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I have a question... Answers from women would be helpful

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#1 Dalton.T.R



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Posted 28 April 2014 - 07:05 AM

I'm just going to go strait to the question: Do girls like quiet guys?


To be honest, I'm almost 20, I've had one girlfriend in my life, and she was...well...we had known each other since we were in pre-school. Unfortunately, though, after we graduated from high school, we went to separate universities in pursuit of different careers. I haven't talked to her for the better part of....two years now at least.


Through most of my life I was...bullied to put it simply. I never had much of a connection to anyone other than a few people who I could just barely call my friends. I was probably the most hated kid in elementary school. Every time I tried to greet someone, they'd tell me to go away or to bug somebody else. I don't know why I was disliked so much. I don't know what I did to make everyone practically hate me so much they wouldn't even look at me. It kinda just...happened. 


During recess, I would always just sit against the wall by myself, or just sit on a swing or on the slide away from everyone else. No one ever asked me to play with them, and every time I asked I was 'rudely' turned down. A lot of the bigger kids would push me around, knock me on the ground, and kick sand in my face. Eventually, it got to a point I tried to take my own life. Three times I attempted...three times I failed.


My parents were never really much help, and less can be said about the teachers or school staff. I'd beg my dad to home school me or let me move to another school. He'd get mad, swat me, and tell me to toughen up and stand up for myself. Easier said than done.


At the end of my fifth grade year, I finally convinced my dad to let me go to a different school. At first I was excited. A new start. A new chance to make friends and turn my life around. Turns out I couldn't have been any more wrong. All throughout my sixth grade year, I was beaten in the locker rooms by the other boys, teachers would fail me for no reason, and I was practically made a fool in front of everyone while my coach tested my...need for more brain power. I wasn't the smartest in the class, granted, but I wasn't the dumbest either...even though the people at this school would tell you other wise.


I went back to my original school the next year. Things got better for a while because I was a returning student to a school that barely had enough kids to keep its doors open. For once...I felt like I was accepted. People came up with nicknames for me such as D-Rut (My name being Dalton Reutlinger) among other things. I tried out for basketball, was one of the fastest on the team. I played a lot of dodge ball with a lot of the other kids. A lot of people were in agreement that I was the best player. And also, my grades had never been higher. My science teacher instantly took a liking to me, and we became pretty close friends. In fact, I'd say he was the father I never had.


Then one day, the following year, one of the new kids became jealous of me and started a fight with me. I defended myself out of self-defense, but for some reason I was labeled the person at fault. I was suspended from school for a few days, and when I came back...my world fell to pieces. I was right back at square one. People didn't want anything to do with me, they didn't want to talk to me, hell, they didn't even want to talk to me. Every time we got a new student, I never got the chance to really get to meet him because the others would say there wasn't any reason to hang out with me or get to know me.


I wasn't long after that I became a loner. I gave up on trying to make friends, I gave up on trying to do new things. I feared going to parties, I feared going out to meet new people, even after I graduated from high school and went to college for a while. I just have this...constant fear of being rejected for no reason like I was throughout most of my childhood. I don't know what I did wrong. I don't know who I ticked off enough for them to make everyone hate me so much.


I've never really spoken of this to anyone before, but I have to get an answer. I'm tired of being a loner. I'm tired of living in constant fear of rejection! Just once I want to know what it's like to actually have a conversation on my cell phone, whether it be texting or talking. I need a friend. I need someone I can call and ask how their day went at work, or someone I can give a hard time without them getting mad at me. I want to have a reason to leave my house on Friday or Saturday night and hang out somewhere and not have this constant feeling that I'm alone in this world.



Well, maybe it'll change in the near future. My parents are thinking about setting me up on a blind date. But I feel so disconnected from everything that I may as well not even know what a date is. How do I go about a blind date? Do I take her to see a movie, or do I take her to a restaurant (nothing expensive) and just get to know her? I can keep a conversation going so long as I'm spoken to first, I'm a nice guy, I'm pretty shy as you can imagine, I can be funny if I see an opportunity, I'm a hard worker , and I don't think I'm...terribly ugly.


