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Member Since 10 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 23 2014 04:03 PM

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16 April 2014 - 01:01 AM

Ahem... *fixes imaginary tie*


Greetings fellow shippers... I shall now introdu-

Okay more casual.. Hey, I'm new here! I've been a fan of NaruSaku ever since... hmm... ever since I thought of the possibility of it happening, and if Sakura actually has feelings for him. I guess the only bad part about joining this wonderful community is waiting for your account to be validated, but I understand  :P


Also, ever since I've noticed how much Sakura actually cares for Naruto, I just started getting so IN to it. And my feelings for narusaku went downhill since then (crying, fangirling, the usual)


But I've never, nor will I ever use this ship, against other ships. I respect them and what they believe in. And even the rival pairings (you know who they are), I've never used this ship as an advantage to the rival pairing, I just stick to my lovely NaruSaku :nslove:   :squish:  


I guess that's all :) thanks H&N community!