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Member Since 22 Apr 2006
Offline Last Active Jan 07 2012 05:26 AM

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In Topic: The A-Z of NaruSaku - Holidays Edition!

02 January 2012 - 10:50 PM

I exist! I just got really busy with Xmas and New Year's and lots of fun things. Anyway, I'm totally late but here are my drabbles!

Sakura berated herself for waiting so long. For the Harunos, fruitcake during Christmas was essential. Unfortunately, not many shops were open on Christmas eve. Finally finding a shop that had some fruitcake, she ran back hurriedly.
“This is delicious! I want to meet the cook who made this.” Her father declared.
“Sakura-chan!” Naruto ran in. “Your change.”
She frowned, unable to recall seeing Naruto at the store.
He smiled. “Didn't you know? I made the cake!”
“Maybe if you date him, we can get more of his fruitcake!” Her mom whispered.
“Not you too...”

Sakura and Naruto had a friendly competition – who got the ultimate anniversary present. For the past four years, Naruto had decisively won. But not this year. She was giddy.
“Sakura-chaan!” There he was after a two month assassination mission.
She exited the hug prematurely. “My present.” She gestured to the Hokage Monument.
On the rightmost corner, a new yet strangely familiar face was carved on the mountain. And suddenly, it all felt too surreal. 'Three whiskers on each side...'
“I convinced the council to let you start early, Hokage-sama.” Oh yes, she definitely won this year.

Naruto hated holly. It was green (as opposed to a more wondrous color, such as orange), prickly, and served no functional purpose. But for whatever reason, Sakura always mandated its use. “Sakura-chan, why do we use holly?”
She giggled. “It's a family tradition. My father proposed on Christmas Day with lots of holly, and it's been done ever since.”
Naruto's eyes went wide. “How did he propose?”
She shook her head playfully. “Can't tell. But it was beautiful.”
“Hmm... I wonder if my proposal will be awesome...” Naruto hadn't realized he'd voiced his thoughts aloud.

Okay, it was probably a mistake to lick the icicles in Snow Country. They were called the Great Frozen Icicles for a reason. Naruto could see that now.
What he couldn't understand was why Sakura was so upset. After all, it just took a simple fire jutsu to thaw his tongue out, and (except for Naruto's burnt tongue) everything was fine.
“Never mind. Just go around french kissing everything unimportant, baka!” And she stormed off.
Everything unimportant. What was so important? Sakura-chan. Had she just given him permission? The gravity of her words hit Naruto like a brick wall.

Naruto was the definition of jolly. Literally. Jiraiya's new shinobi standard dictionary had a picture of Naruto next to the entry of jolly. But on this particular New Year's, Naruto was downright depressed. Everyone was concerned, but none more so than Shikamaru – the official planner of Naruto's “troublesome” surprise party.
And everyone knew why: Naruto had asked Sakura to marry him... If he was this sad, there was only one possibility. She had declined.
“So she said no?” Kiba asked tactlessly.
Naruto solemnly nodded. After a long silence, he smiled brightly – “Just kidding!”

In Topic: The A-Z of NaruSaku - Holidays Edition!

22 December 2011 - 04:15 AM

omfg.gif Yay! This is so exciting! And unexpected! Okay, I hope this set of words will be sufficiently awesome and Naru-Saku-tastic! narusakuct7.gif


f - fruitcake
g - gifts
h - holly
i - icicles
j - jolly

Good luck to all!

In Topic: The A-Z of NaruSaku - Holidays Edition!

15 December 2011 - 05:37 PM

I concur, it's pretty good! I had my first eggnog this Thanksgiving at a friend's house (my family is from India so we don't really celebrate Thanksgiving,) and it was really good! happy.gif
AchikaMiyu, another great submission. =) I like the carols!

In Topic: Which do you prefer?

15 December 2011 - 04:47 PM


Book or Movie?

In Topic: The A-Z of NaruSaku - Holidays Edition!

15 December 2011 - 03:26 AM

The dribbles so far have been great!
peanutbutter126, I really liked the Bells one!
And AchikaMiyu, I really liked Angel happy.gif
Anyway, here are mine.

The strawberry-blonde child giggled as Naruto twirled her around. “The Christmas tree is done!”
The child squinted at the angel. “Are angels real, Daddy?”
“Of course!”
“How come I've never seen one?”
“I've seen one.”
“Oh yes. She had beautiful jade eyes, the softest hair, and whenever I'd feel lonely, she'd gently comb my hair and make me remember the happiest memories.”
“Like mommy!” She giggled excitedly.
Naruto gasped. “You're right! You think Mommy's an angel?”
A playful slap landed on Naruto, and Sakura turned away, hiding a faint blush.

Konoha's winter bells stopped ringing years ago. A desperate ghost, unable to pass on, cursed them. Until he saw true love, the bells would never ring. Still, Naruto came here every Christmas eve.
Naruto froze, detecting chakra. Suddenly, he was blindfolded and tied against the tree, unable to move. Slender, graceful fingers began to interweave with this.
He smiled, the sent of sakura blossom shampoo wafting towards him. Then, from an intoxicatingly close proximity, he felt her warm breath as she whispered, “One date. Just. One. Tomorrow. 7PM.”
And she was gone.
In the distance, he heard faint bells.

Naruto sighed, mentally preparing himself to knock on the door. He hated caroling. It was a tradition – all the orphanages did it as a fundraiser. But few doors that opened were friendly to him. Even fewer actually gave him money or food. To cut their losses, they sent Naruto by himself, making the situation even worse.
Taking a deep breath and hoping he'd memorized all the carols, he knocked on the door...
Kind green eyes and gorgeous pink locks greeted him excitedly. Smiling, she happily directed him inside. “You must be cold.”
“Not anymore,” he said softly.

Naruto quietly slipped away from the festivities. He didn't feel bad making his way home. After all, Christmas was a time for family. How could he ask them to include him in such a personal day? They did so much for him already. Perhaps he'd get a tree this year. Yes, and he'd decorate it with different flavored ramen!
He gasped when he saw the large, half-decorated tree currently occupying his living room.
“Orange ribbons?” She snorted at the thought. “He'd probably decorate this thing in ramen.” Luckily, he had her.
He wiped away a happy tear. 'Sakura-chan...'

Why did her husband insist on making his horrendous version of what was supposed to be eggnog every year? Nobody liked it – not even the grandchildren. Still, every year he'd insist.
Finally fed up, Sakura approached the man about it. “Naru, why do you insist on making that disaster of a recipe every year?”
His grayish blonde locks swayed as he faced his loving wife of forty years. “You remember when we first met?”
She smiled. “Of course. You were attempting to carol. I invited you inside because you were freezing.”
“And gave me eggnog.”

Edit: Edited to have all 5 drabbles in the same location for convenience.