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Naruto 632

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#1561 HauntedCake



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Posted 31 May 2013 - 10:59 AM

About Sakura we doesnt know, the suspense is up in the air since Sakura didnt give any hints that she's already in love with Naruto or still loves Sasuke, maybe next chapters clears this up.
And secodn there's nothing much Naruto can do really he's not the type that forces his feelings on someome else.

I think after all the happened it's understandable for her to not love him not just understandable but good for her character, imagine that on her entire development, Sai tells her that Naruto loves her and a random guy shows up and tells that she should love someome who's a great guy/ good guy.
To just suddenly those scenes doesnt matter because she still loves Sasuke.
I sincerely doesnt know how can she move on if those scenes doenst have any kind of effect on her.

That's a good point. If Sakura still loves sasuke or tries to go after Sasuke now, we can assume that NS will be asspulled or done very poorly (very degraded)


She cant love sasuke at this point if NS is to happen because he would ruin the end product so much by leaving us with:


She choose Naruto because Sasuke was evil, Naruto is merely second prize/fallback guy.


She can have feelings/care for sasuke but love must be out of the question as of now. It will feel like a very cheap victory if NS happens with her still confessing love for sasuke after everything that has happened.


#1562 Branden


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 11:02 AM

I think Kishi is pretty good at creating manga. I believe he'll make an amazing story for us. So it is for that reason that I am confident that whatever he does in the manga has a purpose that will be explained in time.


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#1563 Chatte


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 11:10 AM

I also believe the same. Look at the story how nice it comes wrapped up and dunno about you guys but this finally feels like the old Kishi. Sakura could very much tell Sasuke that yes, she loves him, but not that way... because that way of  love, she has for Naruto.

Therefore he'll close really nice the SS interactions.

You have to accept the fact that both Sasuke and Naruto are major factors in Sakura's character and negating Sasuke or putting him aside after everything, will look as cheap writing. We may not like Sasuke but we have to accept him because he's part of Sakura's character. And if we want NS to truly happen, we have to accept Sakura's 'feelings' for Sasuke as well, feelings that don't have to be romantic. Just a strong bond with him and that's it.


Still rambling about Naruto/NaruSaku stuff on


#1564 Sakamaki Izayoi

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Posted 31 May 2013 - 11:13 AM

That's a good point. If Sakura still loves sasuke or tries to go after Sasuke now, we can assume that NS will be asspulled or done very poorly (very degraded)


She cant love sasuke at this point if NS is to happen because he would ruin the end product so much by leaving us with:


She choose Naruto because Sasuke was evil, Naruto is merely second prize/fallback guy.


She can have feelings/care for sasuke but love must be out of the question as of now. It will feel like a very cheap victory if NS happens with her still confessing love for sasuke after everything that has happened.

Basically this, the development she had is to move on from Sasuke, a lot of stuff happened that made her question this love, the summit arc, yeah she wanted to go with Naruto but missed the point which was that Sasuke wasnt a good person for her to love with, then after all that mess, a random guy shows up and tells her this.
Doesnt make sense for her to still loves him after all that development, because that scenes only imply it, 540 is clearly a scene where she question again her feelings for him.

I'm believing that Kishi will keep up the suspense not showing any hints towards both of the boys.


@Chatte we are saying that she does have development to not love him anymore, romantically, if he shows up that she still loves him romantically then it's certain that it's going to asspulled or done poorly.

Edited by Dαrkrєrsŧ, 31 May 2013 - 11:16 AM.


#1565 redragon88


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 11:24 AM

I also believe the same. Look at the story how nice it comes wrapped up and dunno about you guys but this finally feels like the old Kishi. Sakura could very much tell Sasuke that yes, she loves him, but not that way... because that way of  love, she has for Naruto.

Therefore he'll close really nice the SS interactions.

You have to accept the fact that both Sasuke and Naruto are major factors in Sakura's character and negating Sasuke or putting him aside after everything, will look as cheap writing. We may not like Sasuke but we have to accept him because he's part of Sakura's character. And if we want NS to truly happen, we have to accept Sakura's 'feelings' for Sasuke as well, feelings that don't have to be romantic. Just a strong bond with him and that's it.


I'll put this here from the debate thread since it relates:


That's what I worry about as well. To me it's now obvious that NS will happen but I worry about how Kishi might handle it, especially when it comes to how Sakura will interact with Sasuke from now on.


At least in 632 Sakura herself made it a point that Naruto was overthinking things just because Sakura noticed Sasuke first at the end, but I hope that at no point Sakura goes showing any sort of genuine preferential treatment towards Sasuke because that would truly then be seen as a regression to her character.