I don't ask for much from a woman. Good sense of humor, decent looking, has a nice personality, likes to laugh, fun to be around, and if we end up getting married...house work, cooking, and taking care of the kids (if we have any). I guess those are technically a woman's job, right? Don't want to come off as sexist or anything. 

#2 Mik3


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 07:27 AM

You need to start loving yourself before you worry about women.  Your self esteem needs to be of priority.  Try making new friends, this site is a good place to start.


#3 Helena



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Posted 28 April 2014 - 01:47 PM

Hey, I'm sorry to hear that. I know how you feel, kids can be really mean to each other.


First of all, you need to become your own best friend. Once you learn to enjoy your own company you'll see you won't feel so alone anymore.

Trust me, I'm an only child with a very busy single mother and used to move from town to town a lot. I never had the time to get to know people enough to consider them friends and being a quiet, shy person made things all the more difficult, so I had to learn to put up with myself.


Secondly, there's nothing wrong with you.

If you don't fit the clique the environment you're in requests, you are ousted. It's as simple as that. It's just sad and very disappointing to know that here in the 21st century those things still happen. 


I don't know what's your position about this situation, but I never tried to fit in a clique just so I wouldn't be alone simply because I wouldn't be allowed to be myself. For that reason, I always befriended the so-called loners (judging that these loners = other people who are bullied). I don't know exactly how to put this, but the earlier you face hardships in life the earlier you will mature. And maturity comes with learning how to accept and respect other people. I was always considered very mature for my own age and you seem to be so too. Do you understand what I am trying to say? There's nothing wrong with you, you're just surrounded by people who still haven't reached your stage of maturity.


That being said, don't worry too much about getting a girlfriend right now. Sure, you can (and should) give it a try, but please don't get worked up if it doesn't work.

You have to take babysteps, why don't you start trying to make new friends around here, I'm sure there are plenty of good people who have similar experiences in life to share with you. Take me as an example  :smile:


Also, I'm glad you decided to don't give up on life.
If you need anything we'll be right here to try to help you!



Can't wait!

#4 James S Cassidy

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Posted 28 April 2014 - 02:36 PM

While I respect everyone giving advice on what you should do, I don't believe in such a method. Instead I just want to show you what you can do and let you make the choice for yourself.

In this life, we have been given two of the greatest gifts of all. Love and freewill. We can believe whatever we want and love whoever we want. It doesn't always makes sense, but life sometimes doesn't. It's not even an easy road to go, but understand that you can never really find out what lays ahead if you don't venture forward. I can't say that all times will be good. It is kind of needed that we need the bad times to describe the good ones.

You have a realm of infinite possibilities ahead of you. Choices so many that you can take any path you choose. Noone should tell you where to go or what to do because it is your life. However, all choices have consequences and you have to be prepared to accept those consequences and figure out whether it was truly worth it. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't, but again you will never know until you make those choices. You will never know the light if you don't step out into the sun.

Take a look at my life: I have had over 10 girlfriends in my life. 3 of them fiances. One died in a tragic accident and I still wear the ring she gave me around my neck. The second one I left because she was extremely abusive and beat me up everyday both physically and mentally and I caught cheating on me with three men...at the same time....in the same bed. The last one left me because my mother thought she was a satanist, but she wasn't. After that I have girlfriend after girlfriend and none of it worked out. Some abusive still. Some were actually literally using me to get stuff. Some...some it just didn't work out for one reason or another. I have gone through several surgeries and losing a testicle in the process. I have been suicidal and even attempted it once. I was as low as you can go before I was shown a different path.

I am telling you all this NOT because I want to show that people have it worse off, but rather I want to show that you can have the strength to face anything. All you need to do is find that strength and stand up. I know what it is like to be at the bottom. To feel trapped and you can't get out. To this day I still get emotional and cry some nights, but it is natural to feel like this from time to time. You can do anything you put your mind to. If you want to improve your life, start right now. It can be big, it can be small. So long as you are going up, nothing can stop you.

Change is the only thing that is constant in life. You can always expect change to occur. Who knows, you may even see the girl you are meant to be with on the street and they can alter your entire being altogether. There is a girl I meet from this forum. I love her more than anything in life now and she has shown me so many wonderful things. My goal is to go see her and tell her in person what she really means to me. I want to love her forever and I wasn't even looking. She just kind of showed up.

