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Sasuke And Hinata Should Have Been The End Paring of Naruto Here Are The Solid Reasons As To Why

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#1 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 17 April 2016 - 01:02 PM

Hello Heaven and Earth forums!

I have come to enlighten the world that has neglected a obvious potential of TRUE love which will be revolving around Sasuke Uchiha and Hinata Hyuga within this topic, It is indeed and unfortunately true that the naruto manga that's right naruto manga has ended however a new manga named Boruto will be which means naruto will be once again a open story subjectable to change and influence will arise which of course can affect the current pairings of naruto which is a major part of the agenda of this topic, but without further ado here are very plausible and solid reasons as to why Sasuke Uchiha and Hinata Hyuga should have been the End Cannon Paring of Naruto!

I'm aware that it is a bit long of a read but that just only shows how much sense Sasuke and Hinata makes as a pairing!! so please bear with it and you will understand and enjoy!



I have written some posts about SasuHina pairing (Sasuke Uchiha-Hinata Hyuga from Naruto) but I want to compile all about them here also add some more so you can read it easily. So why do I think SasuHina should be canon?



Some of you perhaps doubt about SasuHina because of development. SasuHina never interacted directly in manga or anime. Their only speaking scene is only in movie “Bonds” that is considered a filler or in “Road To Ninja” CD drama, but the latter involved their different selves. But DID YOU KNOW that they have so many SIMILIARITIES?


-They are quiet and calm


-They have kekkai genkai


-They are from two of most respected clans in Konoha


-They are looked down by their fathers



-They have strong relatives to look up to and those so-called strong relatives died


-They always use costums with matching colors (even in game!)


-Their blood types are the same with Fugaku-Mikoto Uchiha (A for the women & AB for the men) and according to blood type relation, they will have a stable relationship with the man leading (very true to their traits as well; Hinata is submissive while Sasuke is dominant). Meanwhile NaruSaku is also said to be harmonius.


-Their appearances will look like Fugaku-Mikoto Uchiha



Coincident? NOPE! There are TOO MANY similiarities to be called “just coincident!” I think Kishimoto put them in purpose for SasuHina. Yeah, you asked for development? THESE are their developments! These so-called “coincidences” are built along Naruto canon time. And with those many similiarities, I am sure they will understand each other very well.



I think Hinata will be the best one for Sasuke, because :


1.She is THE ONLY ONE Who is Not Sasuke’s Fangirl


It means that Hinata won’t be interested in boys for petty reason like good looks or famous clan or high class ability. She would rather look at people’s inner beauty. Sakura and Ino are just into Sasuke’s looks. Karin tried to seduce Sasuke because he is hot. If Sasuke were ugly, would the girls still be interested in him? NOT! Sasuke himself NEVER looked like as if he was interested in his fangirls although some of them have hugged, molested, or flirted with him shamelessly.


2. She Has A Long Hair


Sasuke said that he likes girl with long hair, while Sakura or Karin both don’t have that kind of hair most of the time. Making SasuSaku or SasuKarin canon would diminish canon traits of Sasuke. That means the “canon ending” itself is OOC! SasuIno would be possible IF Ino was not a fangirl.


3. She is Not Noisy


Sasuke doesn’t appreciate too much noise, while almost all Konoha’s kunoichis are talkative or/and loud EXCEPT for Hinata. Karin is not a quite one as well. So, if you wanna make that oh-so-canon-Sasuke’s-pairing, a noisy girl is a big NO NO for him. Again, the “real canon” is OOC because everybody knew that Sakura is noisy.


4. She Has The Best Genes Available


Uchiha is said to be Hyuga’s descendants so Sasuke’s Uchiha genes will be more preserved if he married a Hyuga. Hinata is the only Hyuga who fits his criteria (not fangirl, not noisy, long hair) so it is clear that they should be together to procreate better Uchiha children. Since Sasuke is the last Uchiha, he should preserve his genes as much as he can, right? Maybe his decendants can marry each other as cousin later to preserve the genes more but for now, Hyuga is the best choice to restore his clan.

Not to mention Hyuga has the traits to produce twins so Sasuke’s clan can be revived much faster than if he tried it with an ordinary girl. Also, think about the power that can be obtained by the mix of Uchiha-Hyuga!


Sasuke clearly needs powerful succesor to revive the clan. And as the renowned clan, Hyuga can help to protect and assist Uchiha both inside or outside the council/court in its journey to restore its former glory.

Now see the result of OOC canon? Uchiha is alone in its rebuilding path (Naruto is so distant, Sakura is clanless) and the only heir is a girl who wears glasses! Wow!

Why does an Uchiha descendant wear glasses? Won’t she go blind if sharingan is activated like Itachi that actually had NORMAL eyes? Yeah, this is the most screwed out scenario from the so-called “new flame of Uchiha” whatsoever or SALAD. Not only she doesn’t have that cool Uchiha looks but her genes are so bad that her supposed-to-be-family’s-techniques now perhaps is useless on her. An Uchiha with glasses? That is unheard of! Maybe she is really adopted afterall?

If she by any miracles managed to not blind activating sharingan, that means OOC card is used again. And how can she revive Uchiha if she will change her family name once she gets married? (most likely to an Uzumaki, nonetheless). Yeah… yeah… good bye forever, Uchiha! Not only your sharingan will only be a distant memory but your family name too! The flame looks so deem already!


5. She Does Not Have An Unique Hair Colour


Imagine Uchiha in pink or red or blond. Doesn’t seem so “Uchiha”? I think so too. But indigo is closest to dark, so Hinata won’t make strange Uchiha ever.


6. She is Submissive and Needs Protection


Hinata is submissive by nature so won’t object Sasuke’s domination, but not to the point of total submission like Sakura. That’s because she has strong back-up from her clan and does not love him foolishly to not let him go if he tries anything funny.

She is also not made as strong as Sakura. That is why she needs protection from time to time. Uchiha is so much protective towards their loved ones so they will be perfect together; there are someone who wants to protect and someone who needs to be protected.


7. She Has Never Been Hurt By Him


SasuSaku is the definition of worst abusive couple ever in anime and manga history. Karin also has ever been hurt and almost killed by Sasuke.


Hinata in the other hand was spared from Sasuke’s atrocitities over the years. So SasuHina will be a very healthy relationship. Not going to lie, but from first hand experience, it is so very hard to not hold grudges from abusive treatments, moreover killing attempts.


8. She Considered Him As Close Friend

She called him “Sasuke-kun” both in canon and filler (movie) so she thought of him as a close one. You can see it in Juubi war arcs and movie “Bonds”. Japanese people are so polite, they won’t add “kun” to a stranger’s name.  Besides, Uchiha and Hyuga were actually neighbours in Konoha so it is impossible to not meet or at least know each other.


Aren’t they in the same academy as well? Even they sat closely in class. So, the argument that they don’t know each other because they never seemed to speak is wrong.


9. She is His “Light”


Sasuke and Hinata are like yin and yang. Sasuke represents darkness and Hinata represents light. He is so rude and she is so kind. He is so strong and she is so weak. They complement each other very well. Hinata can help Sasuke to be a better person and Sasuke in return can make Hinata stronger. Can it be sweeter?


10. She Looks Like His Mother

I wrote above that SasuHina looks like FugaMiko. Even Hinata’s appearance in chapter 700 seemed like Mikoto while Sakura looked like Kushina (remember that “find a girl like me” phase from Kushina?).


How could their roles get switched? Tell me it is genjutsu! It is so obvious that they are OOC and not meant to be that way! NaruSaku and SasuHina should happen instead!



I’ve written before that SasuHina is most likely to happen if the manga proceed to the right direction and if only Kishimoto manned up and did what he intended from beginning. Here are the re-explanations of their moments (I added a few other things too):


1. Chuunin Exams, the only canon moment (but non-speaking one) between SasuHina where Hinata looked in awe to Sasuke after he beat Yoroi. She recognized his strenght.

2. In movie “Bonds”, they spoke briefly but some fans said that it was unusual for Sasuke to notice someone like that. I don’t know if it was my imagination, but Sasuke seemed to give Hinata an INTENSE glare. Moreover Sasuke was protecting Hinata’s ship. Why would he do that? He was not the caring Sasuke like in Part 1 who could protect his teammates. Hinata was supposed to be nobody to him at that point. So why did he bother to protect her while Naruto was around? If he did nothing, Naruto would be able to send rasengan from his position. Even Naruto was thankful  for his action. Orochimaru also asked whether something good happened to him because he sensed Sasuke was happier. Perhaps it was because of Hinata?

3. In “Road to Ninja”, Charasuke (Sasuke) was interested in Hinata also had his heart beat faster. Since Hinata in RTN still loved Menma (Naruto), maybe the real Sasuke’s feelings was also similiar with his counterpart? (Sasuke and Hinata have so many similiarities in real world, right?)

4. In Naruto’s ending “Cascade” by Unlimits, there are Sasuke-Hinata-Naruto-Sakura. Hinata was seen to look at Sasuke while Sakura was the opposite. If NaruSaku was to be canon, then maybe actually SasuHina too?

5. In chapter 700, Sasuke was travelling around the world without caring for his “happy” family so his so-called “daughter” felt neglected. Why did he do that while nothing urgent happen to him? Where is his “love” for his number-one-fangirl-that-suddenly-raises-a-child-for-him? If a man loved his family so much, he wouldn’t neglect them, moreover if nothing important happened. Maybe he doesn’t love his family enough to stay with them because he loves SOMEONE ELSE, namely, Hinata? (based on previous analysis).

6. In “The Last Movie”, he didn’t attend Hinata’s wedding with Naruto while the groom was his best of the best bestfriend. If your bestfriend got married, while you had all time in the world, would you came? OF COURSE any NORMAL man would! But Sasuke wouldn’t do that simplest act for his bestie after all Naruto has done for him. Maybe because he couldn’t see Hinata married to another man?