Sakura needs to:

1) See Naruto and Sasuke as equal teammates

2) See Naruto with more romantic care than Sasuke

3) See her romantic feelings for Sasuke in serious analytic way, not with simple joy.


The progression of Sakura's character shouldn't come at the cost of regression. It would be bad if she becomes hopeful regarding her feelings for Sasuke since it would be ignoring the development she's had in the story. If she thinks about her love for Sasuke once again it needs to be an extremely serious moment that makes Sakura really think.

#1566 Gravenimage


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 11:25 AM

That's a good point. If Sakura still loves sasuke or tries to go after Sasuke now, we can assume that NS will be asspulled or done very poorly (very degraded)


She cant love sasuke at this point if NS is to happen because he would ruin the end product so much by leaving us with:


She choose Naruto because Sasuke was evil, Naruto is merely second prize/fallback guy.


She can have feelings/care for sasuke but love must be out of the question as of now. It will feel like a very cheap victory if NS happens with her still confessing love for sasuke after everything that has happened.


Agreed I have always believe that Sakura moved on from Sasuke since the beginning of part 2. But Kishi needs to keep the love triangle alive so he's pulling his tricks on the readers to make us believe she still has feelings for Sasuke. Other mangakas have pulled this trick before so it's not old, like in Inuyasha the mangaka kept the love triangle alive for many chapters showing hints that he might still have feelings for Kikyo but in the end he proved he has always been in love with Kagome. What Kishi is doing with Sakura is no different.


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#1567 HauntedCake



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Posted 31 May 2013 - 12:00 PM

We all can agree Sakura is not the same Sakura as part 1. We all assume she "LOVES" Sasuke. No denying she did in Part 1 ofc but as time has moved on and the crimes Sasuke has commited against Sakura and Naruto do we actually believe she "LOVES" Sasuke?


We talk about her maturing and growing up but we still hold onto her having her "LOVE" for sasuke. Yes she has feelings for him (physically attracted and her caring for him as a team member) but love?? after what Sasuke has done to her and what Naruto is doing for her?


It's funny when we talk About NS as Heaven and Earth because i also like to apply this to Sakura and more specifically her love life.


One side is Heaven (Mind, spirit or soul so to speak), this is clearly a reference to her love for Naruto.


The other is ofc Earth (physical), this is obviously applied to Sasuke but Sakura has shown physical attraction to Naruto too.


Basically, her love for sasuke isn't real love (Comparable to her love for Naruto) , it's an idealistic love she based on his appearances and abilities rather then Sasuke's personality.(I'm not denying she tried to get to know Sasuke and cared for him but the engine for that was physical attraction, it always was, it always will be)


This is what she will distinguish in the coming chapters, all we need is for Naruto to man the kitten up get some balls and pour his heart out to Sakura because if he doesn't he might lose Sakura forever. From this she will realize who shes loves and more importantly the difference between attraction and love.


Note: Naruto has never tried to be upfront romantic with Sakura other then ask her out for Dates, it's always Sakura making the first move and this is what has denied NS so much.

Reposting just incase anyone missed this


#1568 Canadian_DJ


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  • Interests:Honestly, western sakura haters are pathetic (if your wondering why I say western, its because thats where all the sakura haters are) they hate sakura for the stupidest reasons, makes me wonder if they even read the manga for anything besides illogically hating on her, and even more so if they even read the same manga. Seriously they really are blind if they think sakura isn't the most popular female character in naruto and has a huge fanbase in japan, kishimoto-sensie's main fanbase. Honsetly, they aren't true naruto fans because they're practically bashing the main heroine of the series who has had AMAZING and deep emotional development, both romace-wise , character-wise and-power wise, and the love interest, Haruno sakura, of the main hero, Uzumaki Naruto. That alone is an insult to kishimoto-sensie's work. Not to mention they rub off the japanese culture, which is important to know if you wanna 100% understand the details of the manga.

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Posted 31 May 2013 - 12:14 PM