That's the most beautiful part of life. You don't know what surprises lie around the corner.

So I propose you have a choice.

You can sit here, do nothing, and wait for something to happen.


You can go out there and see what the world has to offer.


Thoughts become things. If you believe good with happen, then you will gain good things. You can do anything you put your mind to and more. All you need to do is walk forward. You can never really move on from your past, but instead learn from it. Keep moving forward. Keep trying to find the answers to your questions or even the right questions to your answers, but you will never find anything until you make that first step.

We all want to be somebody...

Edited by James S Cassidy, 28 April 2014 - 02:41 PM.

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#5 Dalton.T.R



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Posted 28 April 2014 - 03:23 PM

Thanks guys. Very helpful posts, and James, I'm really sorry you had to go through that stuff. I almost feel kind of bad about complaining lol. I'm nothing compared to you.


Hmm... pretty much everyone has said to do what I want to do or to find what I like to do in life, to not care what other people think, and to find out what makes me happy. Well, to put it simply...I'm kind of beyond that point. I know my strengths, I know my weaknesses, I know what I like to do, and I know what I don't like to do. I know my limits, which is probably something a lot of people can't say. 



Despite my past, I'd say I'm...fairly happy with myself. I have a...well...almost a career I enjoy. I'm not old enough to get a CDL yet, so I'm fairly limited on what I can do right now. I wake up every morning feeling excited to go to work, even though the majority of the people I work with are kind of out of my age group. I have a lot of hobbies I like to do when I get home or on off days. I hike, I swim, I work out, I play video games, I draw, I write, I read, and I do a few things with my parents. I don't drink, I don't do drugs, I've never been in trouble with the law before.

Edited by Night Hawk, 28 April 2014 - 03:59 PM.

#6 BakeNeko-Chan



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Posted 28 April 2014 - 04:58 PM

I understand where you are coming from. I've struggled a lot with feelings of rejection and downright self-loathing that made me retreat into myself and I became depressed and angry. There were several times I asked myself, "What's the point," though I never considered suicide. The thought would try to sneak in, but it terrified me so much I immediately rejected it so it never became more than a fleeting idea.


In school I was a loner and painfully shy, to the point I was actually held back a grade because I just could not interact with anyone. Over time, I did manage to make some friends, but they never stuck around very long. I was a door mat and a follower. I let myself be pushed around and when the other kids grew bored of me, they would leave. I've also experienced much more personal rejection from my biological father, but that's a whole other can of worms.


I don't think I can give any helpful advice on romantic relationships, because to put it plainly, I'm a commitment-phob. I avoid those kinds of relationships because I know I'm not ready for it, and I have a strong fear of ending with an abusive partner -- as it seems to be an unfortunate pattern in my family. All I can think to say is that if you know you want a relationship and you feel you're ready for one, then I see no reason why you shouldn't pursue it and try to meet women. My only advice would be to not rush into anything just because you don't want to be alone. Impulsive relationships never seem to end well, or at least that's my experience, but you may have to take my cynic's advice with a grain of salt. :sweatdrop:

#7 Dalton.T.R



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Posted 28 April 2014 - 05:07 PM

I'm not really in any hurry to have a 'romantic' relationship. But just someone to...just someone to talk to, you know? 

#8 James S Cassidy

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Posted 28 April 2014 - 05:09 PM

Thanks guys. Very helpful posts, and James, I'm really sorry you had to go through that stuff. I almost feel kind of bad about complaining lol. I'm nothing compared to you.

Please, don't think of it like that. As I said, I am not trying to say like "stop being a baby, my life is much worse." It's not a contest. Instead, I just want you to know and feel that everyone goes through life with their own experiences both good and bad. My first fiance loved me more than anyone on the planet and she wants me to be happy. So I live for her. That's what is so good.

You go through life and you experience things differently. It doesn't mean they are any less important.

I just wanted to say that if I can go through Hell and still be alive now to tell you about it, then you can do it too. Strength is not about never being weak. True strength is overcoming those weaknesses.

Edited by James S Cassidy, 28 April 2014 - 05:16 PM.

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#9 *- ZerΩ -*

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Posted 28 April 2014 - 06:43 PM

Wow.... just wow....