You can’t deny that SasuHina is one of the most popular Sasuke’s hetero pairings over there. Its popularity exceeds SasuKarin, SasuIno and almost all other Sasufemale pairings. Since SasuSaku is so abusive and unhealthy (and Sakura is better off with Naruto anyway according to CANON moments), who is the best to be paired to Sasuke for canon other than Hinata? Karin can be with Suigetsu and Ino can be with Shikamaru/Kiba/Sai (I don’t object SaiIno).



From those observations, according to common and canon senses, SasuHina should be canon. Other ships will negate some of Sasuke’s canon traits like his fondness of long haired girl, calmness, etc. It is okay to ship other pairings in AU like in fanfiction or fanart, but not in canon because they won’t fit in.

As a fangirl of Sasuke, actually I also want Sasuke to be mine only. But I can see that for the best and canon senses, it should be Hinata. I am not that forceful towards my OTP. From previous post, you know that I love Legolas-Eowyn (The Lord of The Rings) and Harry-Cho (Harry Potter). None of them canon but I didn’t complain because I knew they were not meant to be in canon. I can accept Faramir-Eowyn and Harry-Ginny although a bit dissappointed.

But Naruto is a different case. NaruSaku should be canon from their developments while SasuHina is the only possible pairing for Sasuke from canon point of view.

If you still disagreed after knowing all those points, then try to read SasuHina fanfic. I was too formerly not into this pairing but after read some random SasuHina fanfics, suddenly I changed my mind! It made me crave for more and addicted to it in no time! The timid Hyuga and arrogant Uchiha create the best romance possible in Naruto!

Unlike SasuSaku who often changes Sakura into a person she is not, like an independent or harsh woman (while in canon she is meek and total submissive in front of Sasuke), Hinata is being herself most of the time in SasuHina. She DOESN’T NEED TO CHANGE to be the suitable one for Sasuke. She is true to herself and Sasuke also is true to himself (cool and arrogant) but they still work out. THIS is a relationship that I look for : sweet, makes sense and healthy where the couple can be themselves. SasuSaku can be as sweet as cherry but Sakura or Sasuke must change into another person. They can stay in fanworks actually with healthier relationship because they can’t be an example in canon. SasuKarin? Please, when Karin seduced Sasuke, it reminded me of a b*tch. And Sasuke didn’t seem to react to that sexual moves, did he? If he loved her, he would not act so passively towards her.

As his fangirl, I want Sasuke to be with a kind of yamato nadeshiko type of girl, who is modest, calm, caring, loving, cooking well, can be a good mother for his kids, and can be role model for them too. Hinata Hyuga is the only girl in Sasuke’s age that fit into those categories.



I have written my SasuHina headcanon ending here, but many fans also created their own SasuHina headcanon. Some that I love are:



1. Sweet Union

Summary :  Sasuke Uchiha knows how precious his new life is.  After the 4th Shinobi war, dangers still threatens his new family.  Sasuke will do anything to keep Hinata and his son safe.  He will protect his most cherished people from his enemies past or present.


This is one of the best current headcanons in fanfiction. NaruSaku-SasuHina happened in most current Naruto setting. Naruto was becoming Hokage, Sakura worked in the hospital, Sasuke became high ranked ANBU and Hinata was a jounin with her own team. This is like a dream come true for me! If only Kishimoto gave us this type of ending…


2. Her First

Summary : He was The Uchiha Sasuke. He was the ex-Avenger, the most feared shinobi in the great nations! He was- “Daddy, I wanna get down!” -a loving father.


This was made before the ending but still good and relevant enough to current Naruto setting. The family interaction is so sweet that it can melt you inside!


3. How To Lie Your Way To Power

Summary : After taking the position of hokage, young Naruto has been struggling for over a year. Power hungry factions grew all over Konoha and no one trusts him. To gain influence in the council, he must retake his ANBU. This is where jonin Uchiha Sasuke, a long forgotten Marriage Contract and adviser Shikamaru’s lack of imagination, stepped in to save the day.


If you want more Naruto story after ending which is full of actions, conspirations, and battle of wits, this is the story for you. It is not a typical momma soap opera like Gaiden or trash filled with copycat slash spoiled kids like Boruto Movie. It is like the real Naruto ending with IC characters and believable love story. The pairing of course SasuHina – NaruSaku but their development built from scratch, not suddenly appeared out of nowhere. This author should write Naruto 699+ not Kishi! At least this story is realistic!






I have mentioned in previous post that I love this SasuHina family, consist of one set of twins and two other siblings. One byakugan user and three sharingan users, two boys and two girls. Perfect for Uchiha’s revival!



SasuHina’s son named Daichi made by fans. He is cool and good-looking, really convinces me that he is really Sasuke’s child because he looks like him, not ugly or nerd. I have posted about a pretty SasuHina’s daughter named Mana here and they could be cute siblings. Mana can hold sharingan while Daichi holds the byakugan. Cool!



SasuHina’s family I found somewhere. They look really good. I especially love the youngest child (in the middle). He resembles Sasuke with Itachi’s hairstyle. Really good looking and much much better than Salad will ever been.



Sanada is cool. He is the perfect mix of Uchiha-Hyuuga genes with Itachi’s appearance.  He must be really strong and deserves to be the next Uchiha clan head, not some copycat “daughter” wearing glasses that still has unknown ability with sharingan (also with OOC-ness potential!). Sanada even can unlock new doujutsu as the result of the combination of sharingan and byakugan.




These SasuHina’s kids are good looking, especially the girl. She is so pretty! I am sure she will be the new village heartthrob just like his father. This is what Uchiha girl should look like! I can’t understand until now why did Kishimoto draw a girl so ugly as Salad? I really doubt now that she has any connection with Sasuke. My precious baby who is said to be one of the most handsome men in Konoha and has a mother so beautiful wouldn’t ever have produced something so ugly like that! I am sure Salad is the daughter of some unknown deceased Uchiha adopted by Sasuke out of pity, then she was given to Sakura to be raised. If Sasuke is to have daughter, at least she must be pretty like this girl above!


Okay, this is for now. I may post another ones later if there are something new I want to add.

Long live SasuHina!

SasuHina is the term used for the pairing of Sasuke Uchiha and Hinata Hyuga from Naruto.


Some people said that they don’t make sense since they almost never interacted, but I don’t think so.They have other means to build development. For example, they have many similiarities, like both are calm, being looked down by their fathers, have strong brothers to compete, and from highly prestigious clans so they will understand each other very well. Also their costume’s colors strangely match at each other.


Their blood types match too with Fugaku – Mikoto Uchiha (Hinata’s blood type: A & Sasuke’s blood type: AB while Fugaku’s blood type: AB  & Mikoto’s blood type: A).  Not to mention that Hinata resembles Mikoto so much, both in appearance and personality. Guys love girls that resemble their mothers, right? Look, they will be exactly same with FugaMiko :

Sasuke has ever said that he loves girl with long hair. He also doesn’t like noisy people around. And since he is always surrounded by fangirls and never paid attention, I don’t think he will be suitable with one that hanging around him with adoration eyes. What better choice for him other than HINATA HYUGA? Sakura & Karin don’t have that long hair and are fangirls, while Ino, although has long hair, also is fangirl. Yeah, if only Kishimoto was stick to his manga development, I am sure SasuHina would be canon. He wouldn’t make those paralells just for nothing!
My certainty is based on some canon moments they have together. Here is my analysis:
1. When Sasuke defeated Yoroi in chuunin exams, Hinata seemed impressed. From there, Hinata has a good impression of Sasuke.
2. In Naruto’s movie “Bonds”, I saw them interact with each other. Hinata called, “Sasuke-kun?” and he replied with, “Urusai (shut up).” Yeah, that is not the reaction that I expected, but Sasuke was always rude to everyone so it doesn’t mean he hated Hinata. Because after that Sasuke helped Hinata’s ship by destroying the enemy coming for it. It means that Sasuke protected Hinata. Why did he help Hinata’s ship if he hated her? If anything, he should pay no mind, shouldn’t him?
Morever, Orochimoru noticed that Sasuke was a bit happier after that event. Why was he happier when he only met Naruto that has happened many times? He wasn’t always happier when meeting him, right? So maybe he was happier because he met Hinata? And Hinata called him “Sasuke-kun” so he is a friend to her.
3. In Naruto’s movie “Road to Ninja”, Sasuke clearly showed interest and had doki-doki moment with Hinata. Could it be the sign that he is interested in her in real world? Because Hinata is still interested in Menma (Naruto) in RTN just like in real world. Since both of them in real world are so similiar in traits, maybe his feelings towards her is genuine in real world?
4. In Naruto’s chapter 700, Sasuke is shown wander around. Why did he neglect his village without any importance? Maybe he couldn’t stand watching Hinata to be with Naruto and didn’t like being with Sakura? (I don’t think a kid as the proof of love because he could be drunk or it was simply one night stand. If he truly was in love, he wouldn’t be in journey)
5. Naruto’s movie, “The Last” can strenghten analysis number 4, because Sasuke didn’t attend Naruto’s wedding with Hinata just for the sake of going around the world without any purpose. That is very strange. Naruto is his number one bestfriend, who has brought him back from darkness, so why he couldn’t make just a little time to say “congratulations” in Naruto’s wedding? No need to stay for too long in the party, even just 5 minutes to shake hands is alright. Maybe because he couldn’t see the love of his life, Hinata, getting married to Naruto?
Hmm… yeah… yeah… maybe not everyone has interpretation like me, but I can’t just neglect those things! It looks like Kishimoto wanted to say, “sorry, actually I wanted SasuHina but under tight circumstances it couldn’t be, but don’t worry, I have prepared these subtle hints for you. Read between the lines!” Yes, I do, Kishimoto!
According to me, Sasuke always loves Hinata, but she only looked at Naruto that was why he never confessed to her. When he heard about her wedding with Naruto, his heart was broken but he couldn’t interfere because the groom was his bestfriend. So he excused himself from the wedding by pretending to travel around the world. But after that, he realized that he couldn’t come back to Konoha, knowing that he would see Hinata’s happy life with Naruto so he chose to wander around again. Sometimes he would go home just to see her face but never stayed too long.
Hell yeah, that perfectly makes sense to me and I don’t need anyone’s approval on this. Also, in my imagination, later, SasuHina will be reunited. So, years later, apparently Hinata’s marriage is failing and that is the time where Sasuke comes in. She realizes about Sasuke’s feelings as the time goes by and slowly fall for him. They divorce/separate with current partners and get married. Then they will have many kids together and at long last they can have their own happy ending (NaruSaku can be together too).  That will be perfect to cover Naruto’s horrible ending, Kishimoto!
At least the idea to make AU movie with NaruSaku & SasuHina will be good. Not SasuKarin, because SasuHina is more popular than SasuKarin. You like to pair someone because of popularity, don’t you, Kishimoto?
I know there will be someone who won’t be happy with this post or this pairing, but at least SasuHina is healthy relationships, unlike SasuSaku with its brutal development. Sasuke never laid his finger towards Hinata. Added by their similarities and subtle hints above, they will be the best and sweetest couple in Naruto. Their relationships also make sense.
A SasuHina fan potrayed their marriage life with four kids (some of them are twins) and they are really cute. Here is the pic:
Their names are Shinsuke, Himawari, Satoru, and Hikari. Strangely enough, the name of one of Hinata’s child in canon is Himawari.
So yeah, whatever happened or said about this pairing in Naruto, I will forever ship SasuHina. It is sweet, healthy, and makes sense. It is a shame that Kishimoto could not realize the beauty of SasuHina. If he did, Naruto’s ending would be very much better.