Allow me to borrow/modify something I posted on the #631 thread....
This is what Naruto looks like when he's joking / not serious / lying about his relationship with Sakura.  You can tell he's lying not only by his words but by his expression and posture as well.  There's always some kind of "tell" when he's joking.  He's got a cheesy smile, or he's doing something completely outrageous, or he's sneaking around, or he's generally being a doofus. 
Then there's #631....
We get a significantly different expression and response from Naruto. He is as sober as a judge here. The look on his face is serious.  The words he uses are serious.  There's no hint of joking whatsoever.  HE IS NOT JOKING.
I can understand why anti-NS folks would want to downplay this moment as a joke or something casual, but I can't understand why any NS fan would say he is joking here when he clearly is not.  He's not even smiling, for crying out loud!
The comment Naruto made in #632 -- "I'll never, never turn on Sakura-chan again... she'll pulverize me...." or "Ne-never again... I can't ever poke fun of Sakura-chan again... otherwise she'll turn me into a stain...."  (depending on the translation) -- WAS a joke.  You can tell by the "lady lips" caricature of his face and the overall silliness. He's referring to all the stupid jokey crap he's done over the years to get a rise out of her -- the Oiroke no Jutsu, teasing her about being strong, etc. -- NOT his feelings for her.
Remember his reaction in #469?  How he told Sakura -- twice -- that joking about something like loving him or choosing him over Sasuke wasn't funny?  Right.  But we're supposed to believe he turned around and "joked" about Sakura being his girlfriend to his father?  Please. 
As far as I'm concerned, trying to link the obvious joke in #632 to Naruto's answer to his father in #631 is either willful blindness or a desperate attempt to invalidate Naruto's declared feelings for Sakura.

Yeah I agree here, as we've pointed out a million times, this brought kushinas words to a full circle, him finding a girl like kushina and being his girlfriend.Thats it, its confirmed thag sakura is narutos girlfriend, not that its been doubted before since naruto said "wow...you kids are really smart arent you? (Blushes)" the time konohamaru asked back in p1, but the difference was back then was that sakura was still in the process of developing feelings for the blondie.But it looked really comedic, but later on kishi decided to insert ot again in a non comedic way to avoid arguments like "he was just kidding" or "the whole thing was just meant to be comedic" but ahh, he did it again in the garas vs naruto fight, wherr gamabunta told his dad that sakura chan is narutos main squeeze, then the toad boss, gave a little smile..or or smug, call it what you may but the girlfriend scene was brought up again by kushina when she was dying along with minato, which was then revealed to us in chp 631.

So if anyone still denys the fact that sakura is narutos girlfriend, then thats just the most effed up BS that can happen.

13080302030649702.gif~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ナル~サク 4/3 The day he fell in love with her ♥ 豪傑 そて 婦 hero, great man and heroine, brave woman°°°★Official Top Ten overall NARUTO characters: 1. Kakashi 2.Naruto 3.Sasuke 4.Iruka 5.Shikamaru 6.Gaara 7.Sakura 8.Neji 9.Itachi 10.Lee★°°° <p>Best ofナル~サク

#1569 Torxe


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 12:32 PM

Is that Juugo that Naruto is talking to in that modified picture? I don't recognize him


EDIT: nvmnd I just remembered Tazuna

Edited by Torxe, 31 May 2013 - 12:33 PM.

In support of the Sakura we once knew:


#1570 Shadow Wolf

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Posted 31 May 2013 - 12:39 PM

So if anyone still denys the fact that sakura is narutos girlfriend, then thats just the most effed up BS that can happen.


Let me bring out a quote from KnS to describe how I feel about them at the moment:


I think maybe you're reading it too literally, and not giving the "more or less" part enough weight.

The question was, is Sakura his girlfriend. Naruto's answer tells us that as far as his feelings are concerned, and based on where things were left after her confession, he's thinking she might be. Sort of.

And that's the thing. At this point, Sakura is as much his girlfriend as she isn't, and that's what Naruto was saying -- "more or less."

Like I said before, it's Shrodinger's cat. ;)



The fact that Sakura didn't deny it tells me that she might have accepted Naruto's words (in fact, is common of a Tsundere character to "change the topic" whenever said topic is serious and she might not want to address it yet). Even so, I still feel like we need to see one conversation between them: One where they can finally clarify their feelings for each other. I believe the "bench scene" is the perfect topic for said conversation.

Edited by Shadow Wolf, 31 May 2013 - 12:39 PM.

#1571 Canadian_DJ


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  • Interests:Honestly, western sakura haters are pathetic (if your wondering why I say western, its because thats where all the sakura haters are) they hate sakura for the stupidest reasons, makes me wonder if they even read the manga for anything besides illogically hating on her, and even more so if they even read the same manga. Seriously they really are blind if they think sakura isn't the most popular female character in naruto and has a huge fanbase in japan, kishimoto-sensie's main fanbase. Honsetly, they aren't true naruto fans because they're practically bashing the main heroine of the series who has had AMAZING and deep emotional development, both romace-wise , character-wise and-power wise, and the love interest, Haruno sakura, of the main hero, Uzumaki Naruto. That alone is an insult to kishimoto-sensie's work. Not to mention they rub off the japanese culture, which is important to know if you wanna 100% understand the details of the manga.

