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Member Since 16 Mar 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 21 2011 04:49 AM

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In Topic: Naruto 534

06 April 2011 - 10:24 PM

Finally naruto is back and Chouji is so sweet <3

In Topic: Sasuke is going have a good ending right?

06 April 2011 - 03:00 AM

Seriously, I think sasuke might do what was said way earlier in this thread, he will relize what he did and save naruto from whatever danger but die in the process. But Im not even to sure about that because Sasuke has gone down a terrible path. I used to really hate sasuke...alot! But in shippuden I tried to see things his way and I don't hate his as much but I still hate him.

If you look at it he has kinda gone crazy....like in the manga he just started this crazy laugh (like kira o.o) and I was kinda like "has he lost his mind?" and I think he really has. I understand why, he did go through alot and I get it. But Naruto and Gaara went through stuff as well like no on liking them. Atleast sasuke could've had friends and stuff if he wasn't so freakin stuborn. Anyway, with the whole Gaara thing, No gaara didn't have love and really he seemed worse off then sasuke during the Chunin exams but Nartuto saved him. And he tryed to save Sasuke to but...we know how that went. sleep.gif

But he (sasuke) keeps looking for things to get revenge at, it seems like he's doing it so he has a purpse in life and he knows he can't go back so he looks for something else to go after. First it was Itachi, he finds out the truth, now its Konaha. I mean when does it stop for him? I don't know, thats how I feel about that whole thing.

In Topic: Your chakra nature?

05 April 2011 - 01:28 AM

Probably wind because I usually go with the flow, but if needed I can cause damage. Im pretty laid back as well, so I'd say wind for me. happy.gif

In Topic: Yoo~:3 AMV maker here xD

04 April 2011 - 01:21 AM

*In singing voice* Wellllcooommmee biggrin.gif

In Topic: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 205

31 March 2011 - 05:43 PM

Well at the end where she was smiling, she looked as though she was in pain and trying to hide it...T_T damn those people who animated that last bit... D:<