It makes me sad to hear your story... :(



In my 12 years of school life,

i have never experienced bullying neither to me,

nor to my friends or other people.

In Greek schools, all the kids hang out together

and nobody bullies another one just because

he isnt popular or cool.


We are like: I dont care bro, if you are dating the most beatiful chick at school,or you wear nike clothes etc.

If you are a douchebag you are out...no matter how cool you are...


You seem pretty nice bro,just think about it,

how much of a character you be to tell us your story...!

I respect you! :)

if you were here, i guarantiee that you would have lots of friends

and nobody would bully you, because you are a quiet guy.

So am i :D


(Some tips):

*Dont change your character for anybody.

*Stay who you are and who you like to be 

*Dont be shy to talk to girls.Just go to one, say hi how are you? how was your day? (etc etc etc) and start a conversation.

*Dont think about what to talk about.

Ask her what she likes.Only think of this:









Means: Just find topics like:

Cinema, movies, music, dancing, What to you like to do in summer/christmas holidays etc..

*AND MOST OF ALL!!! She turns you down? She looses! Just be relaxed, dont give a kitten about her and to the next girl you like  :thumb:


Answer to your Question:

Girls dont care if you are quiet or not.

It all depends on the way you talk to them and make them feel with your words.(NOT the appearance!!)

You can be a quiet guy but still be adventurous ( going to the cinema with her, to another town for coffee, trips etc)

So dont panic about that!!  :thumbsup:


Hope i helped you my friend!!

and one more thing.


Edited by *- ZerΩ -*, 28 April 2014 - 06:52 PM.


#10 KnS



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Posted 28 April 2014 - 06:49 PM

This isn't advice, exactly, more like... suggestions to consider.  Try one if it sounds good to you, or reject.  It's your call.


Are there any hobbies you've been interested in learning or trying?  Glassblowing, bird watching, bowling, rock climbing...?  Getting involved in things that interest you is one of the best ways to improve your life.  It helps you relax, gain self-confidence, and brings you in touch with more like-minded people.  


There's also volunteering.  The food bank, homeless shelters, Habitat for Humanity, local tree-planting efforts, community gardens -- all kinds of things.  Volunteering is a great thing, mainly because you're focused on others instead of yourself -- which in turn can help a person feel stronger, more confident, more grateful.  And it gives you something interesting to talk about when you meet new people.


It probably won't make you feel any better or less lonely, Dalton, but you're really not alone in your feelings of loneliness.  One of my favorite writers, Henry David Thoreau, wrote in Walden that "the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation."  And it's true.


Don't bottle things up.  Let us know how you're doing.  We may not be warm bodies in your life, but we're here.

Edited by KnS, 28 April 2014 - 06:51 PM.

#11 Greed-Sama


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Posted 28 April 2014 - 06:49 PM

I've never really spoken of this to anyone before, but I have to get an answer. I'm tired of being a loner. I'm tired of living in constant fear of rejection! Just once I want to know what it's like to actually have a conversation on my cell phone, whether it be texting or talking. I need a friend. I need someone I can call and ask how their day went at work, or someone I can give a hard time without them getting mad at me. I want to have a reason to leave my house on Friday or Saturday night and hang out somewhere and not have this constant feeling that I'm alone in this world.


Then I'll tell you what. Stop. It's literally that simple. As a kid who had the exact same kind of problems, the solution became that solution. Once I started believing in myself - accepting who I was - self improving to be more confident. It affected everything about my life.  The friends that thought of me as "that annoying kid" started to respect me. The woman I loved, she cares about me. In fact, last night she texted me making sure I was safe from the tornadoes that struck Arkansas. 


I can't answer everything for you. No one can. 


But if you want someone to text or talk to - to be your friend. I'll be your friend. 817-504-4775. That's my number. You can text me at anytime.


And good luck. 


#12 KonaKonaFan



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Posted 28 May 2014 - 03:41 PM

Like everyone else said, learn to love yourself, go out and do things that you enjoy, and relationships (platonic and romantic) will come soon after. I made some of the most meaningful relationships I ever had by joining the drama club at my high school, and I'm sure the same would happen to you. 


Some advice though...


and if we end up getting married...house work, cooking, and taking care of the kids (if we have any). I guess those are technically a woman's job, right? Don't want to come off as sexist or anything. 