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Posted 31 May 2013 - 12:40 PM

Wait..what? The next chapter will be released on tuesday? And delayed for another week after that? If so then, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :arg::arg:

13080302030649702.gif~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ナル~サク 4/3 The day he fell in love with her ♥ 豪傑 そて 婦 hero, great man and heroine, brave woman°°°★Official Top Ten overall NARUTO characters: 1. Kakashi 2.Naruto 3.Sasuke 4.Iruka 5.Shikamaru 6.Gaara 7.Sakura 8.Neji 9.Itachi 10.Lee★°°° <p>Best ofナル~サク

#1572 Nath0man



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Posted 31 May 2013 - 12:55 PM

Wait..what? The next chapter will be released on tuesday? And delayed for another week after that? If so then, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :arg::arg:


Lies! I refuse to believe it! :argh:

Edited by nath0man, 31 May 2013 - 12:55 PM.


#1573 Torxe


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 12:55 PM

Wait..what? The next chapter will be released on tuesday? And delayed for another week after that? If so then, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :arg::arg:

You can't be serious the one week I can afford to be distracted from my studies and there won't be a chapter?

Are you sure?

In support of the Sakura we once knew:


#1574 Branden


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 12:55 PM

I also believe the same. Look at the story how nice it comes wrapped up and dunno about you guys but this finally feels like the old Kishi. Sakura could very much tell Sasuke that yes, she loves him, but not that way... because that way of  love, she has for Naruto.

Therefore he'll close really nice the SS interactions.

You have to accept the fact that both Sasuke and Naruto are major factors in Sakura's character and negating Sasuke or putting him aside after everything, will look as cheap writing. We may not like Sasuke but we have to accept him because he's part of Sakura's character. And if we want NS to truly happen, we have to accept Sakura's 'feelings' for Sasuke as well, feelings that don't have to be romantic. Just a strong bond with him and that's it.

I like Sasuke. What I think most of us don't like is the thought that Sakura would still have a romantic interest in him. That's not Sasuke's fault at all and everyone knows that, hence the reason why all the hate is directed towards Sakura. There's a simple way to fix this. Make it clear that Sakura doesn't have any romantic interest in Sasuke. If Kishi does that then I guarantee you 90% of the Sakura haters will shut up, because at that point she'll be one of the strongest characters in the series with no major flaws.


Then again now that I think about it even if he did that there would still be a huge chunk of people that would simply call Sakura a traitor and say that by Sasuke she meant Naruto or something. I mean it sounds ridiculous but I have no doubts this could happen after watching the reactions to 631.


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#1575 arian_rad


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 12:57 PM

Wait..what? The next chapter will be released on tuesday? And delayed for another week after that? If so then, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :arg::arg:

Wait a chapter comes out next week then the next one is delayed 2 weeks? Or no chapter this coming week? I don't get it

#1576 Nath0man



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Posted 31 May 2013 - 01:02 PM

Wait a chapter comes out next week then the next one is delayed 2 weeks? Or no chapter this coming week? I don't get it


Theres a chapter this coming Tuesday but then there will be no chapter the week after. Is what he said.

Edited by nath0man, 31 May 2013 - 01:02 PM.


#1577 Kakashi-Sensei


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 01:05 PM


Theres a chapter this coming Tuesday but then there will be no chapter the week after. Is what he said.

Are you sure about this ?


#1578 Atheck


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Posted 31 May 2013 - 01:05 PM


Theres a chapter this coming Tuesday but then there will be no chapter the week after. Is what he said.


That's quite honestly very absurd. It's only been one month since Golden Week IIRC and two weeks before that Kishimoto had chosen to take a break. I can understand if he's become weary of his own series and would prefer to have some additional time off but after having received nearly three consecutive weeks (referring to April and May) not too long ago? Well it's not something that we would prefer, to say the least.

Edited by Atheck, 31 May 2013 - 01:06 PM.

#1579 StriderC



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Posted 31 May 2013 - 01:09 PM


Let me bring out a quote from KnS to describe how I feel about them at the moment:



The fact that Sakura didn't deny it tells me that she might have accepted Naruto's words (in fact, is common of a Tsundere character to "change the topic" whenever said topic is serious and she might not want to address it yet). Even so, I still feel like we need to see one conversation between them: One where they can finally clarify their feelings for each other. I believe the "bench scene" is the perfect topic for said conversation.

Agreed. I feel like with the bench scene, everything will come full circle because really, for the readers, that's where it all started. Ironically, isn't that where it "ended" for SS in Part 1?  :hehehe: From there's it has been nothing but constant progression for NS, and now here we are. :D 

#1580 Nath0man



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Posted 31 May 2013 - 01:11 PM

Are you sure about this ?


No I'm not. I was just told by Canadian_DJ.


It could just be speculation.

Edited by nath0man, 31 May 2013 - 01:13 PM.


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