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#986628 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ree on 07 March 2022 - 04:12 AM

reading that shows me how impressive and creative Oda is. I believe One Piece will last forever at this point.


Please no, One Pice is the greates manga ever wrote, but I need to know what is One Piece, need to know every answers, and I need to see Luffy becomes the pirete king, and finally need to know what's going on between luffy and Nami.

#985850 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ree on 11 December 2021 - 12:59 PM

So the market isn't democratic, and that's fine, they try to hold on a really minority, data say so. Why is happening in every platform. Netflix's Cowboy Bebop got axed, Boruto is making really bad, at least the Manga. Why companies just don't realize how much they are losing.

#984967 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ree on 14 August 2021 - 09:12 PM

From a quick lazy look at some tweets. She is a fan of Naruto series and she likes Sakura...I think. So draw her as a bud of Sakura have Naruto in the background.
Though again. It says a lot that they are in their before the ending designs.

This just brings more questions, Why pre ending? Why Naruto and Sakura and not just Naruto? , Why not something from Boruto?. Wish know what's going on in Kishimoto's mind

#983681 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 56

Posted by ree on 21 March 2021 - 12:29 AM

If sales are improving on this garbage, that's just sad. Turns out people don't care all that much about good writing or a story that actually makes sense. Then again , most shounen these days is garbage and stuff like Yu Yu Hakusho, Hunter x Hunter, One Piece and Rurouni Kenshin only come along once in a blue moon. Hell, the series with the characters in my avatar/Sig had some GREAT ideas on paper, but got bogged down by the same pitfalls and idiocy that make just about every other shounen these days not worthwhile; the editor was clearly smoking crack and the mangaka was more interested in flashy character designs than actually planning ahead with the plot.

Don't worry, Kishimoto is back so that brings some people just by Hype, wait till the end of the year, and we will see if the history really improves.

#983609 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ree on 15 March 2021 - 09:13 AM

I think, the main problem Pierrot is facing off, are the personalities of both Naruto and Hinata. In almost every shonen there is the hero sometimes selfish, dumb, an hyperactive and the main girl who controls him. But Hinata don't have the personality so make something like that is just too OOC. It's like if Piccoro start to be a pervert or Robin starts to hit luffy instead of nami.

#983225 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 54

Posted by ree on 16 February 2021 - 04:06 AM

Cobra kai is what Boruto should be Sasuke as Johnny and Naruto as Daniel. And the history should go with another character as Miguel

#982758 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 53

Posted by ree on 09 January 2021 - 06:29 PM

Sales for the 13th boruto volume are out and it's the lowest debut yet https://twitter.com/...5918833666?s=20

Coments are very funny, they're comparing Boruto against series without an anime 🤣, plus as Boruto is doing well in TV against bleach (none episodes for almost 9 years), Naruto same as bleach, Yu Gi OH wich mainly purpose is promote card and Pokémon who in a week make the same as Boruto in 5 years 🤣.

#982702 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ree on 04 January 2021 - 08:23 PM

I'm curious do you think somewhere down the line Naruto might get a reboot? I personality think its better if this franchise is completely buried and forgotten. It should never get a reboot especially if a mediocre author like Kishimoto is involved. 

I don't think they would, it means start to compete against MHA and other and no one assure them Naruto's gonna defeat them. I don't think they would remade the ending neither, the damage is done and they put so much effort on Boruto and it would be throw away a lot of money. My hypothesis is this; Pierrot doesn't has any other major Manga to adapt so they keep on air Boruto trying to make some profit from the over sea market.

#982271 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ree on 11 December 2020 - 03:00 PM

On the topic of Sakura hitting Naruto is abusive...
Name me a girl who doesn't hit her boyfriend when he does something stupid. My girlfriend hits and slaps me around whenever I scare her, pull pranks on her, or beat the snot out of her in video games XD. I've come to realize I need to sit a minimum of ten feet away from her when playing Super Mario Party. 

Sakura hitting Naruto is a God damn joke, chichi hits Goku too, Winry hits Eduard too. I really hate my generation, they are just a bunch of crystal people who think they're always right when don't understand anything about life.

#981700 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ree on 16 November 2020 - 05:58 PM

Sign of desperation? Sign of greed? Sign of regret? Sign of hope?
Let's see.

Desperation surely. They won't let Boruto get canceled, SP had puts so many effort in it. It's so funny, after 3 charapters more Boruto's gonna be in the same place he is right now 🤷‍♂️

#981633 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ree on 11 November 2020 - 03:29 AM

From what I have seen the Boruto manga on Wikipedia has said it has only sold a million copies. Granted it has also said this: 
The manga has been generally well-received in Japan; the compilations appeared as top sellers multiple times. In its release week, the first manga volume sold 183,413 copies.[77][78][79] The series has one million copies in print as of January 2017.[80] Between 2017 and 2018, it became the 8th best-selling manga from Shueisha.[81] The manga's first volume also sold well in North America,[82][83] while the series became the sixth-best-selling serialised manga in 2017 according to ICv2.[84] In 2018's fall, Boruto remained as the fourth best-selling manga from North America.[85]
Though it only seems to talk about the sales in the first few volumes and not the decline the series had latter down the line.

It was pretty obvious, Boruto is the continuation of Naruto after all, but we need to know how is doing actually Boruto, once it has taken his own way. And Boruto making good in the USA is obvious too I mean the "gringos" are a really important market and I think was for them that's, Pierrot changed the end game, there are a lot of virgins otaku's who want to wank on Hinata.

#981521 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ree on 02 November 2020 - 03:19 AM

That means they have finally seen the light. If thats the case, then were getting stronger.

Where are you seeing these videos?

Latin American youtubers "me dicen Dai", "conietoons", "Guibel Review" and back when Naruto was still in running, they supported NH. These are the most popular channel who talks about Narusaku should be Canon, and are a lots of little channels too. And in the coments so much NH's fans admit that too. Obviously there are some youtubers who still support NH and Boruto's crap.
And they think Americans are who still support Boruto.

#981478 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ree on 29 October 2020 - 07:37 PM

They don't want to chase after a someone that might reject them. They want instant partner for instant sex.

Hey No means No. Just joking.
We have to remember Naruto's characters are just exaggeration. In real life if Sakura rejected naruto NS's over Naruto must to show self esteem. But in Naruto's world and how Kishimoto wrote about Jiraiya's rejection, Obito's too so NS is a really important part in the history it's almost like the core of the history,a looser whom just making a great effort can achieve everything.

#981227 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by ree on 18 October 2020 - 01:47 AM

No, at least not at first. It was the constant misandry and other such rhetoric that some episodes had. At least, from what I have seen from a good portion of fans. It became more about berating the audience than it was about sending a message. I have seen Captain Planet with more subtle hints.

Plus the constant ridiculous retconing didn't help and it was massive retconing that went on.

If it was me writing, I probably would make Female Doctor be a dream the Doctor had after his latest transformation after Peter Capaldi. The "it's a dream" is very cliche, but it would be alot better than what we have now and easily help overwrite some of the unnecessary writing fudge ups.

The problem is not the character's gender is when the only important thing is the gender.

#980672 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by ree on 21 September 2020 - 09:59 PM

My only OTP was NS, but Luffy x Nami could it be nevertheless, I don't think much about them