Not berating you or anything, but this does come off as sexist. You should probably avoid saying these things in the future, ok?  :happy:


#13 Phantom_999


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Posted 29 May 2014 - 02:40 AM

I'm just going to go strait to the question: Do girls like quiet guys?


To be honest, I'm almost 20, I've had one girlfriend in my life, and she was...well...we had known each other since we were in pre-school. Unfortunately, though, after we graduated from high school, we went to separate universities in pursuit of different careers. I haven't talked to her for the better part of....two years now at least.


Through most of my life I was...bullied to put it simply. I never had much of a connection to anyone other than a few people who I could just barely call my friends. I was probably the most hated kid in elementary school. Every time I tried to greet someone, they'd tell me to go away or to bug somebody else. I don't know why I was disliked so much. I don't know what I did to make everyone practically hate me so much they wouldn't even look at me. It kinda just...happened. 


During recess, I would always just sit against the wall by myself, or just sit on a swing or on the slide away from everyone else. No one ever asked me to play with them, and every time I asked I was 'rudely' turned down. A lot of the bigger kids would push me around, knock me on the ground, and kick sand in my face. Eventually, it got to a point I tried to take my own life. Three times I attempted...three times I failed.


My parents were never really much help, and less can be said about the teachers or school staff. I'd beg my dad to home school me or let me move to another school. He'd get mad, swat me, and tell me to toughen up and stand up for myself. Easier said than done.


At the end of my fifth grade year, I finally convinced my dad to let me go to a different school. At first I was excited. A new start. A new chance to make friends and turn my life around. Turns out I couldn't have been any more wrong. All throughout my sixth grade year, I was beaten in the locker rooms by the other boys, teachers would fail me for no reason, and I was practically made a fool in front of everyone while my coach tested my...need for more brain power. I wasn't the smartest in the class, granted, but I wasn't the dumbest either...even though the people at this school would tell you other wise.


I went back to my original school the next year. Things got better for a while because I was a returning student to a school that barely had enough kids to keep its doors open. For once...I felt like I was accepted. People came up with nicknames for me such as D-Rut (My name being Dalton Reutlinger) among other things. I tried out for basketball, was one of the fastest on the team. I played a lot of dodge ball with a lot of the other kids. A lot of people were in agreement that I was the best player. And also, my grades had never been higher. My science teacher instantly took a liking to me, and we became pretty close friends. In fact, I'd say he was the father I never had.


Then one day, the following year, one of the new kids became jealous of me and started a fight with me. I defended myself out of self-defense, but for some reason I was labeled the person at fault. I was suspended from school for a few days, and when I came back...my world fell to pieces. I was right back at square one. People didn't want anything to do with me, they didn't want to talk to me, hell, they didn't even want to talk to me. Every time we got a new student, I never got the chance to really get to meet him because the others would say there wasn't any reason to hang out with me or get to know me.


I wasn't long after that I became a loner. I gave up on trying to make friends, I gave up on trying to do new things. I feared going to parties, I feared going out to meet new people, even after I graduated from high school and went to college for a while. I just have this...constant fear of being rejected for no reason like I was throughout most of my childhood. I don't know what I did wrong. I don't know who I ticked off enough for them to make everyone hate me so much.


I've never really spoken of this to anyone before, but I have to get an answer. I'm tired of being a loner. I'm tired of living in constant fear of rejection! Just once I want to know what it's like to actually have a conversation on my cell phone, whether it be texting or talking. I need a friend. I need someone I can call and ask how their day went at work, or someone I can give a hard time without them getting mad at me. I want to have a reason to leave my house on Friday or Saturday night and hang out somewhere and not have this constant feeling that I'm alone in this world.



Well, maybe it'll change in the near future. My parents are thinking about setting me up on a blind date. But I feel so disconnected from everything that I may as well not even know what a date is. How do I go about a blind date? Do I take her to see a movie, or do I take her to a restaurant (nothing expensive) and just get to know her? I can keep a conversation going so long as I'm spoken to first, I'm a nice guy, I'm pretty shy as you can imagine, I can be funny if I see an opportunity, I'm a hard worker , and I don't think I'm...terribly ugly.