I always think that the perfect ending of Naruto should be NaruSaku and SasuHina.


Because this series is about Naruto, he should achieve his dreams (being hokage, get acknowledgment, and married to his dream girl). Besides, the show consists of Naruto – Sakura development respectively so it is weird when he got married to another girl. It will give message to the readers to never give up your dreams.
Sakura could be better with Naruto because she would be more mature that way and not her 12-years-old-fangirl-self anymore. She would be a beautiful transformation from a usual pathetic girl to legendary medic head and the wife of hokage.
Sasuke would be so much more suitable with Hinata because she resembles his mother, cool, calm, has the same experiences as him, and the only one who is not his fangirl. Sasuke also doesn’t like noisy people so they would be perfect. She is the only one who can talk to him like any normal girl, without those heart-shaped eyes. She is also perfect as Uchiha matriach because she can give birth to many children to revive his clan (look at Hyuga twins genes!). She has indigo hair, so Uchiha won’t be seen with weird hair colors just like its trademark. It will be sooo perfect!
Hinata would be mature just like Sakura and move on to a better man. Since she is so weak, it would be better if she has this protective and strong guy around (I imagine Sakura would go in rebellion phase if treated that way). She also has never been hurt by Sasuke so would not hold grudges.
Everyone is happy and has a healthy relationships that makes sense. Naruto could still laugh and do pranks with his children, Sasuke would stay in Konoha to protect his wife and children, and Sakura would be the medic head while Hinata could be a jonin. Yes, it is the perfect ending!
Anybody wouldn’t dare to criticize NaruSaku, what with so many developments and hints along the way. Maybe SasuHina would be a little rocky because of their small direct developments but they have their own indirect developments and they make sense. The idea of Sasuke marrying a calm and non-fangirl who has never been hurt by him is appealing. SasuKarin? Please, she is just a fangirl like Sakura! She should be together with Suigetsu.
So, the (alternate) ending would be like this:

In my headcanon, after the war, Sakura and Hinata both tried to confess to the men but rejected. They were heartbroken and became bestfriend because of their same experience. During her heartbroken phase, Naruto tried to cheer Sakura’s up with his silly pranks and actions. Finally, Sakura realized that it was Naruto who had always been there for her and her feelings grew for him. Thus the two began closer.
Hinata was sad but still happy for them. That was when she met Sasuke, who was trying to reintegrate with the people of Konoha (he got his artificial arms). They became fast friends because she didn’t try to hug him like those fangirls also they had similiar experiences. Unknown to her, Sasuke began to like her.
When Sakura and Naruto engaged, Hinata was heartbroken once again. It was Sasuke who tried to calm her down. Some time later, he confessed to her. Seeing his sincerity, she gladly accepted, trying to move on from Naruto. Later, she realized that she also had genuine feelings for him.
The two couples got married, had children, and lived happily ever after.
See the difference with that OOC canon ending? Sasuke is back to Konoha, not wander around because if he did then what’s the point of Naruto chasing after him for years? He rebuilds his clan with his beautiful wife and has many children, also gets his artificial arms (come on, he needs to do hand seals, doesn’t he?). Naruto can achieve all of his dreams and be happy with Sakura, having children inherited their lively traits. Hinata can be a jonin, a teacher in academy, and has her own team (maybe consists of Naruto and Kiba’s children?). Sakura can be the medic head. Naruto and Sasuke will often do play date with their children. Both have daughters and sons so later one of their daughter and son can be a couple as well.
See, Kishimoto? You don’t need the forced couples or OOC movie to make Sasuke-Naruto’s kids together. SasuSaku or NaruSasu fans would respect NaruSaku because of their developments and SasuHina would not draw too many protests because of their similarity, compability and healthy relationships. With this kind of ending, I am sure Naruto would still be loved until his grandchildren’s series. Bolt could be NaruSaku’s boy, while Himawari and Salad could be SasuHina’s children, just erase Himawari’s marker and blue eyes also Salad’s glasses.
Now, the fans are angry because NaruHina could not happen without OOCness and Sasusaku is just the worst couple ever because of its abusive nature. It gave bad messages to million Naruto’s fans like “be fangirls for life and you will get that guy”, “endure all kitten treatments as long as the guy is handsome”, and “just face it, you can’t achieve your dreams”. What the kitten is good with that?
I do hope Kishimoto could make alternate ending whether in movie, novel, manga, or anything possible. You can’t just write NaruSaku for so long for “red herring” also make all these similiarities in SasuHina then run away like that! You shouldn’t write them at all if you don’t plan to make them together! That makes you a very bad author! Just look at this picture! They look so happy together:
Even some of fans designs are better than canon, like :
SasuHina’s daughter named Mana made by fans, looks so much better than Salad or Himawari. This should be what Sasuke’s and Hinata’s daughter like, pretty and cute. Honestly, Himawari and Salad have ugly designs. Himawari could be better without that marked face (really, why did she have one without Kurama?) and Salad is just horrible with that unpleasant traits and glasses.
I like this design more than the canon hokage Naruto’s design. Look at him, this is the REAL Naruto! Laughing, not scowling and so serious. Current Naruto’s design is bad in my opinion.

So, whatever happens to Naruto in the future, I don’t care. If Naruto’s future still stayed the same then I would stay the same, not acknowledging it and be content with my headcanon ending. For me, NaruSaku-SasuHina happened after chapter 698. No one can change my opinion so don’t bother to try. Current Naruto is just a filler to me and I won’t ever touch any Naruto’s franchise ever. Won’t waste my money for an author who has the heart to mislead millions of his fans for years.
Yeah, it’s how the Naruto should have ended for me, NaruSaku and SasuHina. They are perfectly happy and suitable together. End of story. And nothing will change me


Also a Famous Naruto reviewer named Sawyer7mage on youtube who has also spoken with kishimoto personally! explains perfectly as to why Sasuke and Hinata would make sense as a paring within his video 
if you start the video at 5:55 thats where he clarifies as to why sasuke would have an attraction to hinata!

Well these are SOME of the reasons as to why Sasuke and Hinata should have been the end pairing on naruto, the fact that there are more only further proves how much sense this paring makes, unlike that other abomination Naruto and Hinata, borderline 0% development, very incompatable! But I will post more reasons as to why the couple Sasuke and Hinata should be cannon within this topic as time passing on, untill we meet again!!

#2 rocci


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Posted 18 April 2016 - 01:53 AM

I can see this pairing happen, but the problem is they don't have any interaction at all.

#3 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 20 April 2016 - 12:14 PM

The beauty and Idea of Sasuke and Hinata being a couple is simply overwhelming :)
Sasuke would be so much more suitable with Hinata because she resembles his mother, cool, calm, because of that Hinata will emit a family aura that will gravitate sasuke giving him a family feeling something he has lost, Hinata can pull him back to the light of the world and she also has the same experiences as him,
Both of their fathers turned their backs and rejected them for being the weakest of their clans
Because of this they will be able to understand each other of how it's like to be the weakest of their clan and to get stronger to prove themselves with undying resolve, but they don't have to get stronger by themselves anymore because now they know that they are not alone ;);) this is strongly fortify a connection between the two of them :)
The death of siblings 
Both have lost a older brother who's sole purpose in life is to ensure that their younger sibling gets stronger so Sasuke and Hinata would both have a DEEP understanding and CONNECTION with eachother.
and the only one who is not his fangirl.
Hinata was the only girl of rookie 9 to not fangirl over sasuke which will cause him look at her with questioning eyes "why is the girl different from the others" which will inevitably cause sasuke to be interested in her and look her way :)
Sasuke also doesn’t like noisy people so they would be perfect. 
She is the only one who can talk to him like any normal girl, without those heart-shaped eyes. She is also perfect as Uchiha matriach because she can give birth to many children to revive his clan (look at Hyuga twins genes!). She has indigo hair, so Uchiha won’t be seen with weird hair colors just like its trademark. It will be sooo perfect!
Hinata would be mature just like Sakura and move on to a better man. Since she is so weak, it would be better if she has this protective and strong guy around (I imagine Sakura would go in rebellion phase if treated that way). She also has never been hurt by Sasuke so would not hold grudges.
Everyone is happy and has a healthy relationships that makes sense. Naruto could still laugh and do pranks with his children, Sasuke would stay in Konoha to protect his wife and children, and Sakura would be the medic head while Hinata could be a jonin. Yes, it is the perfect ending!
Anybody wouldn’t dare to criticize NaruSaku, what with so many developments and hints along the way. Maybe SasuHina would be a little rocky because of their small direct developments but they have their own indirect developments and they make sense. The idea of Sasuke marrying a calm and non-fangirl who has never been hurt by him is appealing. SasuKarin? Please, she is just a fangirl like Sakura! She should be together with Suigetsu.
So therefore I fail to see how you guys cannot strongly consider the possibility of Sasuke and Hinata having a strong romance of understanding and and connection, or at the very least a deep deep friendship.

