the reasons getting the interests from social media isn't a good metric to go by. Something that looked popular might turn out to not be at all. Like NH.


They did that in the latest Spider-man game where they made MJ look like one of the writers. Take a look at the model used for MJ in the first game also used for the second and you'll see in the second they just took like small features but overall it's really modeled after one of the writers. Which sorry to say, but she isn't as attractive as the original model.

I know about the Stellar Blade controversy, I loved how people were complaining that no woman looks like that then developer showed the model.


Yeah that's what I said about One Piece all I've heard is good things, but only from people who never checked the manga or anime.

I had no idea if they liked it because it's actually good or because they're just sick of the modern entertainment. Which is why I asked for those who followed OP if it's indeed good.

I used to watch a lot of movies and shows, one of the reasons I've stopped is partially because of my own personal problems, but also because there hasn't really been anything that interests me in these pasts years. Even now I hear news about some project my first reaction is to dismiss it because I assume it's probably going to be of low quality.

Will the Naruto movie be the thing that will resurrect it? Or if it doesn't resurrect Naruto's dead corpse, at least the movie will be good. I doubt it. It's possible, but I just don't see it. Maybe I became too cynical.   :D

And the reason I don't see it apart from what's going on in the media lately, but also because to me this isn't the right move.

A movie is the right move, but not a live action one. You need to bring back the old fanbase, the ones that made them. Without them they're nothing. Without us back I don't see it succeeding. Sure it might bring in a new fanbase, but they didn't grew up with it, they don't have the memories, the nostalgia of all those years.

In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

02 March 2024 - 11:54 AM

@Bail I know it wasn't the first one, but it's the first one that I've heard about actually being liked by people.


That is true the quality in the west as I said really took a massive nosedive that even something mediocre is viewed as good.


Imagine people liking a woman for looking like a woman, and not a man. :D What a world we live in.


The Naruto movie I just find it too late and not what we or "Naruto" needed. It just feels like once again them reading the room wrong and not bothering to listen.


The last part, I don't even know what to say dude. In a world of DEI and ESG what you said fits like a glove. And it's likely.



@Blue So it does look like they actually did something well. Again I've only heard from people who didn't follow the manga and also got tired of the decline in stories in these past years in entertainment.

In Topic: The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

27 February 2024 - 12:57 PM

I don't really see the point of making a live action movie of Naruto, yes I know the One Piece show was said to be good therefore it's the new thing to take a manga and take it into a live action show or movie, but I have to ask for those who read OP was it really good or was it that western stuff just took a massive nosedive in the last couple of years?


I haven't watched the show, I've heard from people it's good, but I've only heard from people who never checked the manga.

As for the Naruto movie, I have so many questions and dilemmas. Like when exactly will the movie take place? What about the casting since they're kids so you have to get child actors which will be a lot more difficult, I mean for part one they're around 12 and part two I think like 15-16 can't recall exactly. So depending on the time period the movie is set you need to cast them appropriately. You can't have a 16 year old play a 12 year old. Then you need to get the look just right, the setting, what about special effect like the insane number of clones making that look good in action will be tough.

Also correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't OP still going on? So if so why make a movie about a franchise that is basically dead? If they wanted to resurrect it, then they know what must be done, not investing more money in a project which personally I think it's going to flop.

Know when you are beaten.