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Lady Diana

Member Since 14 Aug 2014
Offline Last Active Dec 06 2014 07:41 PM

#637585 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Lady Diana on 05 November 2014 - 03:09 PM

You know what guys ? I've actually been able to regain my smile. Right now, I'm at peace and in good mood.
Do you want to know why ? Because Kishimoto has just insulted his own pairing choices himself.
He is putting on the same level of love/development NH and SS AND SaiIno and worse of all ChoKarui (lol, I had to come up with that pairing name on the spot, 'cause it didn't even exist) !!
Kishimoto thinks NH is on the same level of intensity as Choji x Karui !!
So why are you all trying to understand why he dumped 15 years of development of NS, when apparently, two characters that had NEVER interacted before (Chouji and Karui) looked like a good choice of pairing ?

So I'm not even mad. Sorry NH/SS fans, the biggest offence is made to you. I would be crazy angry if Kishimoto had thought it was a good idea to make my pairing, NaruSaku, canon as the same time as SaiIno/ChoKarui.

#636164 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Lady Diana on 05 November 2014 - 11:10 AM

What I'm worried is what Evil posted. Not the pictures of NH's kids.

Exactly ! I don't give a kitten about the kids, they're cute but just fanon.
What I'm scared about is what Evil said, and I wasn't even aware of her existence a few hours ago, I already trust her more than my mother xD !


But honestly, I don't know what would piss me off the most, NH/SS canon or SasuHina (my #1 NOTP)...

#622946 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Lady Diana on 31 October 2014 - 06:07 PM

James S Cassidy >> Please make a tumblr post with what you wrote so I can reblog it (*_*) !


Also, I just thought about something... how come Sakura has very little screentime in the trailers ? I mean, she's still the heroine of the manga and we only see her scream "Naruto !" and hold Hinata's shoulders. However, a lot of drawings of her from SP have been released, so we can deduce she has a fairly decent amount of screen time, right ?
So, what if, JUST what if, SP can not release any movie part in which Sakura is involved because it would reveal how close she is to Naruto and it would spoil the whole Hinata romantic thing ? After all, if Hinata has a big role in this movie, and if Sakura, with her generous heart is encouraging her to talk to Naruto, then maybe Hinata will ask Naruto for his answer, and it will be negative ?
It's just theory, but I thought it was strange not to see much of Sakura (because maybe she's too involved with Naruto ?).

#622779 NaruSaku Hopes

Posted by Lady Diana on 31 October 2014 - 04:35 PM

I hope for comic relief as well, but in a lighter way. And I hope it shows a more mature side of their relationship.
But since the movie is about Hinata (mostly), then I hope Hinata will be the one to give up on Naruto (this would prove she's become more than the eternal Naruto fangirl) and I even hope that she will root for Naruto's love for Sakura. This would be awesome !

#567329 Naruto Shippuden 373

Posted by Lady Diana on 21 August 2014 - 10:57 PM

About the smirk issue, I was a bit pissed off, I admit. As a NaruSaku supporter, I do not see each and every interaction of Sakura with Sasuke as being romantic. That smirk for me was "important" because, while Sasuke still thought that Sakura wasn't *that* useful at the time, it was a smaaall start of him acknowledging Sakura's new strength (as he will fully do when she saves his ass in chap.685).

I really wanted it to be animated.


About the rest of the episode, I found it a little annoying that SP had to add filler part to insist on how helpless Sakura used to be. Kishi had done it in one or two panels in the manga, and it was enough for me. If they wanted to add filler, they should have shown more of how Tsunade trained Sakura (though they did show that a little). Aaaand... I don't know, the whole Hyakugou thing and the punch... well, it looked way better and more dynamic in the manga.


I was relieved that Hinata's technique looked that bad. For once, they didn't exagerate her skills (it even looked better in the manga). But that dialog with Neji was too much, in the manga, she simply has a little flashback of his face... Hinata didn't give a kitten about him until he died saving her @ss **sigh**. She has more panels remembering her glorious hand-holding with Naruto than for her cousin who died for her... I wonder if SP added this dialog part (and reduced the "NH" part) in order to make her look like she really cared for Neji, so she doesn't seem too heartless ?


Anyway, this episode could have been waaay better. Now, I'm actually afraid they'll make the next NS part (chap.663) look as bland as this...

#563161 はじめまして こんに...

Posted by Lady Diana on 14 August 2014 - 06:29 PM

Thank you all for the warm welcome :') !


elmas >> "Hajimemakittene konnichiwa" :).


FoolishYoungling and Savannah101 >> Thanks a lot ^^v !

#563114 はじめまして こんに...

Posted by Lady Diana on 14 August 2014 - 05:23 PM

Hi everyone !


After a long inner debate about whether I should join this website or not, I finally decided to join you all NaruSaku supporters.


I should say some words about myself, right...? Okay, so I used to be a SasuSaku shipper (and I could tolerate NaruHina) during the first part, but after Hinata's (laughable) confession and Sasuke's third attempt on Sakura's life, I gave up on those ships (I still like Sasuke, though, he's a cute little assh*le ♥)... I realized I was a NaruSaku shipper when I found myself almost hurt at the "NH moment" of chapter 615, since I dropped the manga for a few months after that... but since NS is The Truth, I managed to come back on time to see the glorious rise of NS a few months later :D.


I joined this website 'cause I'm tired of the bashing NS/Sakura constantly receives and I'm always happy to discuss with other fans of this ship/character. But let's be honest, she's shippable with about every other male character of the manga (but OTP is OTP *_*).

Anyway, I'm looking forward to being able to have fun discussions here \o/ !


P.S. : I also have a tumblr/dA, on which I post my (crappy) art and other stuff... feel free to have a look at it... I'm also a NARUTO reviewer on a blog. Links in my signature.