Edited by BestSasuHinaSupporter, 04 February 2017 - 03:45 PM.

#4 Yyubie



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Posted 20 April 2016 - 12:28 PM

Damn ... i just can't deny fanfic both in story, pairing, and character design is by FAR more superior and beautiful than the cannon manga. I really pity Kishi editor and assistant for creating such a crap bs garbage quality story and character design

An out of control man needs a strong woman to control him.
And even a violent woman will become soft and tender to the man she love.

#5 tricksie


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Posted 20 April 2016 - 03:44 PM

You totally make the case for SasuHina!! They absolutely represent tradition in this story, and uniting them would mean that their tradition continues. And pairing SasuHina only makes NaruSaku make more sense! NS can be the modern/future of the Konoha, while SH would be the embodiement of tradition and families.


I wonder how many Hinata fans would swoon if Sasuke came back after the war and declared his love for Hinata?!? Same for those rabid Sasuke fans, to see him opening up to family and love after so much hate.


(Because unfortunately, even though SS happened, Sasuke did not change into a romantic hero. In fact, he didn't change at all. Sakura just mysteriously got pregnant. And Sasuke apparently could care less. At least with SH, Hinata would fit the role of the stay at home mom, waiting at the compound.)

#6 catsi563



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Posted 20 April 2016 - 05:57 PM

will have to make one counter argument


karin has never fangirled over Sasuke or been a fangirl of Sasuke.


Kanae very distinicty has made this argument elsewhere so i wont repeat too much of it.


But the long and short of it is karins more comical reactions were just that done in a comedic vein and always out of sight or privately.


to sasukes face Karin was direct and straight forward to the point of claling him weak after his fight with deidara somehting i might add that he didnt dispute or get in her face about.


Karin is also the ONLY woman in the series to ever call Sasuke by his name without honorifics.


and shes the ONLY woman in the series to have Sasuke reference her as and I quote "I need her." not her abilities not her body. He specifcally states on more then one occasion that he needs her the whole person the woman.


just my 2 coppers. still a solid thesis on an interesting possbile pairing

My dear you deserve a great wizard, but im afraid you'll have to settle for services of a second rate pick pocket - Smendrick The Last Unicorn

..(^)> PENGUIN!!!!

Training with a sannin 2 1/2 years

new pair of gloves 20 ryou

the look on your best friend, and former sensei's face's when you cause a small earth quake. Princeless

Catsis Fan Fiction

#7 Papaya



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Posted 20 April 2016 - 07:51 PM

I agree that their backstories are just too similar to ignore it like Kishi did, it's really such a shame they didn't interacted... Hinata was in the best position to understand Sasuke's struggles as she shared some of them. And I still think it's pretty stupid that these two apparently didn't interact too much as children, because Uchiha-Hyuuga clan meetings seem like a logical and interesting thing to include in the story.


And yup, SasuHina also always makes me think of Sasuke's parents, it's what makes it believable too - especially since Kishi liked to draw parallels between the generations (NaruSaku's dynamic resembles JiraTsu, etc.). I think they could easily be quiet together without feeling awkward. Their personalities just fit each other so nicely.


Having said all that, I still thought that it was going to be SasuKarin and KibaHina for these two, simply because they had way more "moments" than the wasted potential that was SasuHina. But nope, it's SasuSaku and NaruHina.   :hm:

Edited by Papaya, 20 April 2016 - 07:52 PM.

#8 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 23 May 2016 - 07:13 PM


Edited by BestSasuHinaSupporter, 11 July 2017 - 09:40 PM.

#9 BestSasuHinaSupporter


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Posted 24 May 2016 - 10:46 AM

This is for the people who still have doubts about Sasuke and Hinata's similarites and for those who doubt Sasuke and Hinata have a chance to develop a romance due to lack of interaction between the 2 of these characters:


Ok and how much interaction has Naruto and Hinata had throughout the course of the entirety of the Naruto Manga ? apparently having little to no interaction brings 2 people together romantically in the Naruto Universe as evident to Choji/Karui, Sai/Ino with little to no development for example which goes against your argument of 2 people who never talk to each other will never get together, Going by Naruto Universes logic of romance Sasuke and Hinata should have had a bigger chance to be a pairing then Naruto and Hinata since Sasuke and Hinata has had even less interaction then Naruto and Hinata,
So far your arguments aren't strong and only making SasuHina look stronger.
Now as for Naruto and Hinata's interaction how much have they had ? at best 5% of it fillers don't count because they don't add story to the continuity of the main cannon verse so that still means Hinata and Naruto rarely if not never talk, because Hinata almost never piqued Naruto's interest because Naruto has always disliked people who are:
1. Shy
2. Timid
3. Have low self esteem
4. Have no confidence
5. And believing they cannot change who they are or their destiny
And guess what ? Hinata is all the above, why do you think Naruto ignored her for like 90% of the entire series ? because she ISN'T his type of person and when your not someones type of person your not interested to talk to them, He even ignored her love confession during the fight with Pein, after Pein was defeated he didn't even return her feelings, hell it didn't even cross his mind to even talk to her! that should give you the message Hinata, he wasn't interested in you! but he all of a sudden is in love with the girl who fits the criteria of a person he dislikes in the Last Naruto The Movie ? talk about major plot hole that makes 0 sense.
If Naruto was truly in love with Hinata then at the moment she confessed her feelings for him he would have been the least bit interested to know how she felt about him after the dust settled when the battle with pein settled, nope her love confession didn't even the least bit echo through his head, Instead he rather spend his time with SAKURA NOT HINATA the person who actually confessed she loved him but he still regardlessly spent time with Sakura the person WHO DIDN'T CONFESS LOVE TO him immediately after pain is defeated to support repairing the leaf village together with SAKURA NOT HINATA
And thus NO INTERACTION BETWEEN NARUTO AND HINATA YET AGAIN, let alone a romantic one, this proves that Naruto didn't have the slightest bit of interest in Hinata if he rather spend his time with someone who didn't confess love to him, NaruHina is bullshiit Naruto and Hinata don't have a solid reason to be together besides the fake fabricated version of it The Last Naruto the movie provided which I will be going over in this reply.
So therefore if your going to make an argument about one couple having more interaction then the other at least make it feasible and plausible....
"They are quiet and calm.
Hinata is not quiet, she is constantly panicking whenever Naruto is close and she is constantly worrying and panicking in the mids of battle. Sasuke on the other hand never shows these traits, as he is indeed quiet and calm in the mids of battle and around others."
Hinata is not quiet ? HAHAHA you crack me up, Hinata is by far considered amongst the most quiet and reserved characters in Naruto, When ever Hinata panics when ever Naruto is Present in the same area as her she faints most of the time so how can she be loud and talkative when she is knocked out cold ? with the exception of the occasional "N-Naruto kun ?" she usually says that in a soft spoken voice not a loud and boisterous one, I don't see how soft spoken words can be percieved as loud,
When ever Hinata is engaged in the midst of battle she is always patient and reserved, she is never cocky and showboating about her strength in an arrogant and conceited notion, Unlike Naruto who is actually cocky and showboating his strength and it is most prominent when he shouts his typical "I'm going to be the Hokage and I will beat you belive it" So wheres the similarity between Hinata and Naruto ? since you want to claim Hinata is more similar to Naruto then Hinata is to Sasuke, Naruto and Hinata are nothing alike so they don't have any chemistry which is why their current marriage makes 0 sense
The fact that you stated that Sasuke is quiet and clam in the midst of battle only adds fuel to the validation of my point of Sasuke and Hinata having MUCH more similarities then Naruto and Hinata, So therefore you were defeated by your own argument.
"They both have Kekkai Genkai.
So does Mei and Sasuke, and they talked (Mei even saying that Sasuke was handsome) so I guess that confirms it. Mei x Sasuke should be canon."
Sasuke and Mei's Kekkai Genkai's are not even remotely the same so you can't find any similarities with them, At least with Hinata's Kekkai Genkai is her eye power LIKE SASUKE'S, So that will give Sasuke a more compelling reason to be interested in Hinata THAN MEI, Sasuke will question to himself "Wow she also has power within her eyes, I wonder how they work, are the powers similar to mine ?" see A SIMILARITY, Perhaps Hinata should lend you her byakugan so you will be able to see and read/watch the Anime better.
Oh strong argument about just because you call someone handsome or pretty they are suppose to have a relationship with you, Looks don't sustain a relationship they are just a added bonus for eye candy, Relationships are built and sustained on trust, understanding for one another, integrity and willing to sacrifice for the person you care for just as that person is willing to sacrifice just as much for you,
Sasuke and Mei were enemies at the time they confronted they were trying to kill each other, Sasuke and Mei have no history together Nor do they have any similarities or even knew each other existed until that moment they fought, So they have no reason to get together and build and establish a romance, So no Mei x Sasuke should NOT be cannon. at least Sasuke and Hinata ACTUALLY have similarities which means they ACTUALLY HAVE FOOTING TO ESTABLISH A RELATIONSHIP, So therefore you only further prove that Sasuke and Hinata is a better fit for each other.
"They are from two of the most respected clans in Konoha.
Funny how that picture you provided also show the Uzumaki clan, which is Naruto's clan. So Naruto is also from one such clan, and the Uchiha were all but respected in Konoha after the betrayal of Madara and even less after the attack Obito. It got so far that they were all killed, loads of respect there."
So and ? The Inuzuka, The Nara, The Akhimici, The Yamanaka, The Senju, and The Aburame clan symbols were also on that provided picture so whats your point ? None of the kids around Hinata's age within those clans have any similarities or the same like's and dislikes as Hinata besides Sasuke who is apart of the Uchiha clan, So it's obvious who the most plausible choice of man Hinata could select out of all those clans mentioned, Sasuke, when ever you share common similarities with someone you can have chemistry with them.
The Uchiha clan along side the Senju clan founded the leaf village, so the Uchiha still has a significant degree of respect and honor amongst the citizens of the leaf village, the village doesn't necessarily hate or disrespect the uchiha, the Uchiha were just misunderstood and feared by the village because after the Nine tail's assault was stopped the village held a council meeting discussing the matter and, the village elders speculated that the Kyubi can only be controlled with the Sharingan and who is the only clan in the leaf village who possesses the Sharingan ? the Uchiha clan so the villagers started looking at them with questioning eyes and making assumptions based on that speculation so the village didn't necessarily hate them, they were trying to figure them out and keep themselves safe by separating the Uchiha clan from the village in the outskirts of the village just in case they actually orchestrated the Nine tail's assault.
"They are looked down by their fathers.
Sasuke's mother stated that his father always talked about Sasuke and cared very deeply for him. Upon his death, Sasuke's father had one single wish for Itachi to carry out after he had killed him; "Please look after Sasuke." So no, his father did not look down at Sasuke. Hinata's father didn't see Hinata was a worthy heir to the clan, which isn't something new as was the case of himself and his brother. He showed that he cared for Hinata several times, trained her and watched over her constantly."
Well of course he cared deeply for Sasuke, how else could he had been so disappointed in Sasuke's lack of fighting ability in comparison his older brother Itachi who is proficient in fighting ability, that disappointment CLEARLY indicated that Fugaku Sasuke's father was expecting much more from the son he loved which also shows concern, so therefore sasuke's father did look down on him, People are capable of loving someone and being disappointed in them because they are hoping you will do something that will make you proud of them and add fuel to the love,
Both Sasuke and Hinata have been looked down on by their fathers because of Lack of combat ability, SEE A SIMILARITY OF THEIR PAST, which means that both Sasuke and Hinata can grasp and understanding of it and sympathize with each of it because they have experienced it and will comprehend how it's like to be looked down upon, They can converse how they broke the barrier of weakness and ascend from it together because they are one of the same,
"They have strong relatives to look up to and those so-called strong relatives died.
Naruto looked up to Minato, who was his father. He also looked up to Kushina, who was his mother. Konohamaru looked up to Hiruzen ,who was his grandfather. What do all of these relatives have in common? Oh right, they died. So there is nothing unique here with Hinata or Sasuke."
Wow... the stupidity is certainly radiating in this topic, Minato and Kushina were dead during 90% of Naruto's childhood and teenage years on top of the fact Naruto not even having knowledge of his parents LET ALONE THEIR NAMES so how can Naruto look up to his only blood relatives during his child hood like Sasuke and Hinata did if he didn't even know they actually existed ? my god people did you screw your heads on right this morning ?
Are you seriously stating that the only thing that all these deceased relatives have in common in death, your very disrespectful, Now lets get down to proper specifics of their similarities although i'll make it brief:

1. Itachi and Neji were both considered geniuses within their respective clans with younger siblings (Sasuke and Hinata) who strived to be just like them so that they also could be acknowledged for their strength by their fathers, Naruto and Konohamaru don't have any older siblings who are better then them at everything and attempt to be like them to be acknowledged for their strength by their fathers, So therefore this situation with both Sasuke and Hinata striving to gain their fathers acceptance IS UNIQUE TO THEM so get your damn facts straight.
2. Itachi and Neji's powers is within their eyes, Minato/Kushina/Naruto/Konohamaru/Hiruzen do NOT possess any eye kekkai genkai so they are irrelevant, Sasuke and Hinata were both ostracized from higher status within their clans for having weak eye power compared to the rest of their clan, Naruto and Konohamaru do NOT posses any eye power nor are they in a clan that puts emphasis on eye power so how can you remotely compare their situation to Sasuke and Hinata's ? see once again a situation that is Unique to Sasuke And Hinata only.
Your only further proving that Sasuke and Hinata make a better fit for each other I thank you for that
"They always use costumes with matching colors (even in game!)
No they don't? Tell me. How is Sasuke's robes when he fought Itachi matching to Hinata's? Even better, how is Pre-Time Skip Sasuke's blue or black outfit matching to Hinata's? The only fitting with matching colors is the clothes he used after joining the Akatsuki and until his final fight. Then again that also matches Orochimaru, so Sasuke x Orochimaru must be canon."
Ok another ignorant point, so far that's what I've been seeing from you, it's questionable if you actually read/watch the Naruto manga/anime at all
This was designed by KISHIMOTO himself, Both Sasuke AND Hinata wore these matching robes albeit different colors but still the SAME type of robe regardless, and you know what is ironic about this situation when they were wearing these matching robes ? is that they WERE BOTH LOOKING FOR ITACHI, Which means they had a common goal and thus another similarity in life experience, If Sasuke and Hinata crossed paths while in the midst of hunting down Itachi, Sasuke wouldn't be so hasty to harm her because she possesses the byakugan which can see far distances from where you are which means she like Karin could have been useful for the search for itachi, So Sasuke would have a reason to be willing to work with her giving Sasuke and Hinata an opportunity to develop a relationship, and the reward Hinata would get is Sasuke returning to the leaf village after tracking down and killing itachi, it's almost as if this scenario was made for Sasuke and Hinata to have a chance to meet and work together if you really deeply think about it.
Sasuke and Orochimaru don't wear matching attire besides the thick purple braided belt they wear, but that's just ONE clothing accessory they both commonly wear, that's like saying every Ninja with a headband should pair with ANY ninja wearing a headband because that's one common ninja clothing accessory, the Ninja dogs and Ninja toads also wear a Ninja headband does that mean your suppose to pair Sasuke or Hinata with an entirely different specie ? you want to see Sasuke or Hinata making out with a Toad or dog that they can't even procreate with ? my god your intellect... do you even think before you submit replies ?
Blood types, Well this doesn't even come close to being a good reason."
Think again: (Their blood types are the same with Fugaku-Mikoto Uchiha (A for the women & AB for the men) and according to blood type relation, they will have a stable relationship with the man leading (very true to their traits as well; Hinata is submissive while Sasuke is dominant). Meanwhile NaruSaku is also said to be harmonius.)
If Sasuke's Blood type is the same as Fugaku's and Hinata's Blood type is the same as Mikoto's and both Fugaku and Mikoto had a stable and loving relationship then that speaks volumes of the relationship Sasuke and Hinata can have, the same as Fugaku and Mikoto's stable and rich with love.
"They will look like Sasuke's parents?
Sasuke looks nothing like his father, he looks more like Madara, having long hair like him. Itachi looked more like Fugaku. Hinata also have short hair as an adult, unlike Mikoto who had long hair."
Ok you just confirmed yourself to not paying close attention to every fine detail of the Manga and Anime, It has been said that Sasuke bears a strong resemblance to his mother which is not to hard to see, IF YOU ACTUALLY PAY ATTENTION TO THE ANIME/MANGA so once again you just confirmed yourself that you don't, And I never once said Sasuke resembled his father so where the heck did you get that ?
Itachi looks like Fugaku ? well maybe you do read and watch the anime/manga after all but with distorted eyes, Itachi doesn't have thick sagging lips, tiny serious eyes, Fugaku doesn't have lines that extend from his eyebrows to both sides of his nose, he doesn't sport a pony tail like Itachi, resemblance ? where ?
And the discussion is about Hinata BEFORE she become and adult and made a horrible decision of a life partner to settle with "Naruto" this is why this topic came to existence to enlighten the world that Hinata had a better option for a significant other.
There are almost no similarities between them, they have never talked to each other and the similarities they share aren't unique to them."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! oh man thank you for the good laugh, Ignorant people are always the most rewarding to teach and enlighten, now pay good attention, even my previous responses to your pathetically lurid comments speak volumes of Sasuke and Hinata's Similarities and now I will prove you wrong once again in a more brief notion:
1. They are both part of Noble Clan from Konoha
2. Said clans also posses Dojutsu Kekkai Genkais
3. They both have calm personalities and are very smart
4. Both seeked to be recognized by their Fathers.
5. Both have an older sibling who was considered Superior to them [Neji & Itachi.] I know Neji was Hinata's cousin, but genetically they were half-siblings and they're relationship was more like siblings when Neji got over his resentment
6. Neji and Itachi were both asked to protect Hinata and Sasuke respectively
7. Sasuke/Hinata's rivalry with Itachi/Neji
8. Their rivalry were settled down and later they fought together in the war.
9. Neji died protecting Hinata and Naruto from Obito and Itachi died protecting Sasuke from Orochimaru
10.They both have protected Naruto at least once (Hinata protected him from Pain and Sasuke from Haku)
11. And they both have confessed how they felt about Naruto. Hinata said she loves him and Sasuke told him he was his friend and considered him alike Itachi somehow.
12. Both were inspired by Naruto to become stronger shinobis.
13. Both had affinity with lighting and fire
So how are these instances that occurred throughout Sasuke and Hinata's lives not Unique to them when it happened only to them ? Do you read and watch the manga/anime just for the fight scenes and not for the actual character development that leads up to the fights, if you do pay attention to every detail you can compare another characters experiences with another to see which 2 characters or more can sympathize and understand each other with the same experiences.
"Only "non-fangirl"
Ten-Ten showed no interest in Sasuke, neither did Konan for that matter. (Or a wast majority of female characters which Sasuke met through his journey.) So she is by no means the "only one"."
As LadyTenTen pointed out, When Neji and Sasuke first came face to face as a introductory during the chunin exams TenTen commented on Sasukes looks saying "He's cute" so that indeed shows TenTen had an attraction to him albeit a shallow one, That still doesn't prove that TenTen has similarities with Sasuke, without similarities in a relationship you wont have any chemistry, You just further proved that Hinata is a more plausible choice for Sasuke then another girl.
Sasuke and Konan have never met each other nor have seen or even had the slightest glimpse what each other looks like, Konan has likely heard mention of Sasuke from itachi during Akatsuki meetings but has never seen him regardless so how can she have a deep attraction to someone she barely know exist ? so Konan doesn't count, which means therefore Hinata is still the record holder for the only girl to not be infatuated by Sasukes looks. but Hinata has much more to be infactuated with Sasuke then just superficial traits like appearance.
"She has long hair.
She Has Long Hair ? Yet she had short hair when she was younger and as an adult, while Sakura has long hair as a child and medium after that. Furthermore, Sakura stopped being a fan-girl shortly after coming on Team 7. Falling deeply in-love instead, not because of his looks but because she actually cared."
Once again, your confirmed to not pay close attention to all the detail in the Anime/Manga, It was stated that it was RUMORED that Sasuke liked girls with long hair, I even pointed that out
Even IF Sasuke liked girls with long hair I could see how it could work out, a girl with long hair like Hinata for example would resemble his mother in appearance in addition to Hinata having Sasuke's mother Mikoto's kind and soft personality would cause Sasuke to be in a state reminiscing the Past, though it won't have Sasuke have an attraction to Hinata because of that reason because Sasuke has never been attracted romantically to his mother, But someone reminding Sasuke of his mother will be enough to at least have him interested enough to look Hinata's way and maybe even a reason to be protective of Hinata and watch over her, because it will be like he will be given a 2nd chance to protect his mother, Which will inevitably cause Sasuke and Hinata to spend time together.
Sakura is still a fan girl of Sasuke, Her reason for loving him was because he was the best looking,strongest and coolest guy in her ninja generation, Sakura has never given another reason why she loves him throughout the entirety of the 700+ chapters of Naruto, So it's not to far-fetched to assume her reasons for loving him haven't changed.
"She is not noisy.
Sasuke also doesn't like weaklings, sweets and many other things. But he likes strength and even states that he fully believe in Sakura's ability to take care of herself in Naruto Gaiden."
ok Strength has multiple meanings it's an ambiguous term, Physical strength is not emotional strength, Despite Hinata's Kind,Soft,Sensitive personality she isn't as prone to crying as Sakura is, Sakura is highly susceptible to crying, Hinata Albeit the weaker fighter compared to Sakura has shown to fight until her very last breath which shows determination a trait that SASUKE ALSO BELIVES IN, You can have all the physical strength in the world but if you don't have the will and resolve to use it then you will always be considered a weakling compared to someone who is physically weaker but has the determination to not give up. which means Hinata IS capable of showing strength although most of the time she doesn't.
"She has the best genes.
Hinata comes from Hamura, not Hagoromo. The Rinnegan is a result of Hagoromo's chakra and such the genes of Hinata or anyone has nothing to do with it. Sakura has displayed chakra control that out-levels his own, and chakra traits that are far superior to anything Hinata displayed in terms of power. Chakra is more important than genes in the Narutoverse after all. She also doesn't have the best genes at the time, Tsunade had, being a Senju."
You couldn't be more wrong with this, you seem to have a niche for wrongfulness, It's good if both Hinata and Sasuke come from Hamura because The Uchiha is said to be Hyuga’s descendants so Sasuke’s Uchiha genes will be more preserved if he married a Hyuga. Hinata is the only Hyuga who fits his criteria (not fangirl, not noisy, long hair) so it is clear that they should be together to procreate better Uchiha children. Since Sasuke is the last Uchiha, he should preserve his genes as much as he can, right? Maybe his decendants can marry each other as cousin later to preserve the genes more but for now, Hyuga is the best choice to restore his clan.
This clearly shows once again that Hinata is the most plausible choice of a girl for Sasuke around his age, Not to mention Hyuga has the traits to produce twins so Sasuke’s clan can be revived much faster than if he tried it with an ordinary girl LIKE SAKURA. Also, think about the power that can be obtained by the mix of Uchiha-Hyuga!
Sasuke clearly needs powerful succesor to revive the clan. And as the renowned clan, Hyuga can help to protect and assist Uchiha both inside or outside the council/court in its journey to restore its former glory.
Now see the result of OOC canon? Uchiha is alone in its rebuilding path (Naruto is so distant, Sakura is clanless) and the only heir is a girl who wears glasses! Wow! Why does an Uchiha descendant wear glasses? Won’t she go blind if sharingan is activated like Itachi that actually had NORMAL eyes? Yeah, this is the most screwed out scenario from the so-called “new flame of Uchiha” whatsoever or SALAD. Not only she doesn’t have that cool Uchiha looks but her genes are so bad that her supposed-to-be-family’s-techniques now perhaps is useless on her. An Uchiha with glasses? That is unheard of! Maybe she is really adopted after all?
If she by any miracles managed to not blind activating sharingan, that means OOC card is used again. And how can she revive Uchiha if she will change her family name once she gets married? (most likely to an Uzumaki, nonetheless). Yeah… yeah… good bye forever, Uchiha! Not only your sharingan will only be a distant memory but your family name too! The flame looks so deem already!
"Unique hair color?
Why is this even a point? We've seen Uchiha with white, brown and black hair. Its not strange for them to have other hair colors. The Uzumaki are known for their crimson red hair, oh wait, aside from Naruto. Furthermore, Sarada has black hair."
The point was to point out yet another Similarity Sasuke and Hinata share, Dark hair color albeit a trivial similarity yes but still a Similarity regardless.
This is a valid point now? Sasuke cares from strength, as displayed when he grew older. He dislikes weaklings who cannot take care of themselves. So frankly this point goes against you. Furthermore, Hinata doesn't require protection, she is more than able to protect herself."
And frankly this point of yours goes against you, Sakura has always relied on Naruto to resolve most of the tragedies and struggles they underwent throughout their ninja years such as actually bringing Sasuke back to the village which shows dependency, Strong people don't always need to rely on others to handle their struggles that is for the weak who believe they don't have the strength to do it themselves, Hinata despite being the weaker fighter compared to Sakura as I said before will fight to her dying breath to resolve turmoil that she faces even if she doesn't succeed she will attack with everything in her arsenal until the end and that shows true strength
If Hinata has a strong heart and resolve then your point about Sasuke being attracted to a strong girl will put Hinata on his soul mate option list.
"Never been hurt?
Sakura has never been physically hurt by Sasuke, he even tried to save her from emotionally being ruined by him. Stating that she should just stop loving him, that she shouldn't care about him and move on. Yet she didn't. (Because she is strong, and not weak.) Sasuke became angered when something happened to Sakura during the Chunin Exams, because he cared for her. He even states this in the end of the manga. He cared very deeply for all members of team 7."
Just stop, your ignorance is going to burden you with heavy humiliation
So Sasuke has never physically harmed Sakura huh ? do you even watch Naruto, is this why your attempts to refute my points are so ignorant ?
He didn't try to save her for being emotionally ruined by him by stating she should stop loving him, He stated she should stop loving him because she doesn't have a reason to love him Nor did he have a reason to love him it was a pointless romance to pursue
Sasuke doesn't truely love Sakura she is everything he hates about a person, Loud, Obnoxious, Boisterous, Clingy, and Desperate, he only married her to revive his clan he has never once said he loved sakura, he just used her for bedtime
After the war he is and still is considered a criminal known to the world, many women probably didn't want to associate let alone marry him to either protect themselves because they are aware that he is a killer or to save their clans public face by not marrying a notorious criminal, so because of that Sasuke's options of women to make offspring with were very minimal and his race of people "Uchiha" are on the brink of extinction which possibly made him desperate enough to recreate with a woman he despises like Sakura , then Sakura approaches him and throws herself at him and boom theres a option, Sasuke has never once said he loves Sakura let alone even hugged or kissed her.
"Close friend?
Hinata adds "kun" behind anyone's name unless she carries hatred for them. Even against people who wish harm towards them or people she doesn't trust. This is nothing unique to Sasuke."
Unless she carries hatred for them ? ok again you're confirmed to having minimal knowledge to the Naruto series, if you had knowledge of it you would know that it isn't in Hinata's character to hate someone, Hinata is soft-spoken and polite, always addressing people with proper honourifics. She is deeply kind, always thinking of others' feelings and well-being. She doesn't like to be confrontational for any reason which means she isn't capable of hating someone because hatred requires a confrontational mindset, she doesn't even like being confrontational about her dislike of confrontation. It is for this reason that Hinata so often comes off as meek or timid to others, as her overwhelming kindness can render her unable to respond or act for fear of offending somebody. Her father's constant push to alter this personality trait when she was younger only made it worse, eroding Hinata's self-confidence and making her even more bashful because she placed so little faith in her own thoughts and opinions.
She called him “Sasuke-kun” both in canon and filler (movie) so she thought of him as a close one which means Hinata doesn't think any less of Sasuke despite the life he lives because she also adds "Kun" when addressing Naruto such as “Naruto-Kun” which means Sasuke has just as much as a chance as Naruto to win Hinata's affection romantically equally, You can see it in Juubi war arcs and movie “Bonds”. Japanese people are so polite, they won’t add “kun” to a stranger’s name. Besides, Uchiha and Hyuga were actually neighbours in Konoha so it is impossible to not meet or at least know each other.
Aren’t they in the same academy as well? Even they sat closely in class. So, the argument that they don’t know each other because they never seemed to speak is wrong.
"His light?
Sorry to tell you, but that title falls to Naruto. As Naruto is the physical incarnation to Sasuke Yin, through the twin brothers Indra and Asura who reincarnated into Naruto and Sasuke. Hinata and Sasuke would also need to be complete opposites in order to be each other's Yin/Yang and funnily enough, you've gone to great lengths to prove that they are almost alike each other. (faling though.)"
Wow just when I thought you couldn't get more ignorant, Naruto is the physical Incarnation of Yang (Light) it's been confirmed in the manga/anime and the people WHO READ AND WATCH it are aware of this fact http://naruto.wikia....ki/Yang_Release users: (Naruto Uzumaki) The Six Paths Yang Power is represented by a sun marking on the wielder's right palm.
This is official art work from Kishimoto
What do you see on Naruto's right palm ? oh it appears to look like a sun marking! And the fact Naruto takes the role of Yang means Sasuke takes the role of Yin as shown with the moon marking on his right palm means he is more fitting to make the Yin and Yang balance with Hinata Since Hinata also represents and uses the Yang release.
And yes like you said they are ALMOST ALIKE EACH OTHER because Sasuke and Hinata are like yin and yang. the difference between Sasuke and Hinata is that Sasuke represents darkness and Hinata represents light. He is so rude and she is so kind. He is so strong and she is so weak. They complement each other very well. Hinata can help Sasuke to be a better person and Sasuke in return can make Hinata stronger. Can it be sweeter?
And your thinking to shallow, Similarities doesn't just revolve around personality, I have mostly proven that Sasuke and Hinata are mostly similar in Life experiences and likes and dislikes, but it's the biggest factor in a relationship to sustain it to have mostly LIKES in common because that shows they will have chemistry and have plenty of reasons to stay at each others side.
"Looks like her mother.
Looks like her mother. You had to drawn a new hair for Hinata to make her even remotely resemble Sasuke's mother? She looks (canonly) nothing like his mother."
Since when is Sasuke a girl ? Also Hinata resembles his mothers kind and caring personality not so much her appearance, being around Hinata will give Sasuke a feeling of nostalgia he will be reminded of his mother's sweetness and will feel compelled to be around her because Hinata will give him a feeling of what he has lost that is returning, He would have a reason to act as a guardian for Hinata because it would be like a 2nd chance to protect what he has lost, His mother, Vice versa Sasuke will remind Hinata of her brother Neji's Cocky, Arrogant, but caring and protective personality also giving Hinata a feeling of what she has lost returning, Sasuke and Hinata being together by their sides will be like their families who were lost being reunited once again. They will have a reason to stay glued to each other's side and look out and protect one another.
eventually because of this Sasuke and Hinata's feeling for each other can develop to a much deeper level as they learn more about each other as they spend time with each other, And I have provided many reasons as to how they can develop feelings for each other romantically, Because Hinata is not actually Sasuke's mother and Sasuke isn't actually Hinata's brother so their wont be a incest barrier preventing them from their feelings to grow at a romantic level.
"Their moments (oh boy)."
"1. Chunin Exam. Yes, and so does about everyone else in the room? Are they all trying to marry Sasuke? No."
When Shino won his match at the Chunin Exam Hinata was left unimpressed Infact Hinata didn't even cheer for Kiba NOR Shino during their Chunin Exam matches even Naruto, When Naruto won the match against Kiba she didn't even praise NOR cheer for him she just had a shocked expression on her face saying "He won ?" like she was doubting that if he was going to win at all, this is where Hinata is hypocritical because if she has faith to believe Naruto can become the Hokage wouldn't she at least have enough faith and confidence to believe that Naruto can defeat someone who's weaker then the Hokage (Kiba) ?
However when Sasuke won his Chunin Exam match against Yoroi Hinata commented and said "Wow he was amazing" Infact Sasuke was the only person that actually impressed her something she didn't comment when both Shino and Naruto won their matches, 2 people who are supposedly more important to Hinata then Sasuke since Shino is one of her squad members and Naruto is a Symbol of inspiration to her despite Naruto defeating an opponent that She and all the other Ninja observing the match thought Naruto wouldn't win and that is more then enough to be impressed because if you do something that people think you can't do that should be automatically impressing, but instead she ACTUALLY praises someone who wasn't that close to her at the time (Sasuke) ? this clearly shows that Sasuke is indeed someone special to Hinata.
"2. Movies are non-canon. Aside from that, they didn't have a "short talk". Hinata said Sasuke's name and he responded with "Shut up." before he went on to protect the ship on Naruto's request. Because as we know, Sasuke did care for Konoha very deeply at the point and assisted Naruto because he is his friend. (Though he stopped the moment it go in the way of his mission.)"
I'll repeat, She called him “Sasuke-kun” both in canon and filler (movie) so she thought of him as a close one which means Hinata doesn't think any less of Sasuke despite the life he lives because she also adds "Kun" when addressing Naruto such as “Naruto-Kun” which means Sasuke has just as much as a chance as Naruto to win Hinata's affection romantically equally because they are equally important to her because "Kun" only has 1 meaning, You can see it in Juubi war arcs and movie “Bonds”. Japanese people are so polite, they won’t add “kun” to a stranger’s name.
Sasuke likely told Hinata to "Shut Up" because he remembers her from his days in the leaf village where it seemed to him all the girls around his age were infatuated with him and constantly fan girling and annoying him never giving him and time or Space so he assumed Hinata was also one of them despite Hinata not acting like the other girls, so when she Shouted and said "Sasuke Kun?!" something that his other fan girls also say when addressing him he made the assumption that she was just like the other fan girls and told her to shut up so she wouldn't annoy him, However If Sasuke got to know Hinata fully and the likes and dislikes and life experiences she has as I pointed out, Sasuke will learn that she isn't like the other fan girls and his opinion about her will drastically change.
"3. In "Road to Ninja" we see a world where characters are opposite of each other. Sasuke is playboy who goes after all girls and no Hinata specifically. He shows no unique interest in her even in that universe, and if he ever did then he would have done the opposite in the real world, which goes against your argument."
You couldn't be any more wrong with this one, because apparently in the Road To Ninja Universe all the girls and boys who are attracted to another girl or boy in the main Naruto Universe are still attracted to the same person, Hinata in the Road To Ninja Universe was still attracted to Menma Road To Ninja's version of Naruto and Hinata in the Main Naruto Universe was attracted to Naruto so tell me again how this goes against my Argument about Sasuke and Hinata having feeling for each other in both Universes again ?
Also this shows you are very ignorant to the movie, there is a extra bonus scene of the movie called Road to Charasuke Drama CD where Sasuke and Hinata ACTUALLY converse with each other on top of the fact romantically
Now I will make this as brief as possible but the reason for it's length only shows how strong SasuHina is in the Road to Ninja movie and how much moments they had,
Road to Ninja CD Drama: Road to Charasuke
As the events start, Naruto and Sakura have been in the Limited Tsukuyomi world for one day. Hinata are going to Sakura’s house to warn her not get too close to Menma with Ino follows her as she tries to convince her. When Hinata and Ino arrive, Hinata notices that Sakura seems very happy after she received a rose from Sasuke.
Hinata thinks that this is a good chance to make Sakura get closer with Charasuke while she have the chance to get closer with Menma so she held a group date at a restaurant which she invited Sakura and cooperated with Sasuke to seduce her so that she can get with Menma. Ino knew about this and tells to Shikamaru and Choji and they decided to join the group date because they did not wanted Sakura to get with Sasuke, thinking he will break her heart as he already have so many girls.
During the date, Sasuke flirted with Sakura a lot, and Ino noticed the change of behaviour in Sakura, who would normally call Sasuke, "Charasuke" and ignore him.
After few moments, Sasuke told Sakura that he had something to say and that he wants them to be alone. Ino wanted to take measures so she decided to take over Hinata's consciousness. "Hinata" suddenly grabbed Sasuke and took him off away. Sasuke couldn't figure out why Hinata was acting so strange and he then ask her, "Isn't it what you wished for?". Hinata, who now has Ino's shy personality, yells at Sasuke with a soft voice telling him that she would never wish something like that. This made Sasuke feel nervous and then his heart can be heard beating loud and fast as he ask himself, "What's this strange sensation?".
As Ino leaves Hinata's body after she fulfilled her task, Sasuke apologizes to Hinata for not noticing her. Hinata did not know why he sounded so happy all of a sudden. Sasuke misunderstood that all the time Hinata likes him not Menma and calls her koneko-chan. However, he receives a punch after he tells Hinata that he accepts her feelings.
Sasuke called Hinata "koneko-chan" which means kitty or kitten.
When Hinata asked Sasuke why he sounded so happy, she used the word "Nekonadegoe" which means a cat that purrs when being caressed.
Sasuke's heart beating could indicate the fact that Sasuke fell in love with the shy Hinata.
Sasuke told Hinata that he accepts her feelings.
This is clear evidence of SasuHina in the Road To Ninja movie, If Sasuke and Hinata are capable of loving each other in the road to Ninja Universe then if we follow the logic that Road to Ninja and Naruto Main universe characters are in love with the same people such as both Hinata's of both universes like Naruto then Sasuke and Hinata very much has a chance to happen in the main Universe so no more ignorance out of you!
"4. A ending is non-canon and has nothing to do with the canon material. Unless you mean that all scenes shown in endings are all canon."
In Naruto’s ending “Cascade” by Unlimits, there are Sasuke-Hinata-Naruto-Sakura. Hinata was seen to look at Sasuke while Sakura was the opposite. If NaruSaku was to be canon, then maybe actually SasuHina too?
Actually Naruto endings do have some relevance to the cannon story as it gives glimpses of Past and Present things that has already occurred in the Naruto main cannon story line, and Sneak peak future things that are coming our way to watch, So because of this it's safe to assume that Sasuke and Hinata was indeed considered by both Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot at one point but they must have later somehow scraped/canceled that idea for reasons yet to be revealed.
"5. He traveled around to atone for his sins, and Sakura even joined him for awhile. When Sarada was growing up, Sasuke was researching Kaguya and her dimensions while protecting Konoha from danger. (An example would be Toneri's attack.) He never neglected them, he is a man who decided not to put his own emotions infront of his duty. Sakura even acknowledges this."
Either this is a big plot hole or Sasuke doesn't fully understands his powers, Because Sasuke has the rinnegan which one of it's abilities is Outer Path Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique http://naruto.wikia...._Life_Technique
With this rinnegan ability Sasuke has the power to bring the dead back to life regardless of the time they were killed which means he can bring all of his victims back to life instantly and thus easy and quick atonement for all the murders he committed,
So it's very unlikely that Sasuke isn't aware of this rinnegan ability since he has had the rinnegan for years and had years to study and master it to hone himself to use it to it's full potential, So Sasuke you want to be atoned for the murders you committed but you don't want to use the ability that can instantly get you atoned ? your not making any sense ;o
So there has to be a different secret agenda as to why Sasuke is on this "atonement journey" the reason has yet to be revealed in the Naruto story line but regardless it apparently means more to him then spending time with his family which clearly shows his family is of little importance at this time.
However the only other person Sasuke is willing to spend time with in addition to his Journey is Boruto only further making Sasuke's family feel neglected and 2nd choice to another family, The fact that Sasuke prioritizes another family over his own will indicate to that other family that they must be special which will highly likely catch the eye of Hinata because currently her family doesn't have a Father/Husband around while Sasuke decided to bear that role could definitely cause Hinata to admire Sasuke and view him in a new way.
Sakura never joined or even spent a minute with Sasuke on his atonement journey what are you talking about ? it was even confirmed in the manga chapter 699 when he told her she couldn't come because it had nothing to do with her and she had nothing to atone for
LOL another confirmation that you don't pay fine attention to the Naruto Manga story line, Sasuke is NOT a man who decides to not put his own emotions in front of his duty, Sasuke has always been an avenger his goals were to kill Itach,Danzo,and the leaf village because he was driven by hate caused by them, and what is hate ? an emotion which means he prioritizes emotion over everything else.
"6. He didn't attend as he was away from Konoha, both protecting Konoha from the shadows and atoning for his sins. He can't use walk over half the continent in a day or two. It takes actual time to travel and there is no knowing how far away he was."
Because Sasuke didn’t attend Naruto’s wedding with Hinata just for the sake of going around the world without any purpose. That is very strange. Naruto is his number one best friend, who has brought him back from darkness, so why he couldn’t make just a little time to say “congratulations” in Naruto’s wedding? No need to stay for too long in the party, even just 5 minutes to shake hands is alright. Maybe because he couldn’t see the love of his life, Hinata, getting married to Naruto ?
As I addressed to your previous rebuttal to my point number "5." Sasuke doesn't have much of a reason to constantly go on this "attonement journey" because he has the Rinnegan as I pointed out with the ability to actually bring the dead back to life which means quick and easy attonement for his crimes of murder, which only further validates he didn't have a reason to stay away from the leaf village or even his best friends wedding, so that is grounds for speculation,
2 years have past since the 4th great Ninja war ended where (The Last Naruto The Movie) takes place and the wedding of Naruto and Hinata takes place also, but there wasn't any story told during those 2 years that have past so who knows what kind of relationships were developed during those 2 years, Perhaps right after the war Hinata began to develop an interest in Sasuke because Sasuke played a big part in developing Naruto's never giving up attitude because Naruto always wanted to compete with him and because of Sasuke causing Naruto to never give up Hinata started looking up to Naruto because he developed that never giving up attitude, So wouldn't it make since that Hinata WOULD be at least bit interested to learn more about the guy who caused the person (Naruto) to develop an attitude that Hinata fell in love with ?
Here's a Senario, Perhaps Hinata was visiting the leaf villages graveyard to visit her deceased brother (Neji) grave because he was a important role model for her, then Sasuke coincidentally decided to take a break from his atonement Journey to visit the leaf village and the graveyard to visit HIS deceased brother (Itachi) grave because he also was an important role model for Sasuke, Sasuke has been shown to take breaks from his atonement journey as evident when he returned to the leaf village to stop a meteor from destroying it, then coincidentally both Sasuke and Hinata were at the leaf villages graveyard at the same time then they would likely ask each other "what are you doing here ?" then one of them would respond and say "to visit my deceased brother" then either one of them would be shocked from that response because they both went to the leaf villages graveyard to visit their deceased brothers, then they would ask each other "what was your brother like ?" then one of them would respond "he was someone who always saw potential in me and made it one of their biggest priorities in their life to make me a stronger person" then either Sasuke or Hinata would be greatly shocked from that response because that was the goal of both of their brothers, Then they will realize that they have lived similar lives and will be very compelled to learn more about each other because of that, As they do they will realize how they are so similar to each other and share the same likes and dislikes as I pointed out which means they will have plenty of chemistry with a relation ship,
However Sasuke and Hinata's relationship after that probably didn't develop into a romantic one for a number of reasons since she was still trying to win Naruto's affection up until she got married to him, Perhaps Hinata didn't have the courage to tell Sasuke how she feels about him because she would feel she would betray Naruto, Perhaps Sasuke didn't feel worthy of Hinata's love because of his criminal history despite him having a tool (Rinnegan) to quickly and easily revive who he has killed, but regardless strong feelings were developed between Sasuke and Hinata after learning about each other, How it actually happened was never officially confirmed but usually when people don't attend weddings of people that they are close to and invited to is usually because they secretly liked the close person to them that is getting married and couldn't bear to see them married off to someone else, so that makes strongly Plausible for the reason why Sasuke didn't attend Naruto and Hinata's wedding, because he didn't have a reason to not be there as I pointed out,
If Sasuke and Hinata develop a Romantic relationship in the new Boruto manga you all owe me a million dollars.
Sure they are popular, but so is Naruto x Sasuke or Madara x Mito. Doesn't mean that either of them are canon or should be. As for being abusive.. Sasuke never inflicts physical harm to Sakura and even tries to protect her from emotional harm several times. He does try to kill her once out of anger and adrenaline, but he also states he is going to destroy Konoha and kill everyone there, including Hinata."
Despite being a crack pairing, SasuHina is quite popular among the fandom. Fans see it as an alternative to both SasuSaku and NaruHina, Which automatically makes SasuHina the THIRD most popular ship in Naruto since currently SasuSaku and NaruHina are both the most popular pairing ships despite those 2 pairing making 0 sense, It is often supported and shipped alongside NaruSaku but usually has fans from all over. Many fans see Sasuke and Hinata as opposites and usually depict them as the serene, quiet and introverted couple in fanfiction. They are shipped for the many similarities they bear in both their background and in their character design; both possess a dojustu kekkei genkai; they are both from the main family of a powerful shinobi clan; they are usually introverted and quiet; and they look similar (dark blue-ish hair, pale skin). They both have had family issues where their father was strict and disapproving, favouring their respective siblings over them, and an antagonistic brother figure. However, Sasuke and Hinata were opposites when it came to dealing with the brother figure. Hinata was forgiving and understanding while Sasuke vowed revenge. This can often be seen as a reason why many fans see Hinata as Sasuke's "light" if they were to develop a relationship.
So don't say things like "but so is Naruto x Sasuke or Madara x Mito." trying to say other pairing equals it in the level of popularity of SasuHina when they clearly don't if both NaruHina and SasuSaku fans acknowledge that it can happen if either NaruHina or SasuSaku fails, the fact that NaruHina and SasuSaku fans have the largest pairing fanbase in Naruto speaks volumes of how big SasuHina is.
I'm sorry but I had to be blunt because i'm tired of people thinking that Sasuke and Hinata don't have a chance despite so much evidence proving that have FOUNDATIONS TO ESTABLISH A RELATIONSHIP, if you don't like Sasuke and Hinata as a pairing that's ok thats your preference but don't try to ignore and deny the facts that can actually bring them together otherwise you will just look like an idiot who is in denial because another ship might affect and end the ship that you like,
Ok ? Hinata loves Naruto because he has unyielding resolve and determination ? well guess what ? Sasuke shares the same degree of unyielding determination as Naruto, IN ADDITION to having so many similarities to Hinata which means they will actually have CHEMISTRY in a relationship unlike Naruto who doesn't share anything in common with Hinata, this only further proves that, Sasuke and Hinata is the more plausible choice compared to NarutoXHinata.

Edited by BestSasuHinaSupporter, 24 May 2016 - 10:55 AM.

#10 thelordofspace72


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Posted 20 August 2017 - 10:49 AM


#11 sushi.


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Posted 20 August 2017 - 04:05 PM

Analyzer VS bestsasuhinasupporter who would win?? :OOoooo


#12 sushi.


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Posted 20 August 2017 - 04:36 PM

Honestly, I like the person, and would love to have a discussion like this with them. They're passionate. 

They left because we were too mean.


#13 FutureHalfofFamer


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Posted 20 August 2017 - 07:50 PM

Analyzer VS bestsasuhinasupporter who would win?? :OOoooo

BestSasuHinaSupporter would stomp "Analyzer" to the pits of hell And even below hell. He wouldn't even stand a chance.

#14 Nate River

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Posted 21 August 2017 - 04:02 AM

BestSasuHinaSupporter would stomp "Analyzer" to the pits of hell And even below hell. He wouldn't even stand a chance.


No, probably not.


BestSasuHinaSupporter does lots of research and has an almost encyclopedic knowledge of the series, but his theories have a number obvious problems for which has has no adequate explanation.




They left because we were too mean.


Pretty much. 




She. And if they return, it would be fun? I don't really see it as a sort of competition, just a friendly thing.


Debating his theories is interesting, but he takes it very personally. 


I got accused of violating the rules at least twice, got called a liar, and was effectively accused of peeing on people's parade (my description of what he said, he didn't use those words). Of course, the last one is nothing new. Significant portions of the cite accused of that during the Obito days. Ah, the memories. 


Until my integrity got called into question, I felt bad because I didn't mean it as a personal attack, but that's how he took it. After calling me a liar I got kind of pissed off. 

#15 thelordofspace72


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Posted 27 September 2017 - 06:41 AM

this is your opinion. But if we thought a little we would see that sasuhina deserve to be together. Maybe it's about their personalities and not about their feelings about each other or their memories.

#16 sushi.


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Posted 27 September 2017 - 01:58 PM

This is worse than fantasizing about killing fictional characters. 

If you think something is out of line, just report it. Scolding people has 0.0% effect and I bet my cat on that.

(FYI, I do agree with you. Talking about killing characters is immature to me, but with real people it's going way too far.)

Edited by sushi., 27 September 2017 - 02:01 PM.


#17 bthug


    Special Jounin

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Posted 28 October 2017 - 07:37 AM

nice work on the post. From the beginning it just made sense that it should be NS and SH

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