I don't ask for much from a woman. Good sense of humor, decent looking, has a nice personality, likes to laugh, fun to be around, and if we end up getting married...house work, cooking, and taking care of the kids (if we have any). I guess those are technically a woman's job, right? Don't want to come off as sexist or anything. 


Ah, sounds kinda like me. To be honest though I never had a girlfriend either so I may not be good at this. Anyway, the first step I'd do is try to open up. Not saying that you have to be social overnight or anything, but you know try to say hello to someone first. Hard I know, but trust me that goes a long way, cause I did not really talk to anyone either and can only count the amount of friends I had on one hand. That is before My last two years of High School. When I started saying hello or good morning etc. I started to find it easier and easier to talk to people. I even made friends with a girl that I liked, but never told her. :P Not much but it felt good being able to talk to her even if just a bit cause I was not a talkative person. She even once invited me to an event that that she was hosting with other class mates of hers which made me pretty happy honestly. But back on topic; I can say for sure some women like quiet guys, but everyone wants someone who interacts with them on some level.


Not berating you or anything, but this does come off as sexist. You should probably avoid saying these things in the future, ok?   :happy:


On the contrary, to me It only sounds like he wants a homely woman which is not actually sexist it is just his preference. Being Sexist is if he stereotypes a woman to only do housework or the like and nothing else, like working or cannot make decisions regarding their marriage. Something like that. If a woman is appreciated for doing those things and actually enjoys it, that is her freedom to choose and it would be just as sexist to say that she should not be doing that or it is degrading. That's just me though. That said with the progress of feminism (well if you can call it progress; trust me the change ain't great) It does seem unfair in some regard to put child rearing solely on the female, but it is such an ingrained part of society that it still pops up subconsciously, plus there are such things as stay at home dads now, they are just much rarer.   

Edited by Phantom_999, 29 May 2014 - 02:59 AM.


#14 KonaKonaFan



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Posted 29 May 2014 - 04:21 AM

On the contrary, to me It only sounds like he wants a homely woman which is not actually sexist it is just his preference. Being Sexist is if he stereotypes a woman to only do housework or the like and nothing else, like working or cannot make decisions regarding their marriage. Something like that. If a woman is appreciated for doing those things and actually enjoys it, that is her freedom to choose and it would be just as sexist to say that she should not be doing that or it is degrading. That's just me though. That said with the progress of feminism (well if you can call it progress; trust me the change ain't great) It does seem unfair in some regard to put child rearing solely on the female, but it is such an ingrained part of society that it still pops up subconsciously, plus there are such things as stay at home dads now, they are just much rarer.   



I was more referring to the "woman's job" comment, which does stereotype, unfortunately, but I acknowledge he probably wasn't doing intentionally. And I never that a woman shouldn't primarily do housework if she enjoys or wants to do it. Of course, a woman has a choice whether or not to be the stay at home type. That's what feminism is about- having a choice. Also, speaking as an actual woman, the progress feminism has had on society IS pretty great, I'd say, even if we aren't all the way there yet (but if you wish to have a friendly debate about this, just PM me, because I don't want to derail this thread  :smile:). 


#15 Dalton.T.R



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Posted 29 May 2014 - 04:55 AM


I was more referring to the "woman's job" comment, which does stereotype, unfortunately, but I acknowledge he probably wasn't doing intentionally. And I never that a woman shouldn't primarily do housework if she enjoys or wants to do it. Of course, a woman has a choice whether or not to be the stay at home type. That's what feminism is about- having a choice. Also, speaking as an actual woman, the progress feminism has had on society IS pretty great, I'd say, even if we aren't all the way there yet (but if you wish to have a friendly debate about this, just PM me, because I don't want to derail this thread  :smile:). 

Admittedly, I could have said that a little better, and I get what you're saying about it. I just never went back and edited that part, but I think most people probably get the idea. 


I'm not the kind of man who's going to force his girlfriend/wife to do a lot of things. I might lay down a few rules like "No going to the bar every single weekend, and no going alone...period." or something like that. But I'm not the kind of person who's just going to take control of her life and tell her what to do every second of the day. Also not the kind to abuse women. I hit a girl accidentally one time and felt so guilty I felt sick to my stomach for the rest of the day.

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