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Member Since 27 Sep 2016
Offline Last Active Oct 04 2016 11:16 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: No more Naruto and Bleach

04 October 2016 - 07:58 AM

Exactly :)

In Topic: No more Naruto and Bleach

04 October 2016 - 07:57 AM

I feel you. We sure have come a long way. Now that Bleach and Naruto have ended there's nothing in them to look forward to. Before, you never thought they were going to end, but now you are at this moment where they've ended. They'll always give you the nostalgia feeling. It's sad when you look back at those unique happy memories knowing that you'll never get to experience them in the exact same way again. On the bright side, you still have plenty more time to make other happy memories

In Topic: No more Naruto and Bleach

04 October 2016 - 07:56 AM

Anyway do you know if there are some long time projects planned or in production ?:)

In Topic: No more Naruto and Bleach

04 October 2016 - 07:51 AM

Thank you guys (: I think I exaggerated a bit, I just wanted to say that whenever i think of those two series it reminds me of my childhood when Things were a lot easier than now. So it creates a Kind of emptyness and sadness. But I know the world doesn't stop :D

In Topic: The moment narusaku died

29 September 2016 - 05:10 AM

I think the reason why I am a Narusaku "shipper" is because I want to have such a relationship  in the future... Honestly, out of all the different naruto pairing shippers, the narusaku people are in my opinion the most grown up (despite the usual black sheeps every fandom has). Narusaku would with a huge gap be the most healthy, happy and long lasting relationship out of the naruto ships by far..

I mean how can you wish a relationship like sasusaku for yourself??

So Narusaku is for me way more than just a Ship- it's a dream. honestly I'm 20 years old and I almost cried like a kid when I finally realised what they did to Narusaku... 

For me in personal Naruto ended with the hug after the pain fight.