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Member Since 13 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 24 2014 11:10 AM

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Comparing Kushina and Sakura

05 December 2012 - 10:22 PM

So I've came across alot of NaruHina and SasuSaku fans saying Sakura is nothing like Kushina.
I find that Sakura and Kushina are very alike but also have differences and lets face it Kishimoto isn't setting any pairing in stone from what we can gather.

Remember, this thread will be only a one sided point of view focusing onthe NaruSaku and possibly MinatoXKushina pairings. This was created only to discuss, simply to just hold onto and encourage other NS fans. It is not to bash other pairings, it is to simply to get an understanding and to see why other fans see a similarity with Kushina and Sakura. Do not bash other pairings or fans.

I believe that when Kishimoto has Kushina say "Find someone like me" he means personality wise not based on looks. This could possibly mean a person's background too, as a person's backstory can create who a person becomes and shapes their personality but this doesn't happen all the time.
I find that Kushina and Sakura have similar personality traits, they both seem to have a hot-tempered attitude and are both very competitive. They both lash out on the closest victim and or target when their fuse has been set alight or cut short by someone's actions or insulting words.
In the 9th Naruto movie, Road to ninja Kushina lashes out at Naruto at least twice.
Both Sakura and Kushina have a verbal tick
Dattebane and Sharuno
Dattebane has no meaning, it's just childish speek like Dattebayo.
Sharuno: Normally translated to "Hell yeah, kitten yeah and or Bastard"
These are just some of the things I've noticed, what do you think?