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Member Since 07 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Dec 15 2014 10:06 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: what are these??????

12 November 2014 - 09:17 AM



I am so sorry.is it right?????

In Topic: How does the Naruto and Sakura baby look like ?/

19 September 2014 - 06:38 AM

I always thought the boy would have pink hair and blue eyes and the girl would have blonde hair and green eyes :hehehe:

Exactly like me :yes:

In Topic: How does the Naruto and Sakura baby look like ?/

19 September 2014 - 06:35 AM

Here's the female



Here's my little head-canon for her: Main inspiration was her having long hair, like part 1 Sakura, and Kushina. Has Sakura's eyes and dresses in red like her mother, orange and black like her dad. Also wears gloves like her mom and she has her father's outgoing personality and her mother's outstanding chakra control. She does get in trouble a lot due to her prankster lifestyle that she inherited from her father so she gets scolded a lot by Sakura. She's not good at her studies like her father but like him, she is someone who excels using shadow clones, transformations, and other jutsus that can outwit any type of opponent. Her dream is that she wants to be Hokage like her dad and surpass all the other Hokage. 


And here's the male



My head-canon for him: He's very intelligent like his mother. He also has perfect chakra control like Sakura, so has no problem with performing medical jutsus and other techniques that require that kind of control. He is insecure about his hair color though (like how Sakura was/is insecure about her forehead) because he doesn't think it's manly enough and does get teased about it from his peers. He also keeps to himself a lot so he develops an Inner persona like his mother. He does like the color orange like his dad and ramen (the dreaded Naruto genes :lol: ) and has his mother's temper :chuckle:  ,so he's not very patient with his Dad when he does something to embarrass him. While he is proud of his parents and their accomplishments, he does not want to be remember as the child of the two greatest ninja to have ever lived, but wants to be acknowledged and respected by everyone for his own accomplishments.


Man this was hard to do.  :sweat:  I never really done anything like this, so it was very fun to imagine how Naruto and Sakura's child might look like and act. 

arigto My good friend, you're right, very funny

In Topic: How do you want the Final Chapter to go?

26 March 2014 - 07:02 AM

I think naruto will not end with nobody  .because i am wating for it in ekippuden (is spelling ok?)and so that become hokage . I think all will happen in the future ...............

but in shippuden a nice end .everyone is happy and laugh together.but I am not sure about sasuke .I thik he will die (in good way) or go away for good after become a good guy and help naruto.(I am sorry for bad english :sweat:  :sweatdrop:  :wink: